1 research outputs found

    Proceedings of the International Conference on New Interfaces for Musical Expression

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    Editors: Alexander Refsum Jensenius, Anders Tveit, Rolf Inge Godøy, Dan Overholt Table of Contents -Tellef Kvifte: Keynote Lecture 1: Musical Instrument User Interfaces: the Digital Background of the Analog Revolution - page 1 -David Rokeby: Keynote Lecture 2: Adventures in Phy-gital Space - page 2 -Sergi Jordà: Keynote Lecture 3: Digital Lutherie and Multithreaded Musical Performance: Artistic, Scientific and Commercial Perspectives - page 3 Paper session A — Monday 30 May 11:00–12:30 -Dan Overholt: The Overtone Fiddle: an Actuated Acoustic Instrument - page 4 -Colby Leider, Matthew Montag, Stefan Sullivan and Scott Dickey: A Low-Cost, Low-Latency Multi-Touch Table with Haptic Feedback for Musical Applications - page 8 -Greg Shear and Matthew Wright: The Electromagnetically Sustained Rhodes Piano - page 14 -Laurel Pardue, Christine Southworth, Andrew Boch, Matt Boch and Alex Rigopulos: Gamelan Elektrika: An Electronic Balinese Gamelan - page 18 -Jeong-Seob Lee and Woon Seung Yeo: Sonicstrument: A Musical Interface with Stereotypical Acoustic Transducers - page 24 Poster session B— Monday 30 May 13:30–14:30 -Scott Smallwood: Solar Sound Arts: Creating Instruments and Devices Powered by Photovoltaic Technologies - page 28 -Niklas Klügel, Marc René Frieß and Georg Groh: An Approach to Collaborative Music Composition - page 32 -Nicolas Gold and Roger Dannenberg: A Reference Architecture and Score Representation for Popular Music Human-Computer Music Performance Systems - page 36 -Mark Bokowiec: V’OCT (Ritual): An Interactive Vocal Work for Bodycoder System and 8 Channel Spatialization - page 40 -Florent Berthaut, Haruhiro Katayose, Hironori Wakama, Naoyuki Totani and Yuichi Sato: First Person Shooters as Collaborative Multiprocess Instruments - page 44 -Tilo Hähnel and Axel Berndt: Studying Interdependencies in Music Performance: An Interactive Tool - page 48 -Sinan Bokesoy and Patrick Adler: 1city 1001vibrations: development of a interactive sound installation with robotic instrument performance - page 52 -Tim Murray-Browne, Di Mainstone, Nick Bryan-Kinns and Mark D. Plumbley:The medium is the message: Composing instruments and performing mappings - page 56 -Seunghun Kim, Luke Keunhyung Kim, Songhee Jeong and Woon Seung Yeo: Clothesline as a Metaphor for a Musical Interface - page 60 -Pietro Polotti and Maurizio Goina: EGGS in action - page 64 -Berit Janssen: A Reverberation Instrument Based on Perceptual Mapping - page 68 -Lauren Hayes: Vibrotactile Feedback-Assisted Performance - page 72 -Daichi Ando: Improving User-Interface of Interactive EC for Composition-Aid by means of Shopping Basket Procedure - page 76 -Ryan McGee, Yuan-Yi Fan and Reza Ali: BioRhythm: a Biologically-inspired Audio-Visual Installation - page 80 -Jon Pigott: Vibration, Volts and Sonic Art: A practice and theory of electromechanical sound - page 84 -George Sioros and Carlos Guedes: Automatic Rhythmic Performance in Max/MSP: the kin.rhythmicator - page 88 -Andre Goncalves: Towards a Voltage-Controlled Computer — Control and Interaction Beyond an Embedded System - page 92 -Tae Hun Kim, Satoru Fukayama, Takuya Nishimoto and Shigeki Sagayama: Polyhymnia: An automatic piano performance system with statistical modeling of