5 research outputs found

    Coherent change detection with GNSS-based SAR -Experimental study-

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    Bistatic Synthetic Aperture Radar (BSAR) systems are under an increasing amount of research activity over the last years. The possibility of the use of transmitters of opportunity has increased the flexibility and the applications of radar systems. One of the options is the use of Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS) as transmitters, such as GPS, GLONASS or the forthcoming Galileo and Beidou, that is used in this study. This thesis is the result of the study of a GNSS-based SAR used for detection of changes that may occur in a scene. Although passive SAR is outclassed by active SAR in terms of SAR imaging performance, Coherent Change Detection applications in passive SAR can be promising. A proof-of-concept study is presented in this thesis. The connection between spatial target change and the level of coherence before and after the change is investigated. The stages of theoretical analysis and experimental setup are described in detail. Simulated scenarios are presented and the experimental results are analysed

    Opportunistic radar imaging using a multichannel receiver

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    Bistatic Synthetic Aperture Radars have a physically separated transmitter and receiver where one or both are moving. Besides the advantages of reduced procurement and maintenance costs, the receiving system can sense passively while remaining covert which offers obvious tactical advantages. In this work, spaceborne monostatic SARs are used as emitters of opportunity with a stationary ground-based receiver. The imaging mode of SAR systems over land is usually a wide-swath mode such as ScanSAR or TOPSAR in which the antenna scans the area of interest in range to image a larger swath at the expense of degraded cross-range resolution compared to the conventional stripmap mode. In the bistatic geometry considered here, the signals from the sidelobes of the scanning beams illuminating the adjacent sub-swath are exploited to produce images with high cross-range resolution from data obtained from a SAR system operating in wide-swath mode. To achieve this, the SAR inverse problem is rigorously formulated and solved using a Maximum A Posteriori estimation method providing enhanced cross-range resolution compared to that obtained by classical burst-mode SAR processing. This dramatically increases the number of useful images that can be produced using emitters of opportunity. Signals from any radar satellite in the receiving band of the receiver can be used, thus further decreasing the revisit time of the area of interest. As a comparison, a compressive sensing-based method is critically analysed and proves more sensitive to off-grid targets and only suited to sparse scene. The novel SAR imaging method is demonstrated using simulated data and real measurements from C-band satellites such as RADARSAT-2 and ESA’s satellites ERS-2, ENVISAT and Sentinel-1A. In addition, this thesis analyses the main technological issues in bistatic SAR such as the azimuth-variant characteristic of bistatic data and the effect of imperfect synchronisation between the non-cooperative transmitter and the receiver

    Space-Surface Bistatic SAR Image Formation Algorithms

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