6 research outputs found

    Sortable Elements for Quivers with Cycles

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    Each Coxeter element c of a Coxeter group W defines a subset of W called the c-sortable elements. The choice of a Coxeter element of W is equivalent to the choice of an acyclic orientation of the Coxeter diagram of W. In this paper, we define a more general notion of Omega-sortable elements, where Omega is an arbitrary orientation of the diagram, and show that the key properties of c-sortable elements carry over to the Omega-sortable elements. The proofs of these properties rely on reduction to the acyclic case, but the reductions are nontrivial; in particular, the proofs rely on a subtle combinatorial property of the weak order, as it relates to orientations of the Coxeter diagram. The c-sortable elements are closely tied to the combinatorics of cluster algebras with an acyclic seed; the ultimate motivation behind this paper is to extend this connection beyond the acyclic case.Comment: Final version as published. An error corrected in the previous counterexample, other minor improvement

    Universal geometric cluster algebras

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    We consider, for each exchange matrix B, a category of geometric cluster algebras over B and coefficient specializations between the cluster algebras. The category also depends on an underlying ring R, usually the integers, rationals, or reals. We broaden the definition of geometric cluster algebras slightly over the usual definition and adjust the definition of coefficient specializations accordingly. If the broader category admits a universal object, the universal object is called the cluster algebra over B with universal geometric coefficients, or the universal geometric cluster algebra over B. Constructing universal coefficients is equivalent to finding an R-basis for B (a "mutation-linear" analog of the usual linear-algebraic notion of a basis). Polyhedral geometry plays a key role, through the mutation fan F_B, which we suspect to be an important object beyond its role in constructing universal geometric coefficients. We make the connection between F_B and g-vectors. We construct universal geometric coefficients in rank 2 and in finite type and discuss the construction in affine type.Comment: Final version to appear in Math. Z. 49 pages, 5 figure

    An affine almost positive roots model

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    We generalize the almost positive roots model for cluster algebras from finite type to a uniform finite/affine type model. We define the almost positive Schur roots Φc\Phi_c and a compatibility degree, given by a formula that is new even in finite type. The clusters define a complete fan Fanc(Φ)\operatorname{Fan}_c(\Phi). Equivalently, every vector has a unique cluster expansion. We give a piecewise linear isomorphism from the subfan of Fanc(Φ)\operatorname{Fan}_c(\Phi) induced by real roots to the g{\mathbf g}-vector fan of the associated cluster algebra. We show that Φc\Phi_c is the set of denominator vectors of the associated acyclic cluster algebra and conjecture that the compatibility degree also describes denominator vectors for non-acyclic initial seeds. We extend results on exchangeability of roots to the affine case.Comment: 45 pages. *Version 4 addresses concerns from a referee * Version 3 corrects typesetting errors caused by the order of packages in the preamble * Version 2 is a major revision and contains only the results concerning the affine almost positive roots model; the discussion on orbits of coxeter elements is now arXiv:1808.0509

    Stack-Sorting for Coxeter Groups

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    Given an essential semilattice congruence \equiv on the left weak order of a Coxeter group WW, we define the Coxeter stack-sorting operator S:WW{\bf S}_\equiv:W\to W by S(w)=w(π(w))1{\bf S}_\equiv(w)=w\left(\pi_\downarrow^\equiv(w)\right)^{-1}, where π(w)\pi_\downarrow^\equiv(w) is the unique minimal element of the congruence class of \equiv containing ww. When \equiv is the sylvester congruence on the symmetric group SnS_n, the operator S{\bf S}_\equiv is West's stack-sorting map. When \equiv is the descent congruence on SnS_n, the operator S{\bf S}_\equiv is the pop-stack-sorting map. We establish several general results about Coxeter stack-sorting operators, especially those acting on symmetric groups. For example, we prove that if \equiv is an essential lattice congruence on SnS_n, then every permutation in the image of S{\bf S}_\equiv has at most 2(n1)3\left\lfloor\frac{2(n-1)}{3}\right\rfloor right descents; we also show that this bound is tight. We then introduce analogues of permutree congruences in types BB and A~\widetilde A and use them to isolate Coxeter stack-sorting operators sB\mathtt{s}_B and s~\widetilde{\hspace{.05cm}\mathtt{s}} that serve as canonical type-BB and type-A~\widetilde A counterparts of West's stack-sorting map. We prove analogues of many known results about West's stack-sorting map for the new operators sB\mathtt{s}_B and s~\widetilde{\hspace{.05cm}\mathtt{s}}. For example, in type A~\widetilde A, we obtain an analogue of Zeilberger's classical formula for the number of 22-stack-sortable permutations in SnS_n.Comment: 39 pages, 11 figure