polyphonic expression and musical symbol interpretation - page 96 -Juan Pablo Carrascal and Sergi Jorda: Multitouch Interface for Audio Mixing - page 100 -Nate Derbinsky and Georg Essl: Cognitive Architecture in Mobile Music Interactions - page 104 -Benjamin D. Smith and Guy E. Garnett: The Self-Supervising Machine - page 108 -Aaron Albin, Sertan Senturk, Akito Van Troyer, Brian Blosser, Oliver Jan and Gil Weinberg: Beatscape, a mixed virtual-physical environment for musical ensembles - page 112 -Marco Fabiani, Gaël Dubus and Roberto Bresin: MoodifierLive: Interactive and collaborative expressive music performance on mobile devices - page 116 -Benjamin Schroeder, Marc Ainger and Richard Parent: A Physically Based Sound Space for Procedural Agents - page 120 -Francisco Garcia, Leny Vinceslas, Esteban Maestre and Josep Tubau Acquisition and study of blowing pressure profiles in recorder playing - page 124 -Anders Friberg and Anna Källblad:Experiences from video-controlled sound installations - page 128 -Nicolas d’Alessandro, Roberto Calderon and Stefanie Müller: ROOM#81 —Agent-Based Instrument for Experiencing Architectural and Vocal Cues - page 132 Demo session C — Monday 30 May 13:30–14:30 -Yasuo Kuhara and Daiki Kobayashi: Kinetic Particles Synthesizer Using Multi-Touch Screen Interface of Mobile Devices - page 136 -Christopher Carlson, Eli Marschner and Hunter Mccurry: The Sound Flinger: A Haptic Spatializer - page 138 -Ravi Kondapalli and Benzhen Sung: Daft Datum – an Interface for Producing Music Through Foot-Based Interaction - page 140 -Charles Martin and Chi-Hsia Lai: Strike on Stage: a percussion and media performance - page 142 Paper session D — Monday 30 May 14:30–15:30 -Baptiste Caramiaux, Patrick Susini, Tommaso Bianco, Frédéric Bevilacqua, Olivier Houix, Norbert Schnell and Nicolas Misdariis: Gestural Embodiment of Environmental Sounds: an Experimental Study - page 144 -Sebastian Mealla, Aleksander Valjamae, Mathieu Bosi and Sergi Jorda: Listening to Your Brain: Implicit Interaction in Collaborative Music Performances - page 149 -Dan Newton and Mark Marshall: Examining How Musicians Create Augmented Musical Instruments - page 155 Paper session E — Monday 30 May 16:00–17:00 -Zachary Seldess and Toshiro Yamada: Tahakum: A Multi-Purpose Audio Control Framework - page 161 -Dawen Liang, Guangyu Xia and Roger Dannenberg: A Framework for Coordination and Synchronization of Media - page 167 -Edgar Berdahl and Wendy Ju: Satellite CCRMA: A Musical Interaction and Sound Synthesis Platform - page 173 Paper session F — Tuesday 31 May 09:00–10:50 -Nicholas J. Bryan and Ge Wang: Two Turntables and a Mobile Phone - page 179 -Nick Kruge and Ge Wang: MadPad: A Crowdsourcing System for Audiovisual Sampling - page 185 -Patrick O’Keefe and Georg Essl: The Visual in Mobile Music Performance - page 191 -Ge Wang, Jieun Oh and Tom Lieber: Designing for the iPad: Magic Fiddle - page 197 -Benjamin Knapp and Brennon Bortz: MobileMuse: Integral Music Control Goes Mobile - page 203 -Stephen Beck, Chris Branton, Sharath Maddineni, Brygg Ullmer and Shantenu Jha: Tangible Performance Management of Grid-based Laptop Orchestras - page 207 Poster session G— Tuesday 31 May 13:30–14:30 -Smilen Dimitrov and Stefania Serafin: Audio Arduino—an ALSA (Advanced Linux Sound Architecture) audio driver for FTDI-based Arduinos - page 211 -Seunghun Kim and Woon Seung Yeo: Musical control of a pipe based