7 research outputs found

    New Linear Codes over GF(3)GF(3), GF(11)GF(11), and GF(13)GF(13)

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    Explicit construction of linear codes with best possible parameters is one of the major and challenging problems in coding theory. Cyclic codes and their various generalizations, such as quasi-twisted (QT) codes, are known to contain many codes with best known parameters. Despite the fact that these classes of codes have been extensively searched, we have been able to refine existing search algorithms to discover many new linear codes over the alphabets F3\mathbb{F}_{3}, F11\mathbb{F}_{11}, and F13\mathbb{F}_{13} with better parameters. A total of 38 new linear codes over the three alphabets are presented

    Z_q(Z_q+uZ_q)-Linear Skew Constacyclic Codes

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    In this paper, we study skew constacyclic codes over the ring ZqR\mathbb{Z}_{q}R where R=Zq+uZqR=\mathbb{Z}_{q}+u\mathbb{Z}_{q}, q=psq=p^{s} for a prime pp and u2=0.u^{2}=0. We give the definition of these codes as subsets of the ring ZqαRβ\mathbb{Z}_{q}^{\alpha}R^{\beta}. Some structural properties of the skew polynomial ring R[x,Θ] R[x,\Theta] are discussed, where Θ \Theta is an automorphism of R.R. We describe the generator polynomials of skew constacyclic codes over ZqR,\mathbb{Z}_{q}R, also we determine their minimal spanning sets and their sizes. Further, by using the Gray images of skew constacyclic codes over ZqR\mathbb{Z}_{q}R we obtained some new linear codes over Z4\mathbb{Z}_{4}. Finally, we have generalized these codes to double skew constacyclic codes over ZqR\mathbb{Z}_{q}R

    Some results on the structure of constacyclic codes and new linear codes over GF(7) from quasi-twisted codes

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    One of the most important and challenging problems in coding theory is to construct codes with good parameters. There are various methods to construct codes with the best possible parameters. A promising and fruitful approach has been to focus on the class of quasi-twisted (QT) codes which includes constacyclic codes as a special case. This class of codes is known to contain many codes with good parameters. Although constacyclic codes and QT codes have been the subject of numerous studies and computer searches over the last few decades, we have been able to discover a new fundamental result about the structure of constacyclic codes which was instrumental in our comprehensive search method for new QT codes over GF(7). We have been able to find 41 QT codes with better parameters than the previously best known linear codes. Furthermore, we derived a number of additional new codes via Construction X as well as standard constructions, such as shortening and puncturing