24 research outputs found

    Generalized Hermite-based Apostol-Euler Polynomials and Their Properties

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    The aim of this paper is to study certain properties of generalized Apostol-Hermite-Euler polynomials with three parameters. We have shown that there is an intimate connection between these polynomials and established their elementary properties. We also established some identities by applying the generating functions and deduce their special cases and applications

    On a family of Apostol-Type polynomials

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    Sean m 2 N, ; ; ; 2 C, a; c 2 R+, y sea Q[m1;] n (x; c; a; ; ; ) la nueva clase de polinomios tipo Apostol generalizados de orden , nivel m y variable x. En el presente trabajo estudiaremos algunas propiedades de esta familia de polinomios y la utilizaremos para demostrar fórmulas de conexión entre éstos polinomios y los polinomios de Apostol Euler y los polinomios de Bernoulli generalizados de nivel m.  Let m 2 N, ; ; ; 2 C, a; c 2 R+ and let Q[m1;] n (x; c; a; ; ; ) be the new class of generalized Apostol-type polynomials of order, m level and variable in x. In the present document we study some properties of these polynomials being used to proof formulas in connection with Apostol-Euler polynomials and generalized Bernoulli polynomilas of m level.

    On a class of qq-Bernoulli, qq-Euler and qq-Genocchi polynomials

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    The main purpose of this paper is to introduce and investigate a class of qq-Bernoulli, qq-Euler and qq-Genocchi polynomials. The qq-analogues of well-known formulas are derived. The qq-analogue of the Srivastava--Pint\'er addition theorem is obtained. Some new identities involving qq-polynomials are proved