on acoustic resonance - page 217 -Anne-Marie Hansen, Hans Jørgen Andersen and Pirkko Raudaskoski: Play Fluency in Music Improvisation Games for Novices - page 220 -Izzi Ramkissoon: The Bass Sleeve: A Real-time Multimedia Gestural Controller for Augmented Electric Bass Performance - page 224 -Ajay Kapur, Michael Darling, James Murphy, Jordan Hochenbaum, Dimitri Diakopoulos and Trimpin: The KarmetiK NotomotoN: A New Breed of Musical Robot for Teaching and Performance - page 228 -Adrian Barenca Aliaga and Giuseppe Torre: The Manipuller: Strings Manipulation and Multi-Dimensional Force Sensing - page 232 -Alain Crevoisier and Cécile Picard-Limpens: Mapping Objects with the Surface Editor - page 236 -Jordan Hochenbaum and Ajay Kapur: Adding Z-Depth and Pressure Expressivity to Tangible Tabletop Surfaces - page 240 -Andrew Milne, Anna Xambó, Robin Laney, David B. Sharp, Anthony Prechtl and Simon Holland: Hex Player—A Virtual Musical Controller - page 244 -Carl Haakon Waadeland: Rhythm Performance from a Spectral Point of View - page 248 -Josep M Comajuncosas, Enric Guaus, Alex Barrachina and John O’Connell: Nuvolet : 3D gesture-driven collaborative audio mosaicing - page 252 -Erwin Schoonderwaldt and Alexander Refsum Jensenius: Effective and expressive movements in a French-Canadian fiddler’s performance - page 256 -Daniel Bisig, Jan Schacher and Martin Neukom: Flowspace – A Hybrid Ecosystem - page 260 -Marc Sosnick and William Hsu: Implementing a Finite Difference-Based Real-time Sound Synthesizer using GPUs - page 264 -Axel Tidemann: An Artificial Intelligence Architecture for Musical Expressiveness that Learns by Imitation - page 268 -Luke Dahl, Jorge Herrera and Carr Wilkerson: TweetDreams: Making music with the audience and the world using real-time Twitter data - page 272 -Lawrence Fyfe, Adam Tindale and Sheelagh Carpendale: JunctionBox: A Toolkit for Creating Multi-touch Sound Control Interfaces - page 276 -Andrew Johnston: Beyond Evaluation: Linking Practice and Theory in New Musical Interface Design - page 280 -Phillip Popp and Matthew Wright: Intuitive Real-Time Control of Spectral Model Synthesis - page 284 -Pablo Molina, Martin Haro and Sergi Jordà: BeatJockey: A new tool for enhancing DJ skills - page 288 -Jan Schacher and Angela Stoecklin: Traces – Body, Motion and Sound - page 292 -Grace Leslie and Tim Mullen: MoodMixer: EEG-based Collaborative Sonification - page 296 -Ståle A. Skogstad, Kristian Nymoen, Yago de Quay and Alexander Refsum Jensenius: OSC Implementation and Evaluation of the Xsens MVN suit - page 300 -Lonce Wyse, Norikazu Mitani and Suranga Nanayakkara: The effect of visualizing audio targets in a musical listening and performance task - page 304 -Freed Adrian, John Maccallum and Andrew Schmeder: Composability for Musical Gesture Signal Processing using new OSC-based Object and Functional Programming Extensions to Max/MSP - page 308 -Kristian Nymoen, Ståle A. Skogstad and Alexander Refsum Jensenius: SoundSaber —A Motion Capture Instrument - page 312 -Øyvind Brandtsegg, Sigurd Saue and Thom Johansen: A modulation matrix for complex parameter sets - page 316 Demo session H— Tuesday 31 May 13:30–14:30 -Yu-Chung Tseng, Che-Wei Liu, Tzu-Heng Chi and Hui-Yu Wang: Sound Low Fun- page 320 -Edgar Berdahl and Chris Chafe: Autonomous New Media Artefacts (AutoNMA) - page 322 -Min-Joon Yoo, Jin-Wook Beak and In-Kwon Lee: Creating Musical Expression using