9,134 research outputs found

    Spacecraft Position and Attitude Formation Control using Line-of-Sight Observations

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    This paper studies formation control of an arbitrary number of spacecraft based on a serial network structure. The leader controls its absolute position and absolute attitude with respect to an inertial frame, and the followers control its relative position and attitude with respect to another spacecraft assigned by the serial network. The unique feature is that both the absolute attitude and the relative attitude control systems are developed directly in terms of the line-of-sight observations between spacecraft, without need for estimating the full absolute and relative attitudes, to improve accuracy and efficiency. Control systems are developed on the nonlinear configuration manifold, guaranteeing exponential stability. Numerical examples are presented to illustrate the desirable properties of the proposed control system

    An accuracy assessment of Magellan Very Long Baseline Interferometry (VLBI)

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    Very Long Baseline Interferometry (VLBI) measurements of the Magellan spacecraft's angular position and velocity were made during July through September, 1989, during the spacecraft's heliocentric flight to Venus. The purpose of this data acquisition and reduction was to verify this data type for operational use before Magellan is inserted into Venus orbit, in August, 1990. The accuracy of these measurements are shown to be within 20 nanoradians in angular position, and within 5 picoradians/sec in angular velocity. The media effects and their calibrations are quantified; the wet fluctuating troposphere is the dominant source of measurement error for angular velocity. The charged particle effect is completely calibrated with S- and X-Band dual-frequency calibrations. Increasing the accuracy of the Earth platform model parameters, by using VLBI-derived tracking station locations consistent with the planetary ephemeris frame, and by including high frequency Earth tidal terms in the Earth rotation model, add a few nanoradians improvement to the angular position measurements. Angular velocity measurements were insensitive to these Earth platform modelling improvements

    Pose and Shape Reconstruction of a Noncooperative Spacecraft Using Camera and Range Measurements

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    Recent interest in on-orbit proximity operations has pushed towards the development of autonomous GNC strategies. In this sense, optical navigation enables a wide variety of possibilities as it can provide information not only about the kinematic state but also about the shape of the observed object. Various mission architectures have been either tested in space or studied on Earth. The present study deals with on-orbit relative pose and shape estimation with the use of a monocular camera and a distance sensor. The goal is to develop a filter which estimates an observed satellite's relative position, velocity, attitude, and angular velocity, along with its shape, with the measurements obtained by a camera and a distance sensor mounted on board a chaser which is on a relative trajectory around the target. The filter's efficiency is proved with a simulation on a virtual target object. The results of the simulation, even though relevant to a simplified scenario, show that the estimation process is successful and can be considered a promising strategy for a correct and safe docking maneuver

    Metrological characterization of a vision-based system for relative pose measurements with fiducial marker mapping for spacecrafts

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    An improved approach for the measurement of the relative pose between a target and a chaser spacecraft is presented. The selected method is based on a single camera, which can be mounted on the chaser, and a plurality of fiducial markers, which can be mounted on the external surface of the target. The measurement procedure comprises of a closed-form solution of the Perspective from n Points (PnP) problem, a RANdom SAmple Consensus (RANSAC) procedure, a non-linear local optimization and a global Bundle Adjustment refinement of the marker map and relative poses. A metrological characterization of the measurement system is performed using an experimental set-up that can impose rotations combined with a linear translation and can measure them. The rotation and position measurement errors are calculated with reference instrumentations and their uncertainties are evaluated by the Monte Carlo method. The experimental laboratory tests highlight the significant improvements provided by the Bundle Adjustment refinement. Moreover, a set of possible influencing physical parameters are defined and their correlations with the rotation and position errors and uncertainties are analyzed. Using both numerical quantitative correlation coefficients and qualitative graphical representations, the most significant parameters for the final measurement errors and uncertainties are determined. The obtained results give clear indications and advice for the design of future measurement systems and for the selection of the marker positioning on a satellite surface

    Orbiter-orbiter and orbiter-lander tracking using same-beam interferometry

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    Two spacecraft orbiting Mars will subtend a small angle as viewed from Earth. This angle will usually be smaller than the beam width of a single radio antenna. Thus the two spacecraft may be tracked simultaneously by a single Earth-based antenna. The same-beam interferometry (SBI) technique involves using two widely separated antennas, each observing the two spacecraft, to produce a measurement of the angular separation of the two spacecraft in the plane of the sky. The information content of SBI data is thus complementary to the line-of-sight information provided by conventional Doppler data. The inclusion of SBI data with the Doppler data in a joint orbit estimation procedure can desensitize the solution to gravity mismodeling and result in improved orbit determination accuracy. This article presents an overview of the SBI technique, a measurement error analysis, and an error covariance analysis of some examples of the application of SBI to orbit determination. For hypothetical scenarios involving the Mars Observer and the Russian Mars '94 spacecraft, orbit determination accuracy improvements of up to an order of magnitude are predicted, relative to the accuracy that can be obtained by using only Doppler data acquired separately from each spacecraft. Relative tracking between a Mars orbiter and a lander fixed on the surface of Mars is also studied. Results indicate that the lander location may be determined to a few meters, while the orbiter ephemeris may be determined with accuracy similar to the orbiter-orbiter case

    An application of adaptive fault-tolerant control to nano-spacecraft

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    Since nano-spacecraft are small, low cost and do not undergo the same rigor of testing as conventional spacecraft, they have a greater risk of failure. In this paper we address the problem of attitude control of a nano-spacecraft that experiences different types of faults. Based on the traditional quaternion feedback control method, an adaptive fault-tolerant control method is developed, which can ensure that the control system still operates when the actuator fault happens. This paper derives the fault-tolerant control logic under both actuator gain fault mode and actuator deviation fault mode. Taking the parameters of the UKube-1 in the simulation model, a comparison between a traditional spacecraft control method and the adaptive fault-tolerant control method in the presence of a fault is undertaken. It is shown that the proposed controller copes with faults and is able to complete an effective attitude control manoeuver in the presence of a fault

    The Deep Space Network. An instrument for radio navigation of deep space probes

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    The Deep Space Network (DSN) network configurations used to generate the navigation observables and the basic process of deep space spacecraft navigation, from data generation through flight path determination and correction are described. Special emphasis is placed on the DSN Systems which generate the navigation data: the DSN Tracking and VLBI Systems. In addition, auxiliary navigational support functions are described

    Deflecting small asteroids using laser ablation : Deep space navigation and asteroid orbit control for LightTouch2 Mission

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    This paper presents a low-cost, low mass, mission design to successfully intercept and deflect a small and faint, 4 m in diameter asteroid. Intended to be launched after 2025, the laser-ablating mission, LightTouch2 will be used to deflect the orbit of the asteroid by at least 1 m/s. This will be achieved with a total mission lifetime of less than three years. Analysis includes the initial approach of the spacecraft, the operations of the laser at an optimal spacecraft-to-asteroid distance of 50 m and the relative orbit of the spacecraft that flies in formation with the asteroid. Analysis includes line-of-sight measurements with radiometric tracking from ground station to improve the trajectory estimate and observability of the spacecraft, collision avoidance and mapping strategies. The spacecraft will also need optimal discrete control. This is achieved by impulse-bit manoeuvres used to account for the perturbations caused by the resultant thrust on the asteroid, plume impingement, laser recoil and solar radiation pressure. The spacecraft controls its trajectory within a 1 m box from the reference trajectory to enable the laser to optimally focussing the laser beam. The proposed approach uses an unscented Kalman filter to estimate the relative spacecraft-asteroid position, velocity and perturbative acceleration
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