3 research outputs found

    Source side pre-ordering using recurrent neural networks for English-Myanmar machine translation

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    Word reordering has remained one of the challenging problems for machine translation when translating between language pairs with different word orders e.g. English and Myanmar. Without reordering between these languages, a source sentence may be translated directly with similar word order and translation can not be meaningful. Myanmar is a subject-objectverb (SOV) language and an effective reordering is essential for translation. In this paper, we applied a pre-ordering approach using recurrent neural networks to pre-order words of the source Myanmar sentence into target English’s word order. This neural pre-ordering model is automatically derived from parallel word-aligned data with syntactic and lexical features based on dependency parse trees of the source sentences. This can generate arbitrary permutations that may be non-local on the sentence and can be combined into English-Myanmar machine translation. We exploited the model to reorder English sentences into Myanmar-like word order as a preprocessing stage for machine translation, obtaining improvements quality comparable to baseline rule-based pre-ordering approach on asian language treebank (ALT) corpus

    Source-side preordering for translation using logistic regression and depth-first branch-And-bound search

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    We present a simple preordering approach for machine translation based on a feature-rich logistic regression model to predict whether two children of the same node in the source-side parse tree should be swapped or not. Given the pair-wise children regression scores we conduct an efficient depth-first branch-And-bound search through the space of possible children permutations, avoiding using a cascade of classifiers or limiting the list of possible ordering outcomes. We report experiments in translating English to Japanese and Korean, demonstrating superior performance as (a) the number of crossing links drops by more than 10% absolute with respect to other state-of-the-Art preordering approaches, (b) BLEU scores improve on 2.2 points over the baseline with lexicalised reordering model, and (c) decoding can be carried out 80 times faster. © 2014 Association for Computational Linguistics

    A Survey of Word Reordering in Statistical Machine Translation: Computational Models and Language Phenomena

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    Word reordering is one of the most difficult aspects of statistical machine translation (SMT), and an important factor of its quality and efficiency. Despite the vast amount of research published to date, the interest of the community in this problem has not decreased, and no single method appears to be strongly dominant across language pairs. Instead, the choice of the optimal approach for a new translation task still seems to be mostly driven by empirical trials. To orientate the reader in this vast and complex research area, we present a comprehensive survey of word reordering viewed as a statistical modeling challenge and as a natural language phenomenon. The survey describes in detail how word reordering is modeled within different string-based and tree-based SMT frameworks and as a stand-alone task, including systematic overviews of the literature in advanced reordering modeling. We then question why some approaches are more successful than others in different language pairs. We argue that, besides measuring the amount of reordering, it is important to understand which kinds of reordering occur in a given language pair. To this end, we conduct a qualitative analysis of word reordering phenomena in a diverse sample of language pairs, based on a large collection of linguistic knowledge. Empirical results in the SMT literature are shown to support the hypothesis that a few linguistic facts can be very useful to anticipate the reordering characteristics of a language pair and to select the SMT framework that best suits them.Comment: 44 pages, to appear in Computational Linguistic