Kinect - page 324 -Staas de Jong: Making grains tangible: microtouch for microsound - page 326 Baptiste Caramiaux, Frederic Bevilacqua and Norbert Schnell: Sound Selection by Gestures - page 329 Paper session I — Tuesday 31 May 14:30–15:30 -Hernán KerlleÃevich, Manuel Eguia and Pablo Riera: An Open Source Interface based on Biological Neural Networks for Interactive Music Performance - page 331 -Nicholas Gillian, R. Benjamin Knapp and Sile O’Modhrain: Recognition Of Multivariate Temporal Musical Gestures Using N-Dimensional Dynamic Time Warping - page 337 -Nicholas Gillian, R. Benjamin Knapp and Sile O’Modhrain: A Machine Learning Toolbox For Musician Computer Interaction - page 343 Paper session J — Tuesday 31 May 16:00–17:00 -Elena Jessop, Peter Torpey and Benjamin Bloomberg: Music and Technology in Death and the Powers - page 349 -Victor Zappi, Dario Mazzanti, Andrea Brogni and Darwin Caldwell: Design and Evaluation of a Hybrid Reality Performance - page 355 -Jérémie Garcia, Theophanis Tsandilas, Carlos Agon and Wendy Mackay: InkSplorer : Exploring Musical Ideas on Paper and Computer - page 361 Paper session K — Wednesday 1 June 09:00–10:30 -Pedro Lopes, Alfredo Ferreira and Joao Madeiras Pereira: Battle of the DJs: an HCI perspective of Traditional, Virtual, Hybrid and Multitouch DJing - page 367 -Adnan Marquez-Borbon, Michael Gurevich, A. Cavan Fyans and Paul Stapleton: Designing Digital Musical Interactions in Experimental Contexts - page 373 -Jonathan Reus: Crackle: A mobile multitouch topology for exploratory sound interaction - page 377 -Samuel Aaron, Alan F. Blackwell, Richard Hoadley and Tim Regan: A principled approach to developing new languages for live coding - page 381 -Jamie Bullock, Daniel Beattie and Jerome Turner: Integra Live: a new graphical user interface for live electronic music - page 387 Paper session L — Wednesday 1 June 11:00–12:30 -Jung-Sim Roh, Yotam Mann, Adrian Freed and David Wessel: Robust and Reliable Fabric, Piezoresistive Multitouch Sensing Surfaces for Musical Controllers - page 393 -Mark Marshall and Marcelo Wanderley: Examining the Effects of Embedded Vibrotactile Feedback on the Feel of a Digital Musical Instrument - page 399 -Dimitri Diakopoulos and Ajay Kapur: HIDUINO: A firmware for building driverless USB-MIDI devices using the Arduino microcontroller - page 405 -Emmanuel Flety and Côme Maestracci: Latency improvement in sensor wireless transmission using IEEE 802.15.4 - page 409 -Jeff Snyder: The Snyderphonics Manta, a Novel USB Touch Controller - page 413 Poster session M — Wednesday 1 June 13:30–14:30 -William Hsu: On Movement, Structure and Abstraction in Generative Audiovisual Improvisation - page 417 -Claudia Robles Angel: Creating Interactive Multimedia Works with Bio-data - page 421 -Paula Ustarroz: TresnaNet: musical generation based on network protocols - page 425 -Matti Luhtala, Tiina Kymäläinen and Johan Plomp: Designing a Music Performance Space for Persons with Intellectual Learning Disabilities - page 429 -Tom Ahola, Teemu Ahmaniemi, Koray Tahiroglu, Fabio Belloni and Ville Ranki: Raja —A Multidisciplinary Artistic Performance - page 433 -Emmanuelle Gallin and Marc Sirguy: Eobody3: A ready-to-use pre-mapped & multi-protocol sensor interface- page 437 -Rasmus Bååth, Thomas Strandberg and Christian Balkenius: Eye Tapping: How to Beat Out an Accurate Rhythm using Eye Movements - page 441 -Eric Rosenbaum: