5 research outputs found

    Sound Pattern Matching for Automatic Prosodic Event Detection

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    Prosody in speech is manifested by variations of loudness, exaggeration of pitch, and specific phonetic variations of prosodic segments. For example, in the stressed and unstressed syllables, there are differences in place or manner of articulation, vowels in unstressed syllables may have a more central articulation, and vowel reduction may occur when a vowel changes from a stressed to an unstressed position. In this paper, we characterize the sound patterns using phonological posteriors to capture the phonetic variations in a concise manner. The phonological posteriors quantify the posterior probabilities of the phonological features given the input speech acoustics, and they are obtained using the deep neural network (DNN) computational method. Built on the assumption that there are unique sound patterns in different prosodic segments, we devise a sound pattern matching (SPM) method based on 1-nearest neighbour classifier. In this work, we focus on automatic detection of prosodic stress placed on words, called also emphasized words. We evaluate the SPM method on English and French data with emphasized words. The word emphasis detection works very well also on cross-lingual tests, that is using a French classifier on English data, and vice versa

    The SIWIS Database: A Multilingual Speech Database with Acted Emphasis

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    We describe here a collection of speech data of bilingual and trilingual speakers of English, French, German and Italian. In the context of speech to speech translation (S2ST), this database is designed for several purposes and studies: training CLSA systems (cross-language speaker adaptation), conveying emphasis through S2ST systems, and evaluating TTS systems. More precisely, 36 speakers judged as accentless (22 bilingual and 14 trilingual speakers) were recorded for a set of 171 prompts in two or three languages, amounting to a total of 24 hours of speech. These sets of prompts include 100 sentences from news, 25 sentences from Europarl, the same 25 sentences with one acted emphasised word, 20 semantically unpredictable sentences, and finally a 240-word long text. All in all, it yielded 64 bilingual session pairs of the six possible combinations of the four languages. The database is freely available for non-commercial use and scientific research purposes

    Characterisation of voice quality of Parkinson’s disease using differential phonological posterior features

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    Change in voice quality (VQ) is one of the first precursors of Parkinson’s disease (PD). Specifically, impacted phonation and articulation causes the patient to have a breathy, husky-semiwhisper and hoarse voice. A goal of this paper is to characterise a VQ spectrum – the composition of non-modal phonations – of voice in PD. The paper relates non-modal healthy phonations: breathy, creaky, tense, falsetto and harsh, with disordered phonation in PD. First, statistics are learned to differentiate the modal and non-modal phonations. Statistics are computed using phonological posteriors, the probabilities of phonological features inferred from the speech signal using a deep learning approach. Second, statistics of disordered speech are learned from PD speech data comprising 50 patients and 50 healthy controls. Third, Euclidean distance is used to calculate similarity of non-modal and disordered statistics, and the inverse of the distances is used to obtain the composition of non-modal phonation in PD. Thus, pathological voice quality is characterised using healthy non-modal voice quality “base/eigenspace”. The obtained results are interpreted as the voice of an average patient with PD and can be characterised by the voice quality spectrum composed of 30% breathy voice, 23% creaky voice, 20% tense voice, 15% falsetto voice and 12% harsh voice. In addition, the proposed features were applied for prediction of the dysarthria level according to the Frenchay assessment score related to the larynx, and significant improvement is obtained for reading speech task. The proposed characterisation of VQ might also be applied to other kinds of pathological speech

    Intonation Modelling for Speech Synthesis and Emphasis Preservation

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    Speech-to-speech translation is a framework which recognises speech in an input language, translates it to a target language and synthesises speech in this target language. In such a system, variations in the speech signal which are inherent to natural human speech are lost, as the information goes through the different building blocks of the translation process. The work presented in this thesis addresses aspects of speech synthesis which are lost in traditional speech-to-speech translation approaches. The main research axis of this thesis is the study of prosody for speech synthesis and emphasis preservation. A first investigation of regional accents of spoken French is carried out to understand the sensitivity of native listeners with respect to accented speech synthesis. Listening tests show that standard adaptation methods for speech synthesis are not sufficient for listeners to perceive accentedness. On the other hand, combining adaptation with original prosody allows perception of accents. Addressing the need of a more suitable prosody model, a physiologically plausible intonation model is proposed. Inspired by the command-response model, it has basic components, which can be related to muscle responses to nerve impulses. These components are assumed to be a representation of muscle control of the vocal folds. A motivation for such a model is its theoretical language independence, based on the fact that humans share the same vocal apparatus. An automatic parameter extraction method which integrates a perceptually relevant measure is proposed with the model. This approach is evaluated and compared with the standard command-response model. Two corpora including sentences with emphasised words are presented, in the context of the SIWIS project. The first is a multilingual corpus with speech from multiple speaker; the second is a high quality speech synthesis oriented corpus from a professional speaker. Two broad uses of the model are evaluated. The first shows that it is difficult to predict model parameters; however the second shows that parameters can be transferred in the context of emphasis synthesis. A relation between model parameters and linguistic features such as stress and accent is demonstrated. Similar observations are made between the parameters and emphasis. Following, we investigate the extraction of atoms in emphasised speech and their transfer in neutral speech, which turns out to elicit emphasis perception. Using clustering methods, this is extended to the emphasis of other words, using linguistic context. This approach is validated by listening tests, in the case of English