22,780 research outputs found

    Remarks on the plus-minus weighted Davenport constant

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    For (G,+)(G,+) a finite abelian group the plus-minus weighted Davenport constant, denoted DΒ±(G)\mathsf{D}_{\pm}(G), is the smallest β„“\ell such that each sequence g1...gβ„“g_1 ... g_{\ell} over GG has a weighted zero-subsum with weights +1 and -1, i.e., there is a non-empty subset IβŠ‚{1,...,β„“}I \subset \{1,..., \ell\} such that βˆ‘i∈Iaigi=0\sum_{i \in I} a_i g_i =0 for ai∈{+1,βˆ’1}a_i \in \{+1,-1\}. We present new bounds for this constant, mainly lower bounds, and also obtain the exact value of this constant for various additional types of groups

    On the zero-sum constant, the Davenport constant and their analogues

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    Let D(G)D(G) be the Davenport constant of a finite Abelian group GG. For a positive integer mm (the case m=1m = 1, is the classical one) let Em(G){\mathsf E}_m(G) (or Ξ·m(G)\eta_m(G), respectively) be the least positive integer tt such that every sequence of length tt in GG contains mm disjoint zero-sum sequences, each of length ∣G∣|G| (or of length ≀exp(G)\le exp(G) respectively). In this paper, we prove that if GG is an~Abelian group, then Em(G)=D(G)βˆ’1+m∣G∣{\mathsf E}_m(G)=D(G)-1+m|G|, which generalizes Gao's relation. We investigate also the non-Abelian case. Moreover, we examine the asymptotic behavior of the sequences (Em(G))mβ‰₯1({\mathsf E}_m(G))_{m\ge 1} and (Ξ·m(G))mβ‰₯1.(\eta_m(G))_{m\ge 1}. We prove a~generalization of Kemnitz's conjecture. The paper also contains a result of independent interest, which is a stronger version of a result by Ch. Delorme, O. Ordaz, D. Quiroz. At the and we apply the Davenport constant to smooth numbers and make a natural conjecture in the non-Abelian case.Comment: 16 page

    Davenport constant for semigroups II

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    Let S\mathcal{S} be a finite commutative semigroup. The Davenport constant of S\mathcal{S}, denoted D(S){\rm D}(\mathcal{S}), is defined to be the least positive integer β„“\ell such that every sequence TT of elements in S\mathcal{S} of length at least β„“\ell contains a proper subsequence Tβ€²T' (Tβ€²β‰ TT'\neq T) with the sum of all terms from Tβ€²T' equaling the sum of all terms from TT. Let q>2q>2 be a prime power, and let \F_q[x] be the ring of polynomials over the finite field \F_q. Let RR be a quotient ring of \F_q[x] with 0\neq R\neq \F_q[x]. We prove that D(SR)=D(U(SR)),{\rm D}(\mathcal{S}_R)={\rm D}(U(\mathcal{S}_R)), where SR\mathcal{S}_R denotes the multiplicative semigroup of the ring RR, and U(SR)U(\mathcal{S}_R) denotes the group of units in SR\mathcal{S}_R.Comment: In press in Journal of Number Theory. arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1409.1313 by other author

    On the Davenport constant and group algebras

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    For a finite abelian group GG and a splitting field KK of GG, let d(G,K)d(G, K) denote the largest integer l∈Nl \in \N for which there is a sequence S=g1β‹…...β‹…glS = g_1 \cdot ... \cdot g_l over GG such that (Xg1βˆ’a1)β‹…...β‹…(Xglβˆ’al)β‰ 0∈K[G](X^{g_1} - a_1) \cdot ... \cdot (X^{g_l} - a_l) \ne 0 \in K[G] for all a1,...,al∈KΓ—a_1, ..., a_l \in K^{\times}. If D(G)D(G) denotes the Davenport constant of GG, then there is the straightforward inequality D(G)βˆ’1≀d(G,K)D(G)-1 \le d (G, K). Equality holds for a variety of groups, and a standing conjecture of W. Gao et.al. states that equality holds for all groups. We offer further groups for which equality holds, but we also give the first examples of groups GG for which D(G)βˆ’1<d(G,K)D(G) -1 < d(G, K) holds. Thus we disprove the conjecture.Comment: 12 pages; fixed typos and clearer proof of Lemma 3.
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