MelodyMorph: A Reconfigurable Musical Instrument - page 445 -Karmen Franinovic: Flo)(ps: Between Habitual and Explorative Action-Sound Relationships - page 448 -Margaret Schedel, Rebecca Fiebrink and Phoenix Perry: Wekinating 000000Swan: Using Machine Learning to Create and Control Complex Artistic Systems - page 453 -Carles F. Julià, Daniel Gallardo and Sergi Jordà: MTCF: A framework for designing and coding musical tabletop applications directly in Pure Data - page 457 -David Pirrò and Gerhard Eckel: Physical modelling enabling enaction: an example - page 461 -Thomas Mitchell and Imogen Heap: SoundGrasp: A Gestural Interface for the Performance of Live Music - page 465 -Tim Mullen, Richard Warp and Adam Jansch: Minding the (Transatlantic) Gap: An Internet-Enabled Acoustic Brain-Computer Music Interface - page 469 -Stefano Papetti, Marco Civolani and Federico Fontana: Rhythm’n’Shoes: a wearable foot tapping interface with audio-tactile feedback - page 473 -Cumhur Erkut, Antti Jylhä and Reha Di¸sçio˘glu: A structured design and evaluation model with application to rhythmic interaction displays - page 477 -Marco Marchini, Panos Papiotis, Alfonso Perez and Esteban Maestre: A Hair Ribbon Deflection Model for Low-Intrusiveness Measurement of Bow Force in Violin Performance - page 481 -Jonathan Forsyth, Aron Glennon and Juan Bello: Random Access Remixing on the iPad - page 487 -Erika Donald, Ben Duinker and Eliot Britton: Designing the EP trio: Instrument identities, control and performance practice in an electronic chamber music ensemble - page 491 -Cavan Fyans and Michael Gurevich: Perceptions of Skill in Performances with Acoustic and Electronic Instruments - page 495 -Hiroki Nishino: Cognitive Issues in Computer Music Programming - page 499 -Roland Lamb and Andrew Robertson: Seaboard: a new piano keyboard-related interface combining discrete and continuous control - page 503 -Gilbert Beyer and Max Meier: Music Interfaces for Novice Users: Composing Music on a Public Display with Hand Gestures - page 507 -Birgitta Cappelen and Anders-Petter Andersson: Expanding the role of the instrument - page 511 -Todor Todoroff: Wireless Digital/Analog Sensors for Music and Dance Performances - page 515 -Trond Engum: Real-time control and creative convolution— exchanging techniques between distinct genres - page 519 -Andreas Bergsland: The Six Fantasies Machine – an instrument modelling phrases from Paul Lansky’s Six Fantasies - page 523 Demo session N — Wednesday 1 June 13:30–14:30 -Jan Trützschler von Falkenstein: Gliss: An Intuitive Sequencer for the iPhone and iPad - page 527 -Jiffer Harriman, Locky Casey, Linden Melvin and Mike Repper: Quadrofeelia — A New Instrument for Sliding into Notes - page 529 -Johnty Wang, Nicolas D’Alessandro, Sidney Fels and Bob Pritchard: SQUEEZY: Extending a Multi-touch Screen with Force Sensing Objects for Controlling Articulatory Synthesis - page 531 -Souhwan Choe and Kyogu Lee: SWAF: Towards a Web Application Framework for Composition and Documentation of Soundscape - page 533 -Norbert Schnell, Frederic Bevilacqua, Nicolas Rasamimana, Julien Blois, Fabrice Guedy and Emmanuel Flety: Playing the "MO" —Gestural Control and Re-Embodiment of Recorded Sound and Music - page 535 -Bruno Zamborlin, Marco Liuni and Giorgio Partesana: (LAND)MOVES - page 537 -Bill Verplank and Francesco Georg: Can Haptics make New Music? —Fader and Plank Demos - page 53