4,597,885 research outputs found

    Some Properties of Multiplication Modules

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    Let M be an R-module. The module M is called multiplication if for anysubmodule N of M we have N = IM, where I is an ideal of R. In this paperwe state some basic properties of multiplication modules

    Some Properties of Green's Matrix of Nonlinear Boundary Value Problem of First Order Differential

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    This paper discusses Green's matrix of nonlinear boundary value problem of first-order differential system with rectangular coeffisients, especially about its properties. In this case, the differential equation of the form  with boundary conditions of the form   and  which  is a real  matrix with  whose entries are continuous on  and . ,  are nonsingular matrices such that  and  are constant vectors. To get the Green's matrix and the assosiated generalized Green's matrix, we change the boundary condition problem into an equivalent  differential equation by using the properties of the  Moore-Penrose generalized inverse, then  its solution is found by using method of variation of parameters. The last we prove  that the defined matrices  satisfy the properties of green's function. The result is the corresponding the Green's matrix and the assosiated generalized Green's matrix have the property of Green's functions with the jump-discontinuity

    Physicochemical Properties of Some Dried Fish Products in Indonesia

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    Some traditional fish products in Indonesia have potential opportunity for global market, such as fish crackers, dried fish, ikan kayu (‘katsuobushi\u27) and dried pempek (traditional fish product from Palembang). Study on such products based on its glass transition temperature is still rare. On the other hand, glass transition phases of dried product play an important role in determining food stability because it can give an overview of physicochemical properties of the products. Using its glass transition temperature, dried fish product can be estimated for its shelf life. The purposes of this research are to observe the relation between some physicochemical properties of glass transition temperature of some dried fish products and its water content/water activity to the self life of the products. Dried fish products used were: fish cracker, dried-salted fish, ikan kayu (katsuobushi), fufu (very dried-smoked fish) and dried pempek. The samples were taken from different area in Indonesia (Cilacap, Palembang, and Sulawesi). The sample were taken using purposive sampling method. The method used for analysis of glass transition temperature was DSC method (Differential Scanning Calorimetry), and for water content and water activity were analysed using Aw meter and Moisture analyzer. All samples were analyzed in duplo. Research method used was experimental laboratory with research design of Completely Randomised Design. The experiment was conducted from August 2008 to December 2008 at Fish Product Processing Laboratory, Fisheries Department, Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Science – Diponegoro University, Food Engineering Laboratory – SQU, Oman. The results showed that different sample with different characteristics on physicochemical properties give different in water activity and also water content. The lowest water activity was performed by dried pempek. Glass transition temperature (Tg) of the products was very depend on the water content. The Tg of samples was ranged between 38.4oC – 76.4oC. The water content of the products ranged between 8.28%-37.28%. The Aw of the product was ranged between 0.57 – 0.87

    Some Properties of Entire Functions Associated with L-entire Functions on C(I)

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    In this paper, let C(I) denote the Banach algebra of all continuous complex-valued functions defined on a close interval I in the set of real numbers, R. The functions having derivatives in the Lorch sense on the whole Banach algebra C(I) are considered and they are called L-entire functions [1, 3]. For each L-entire function on C(I), entire complex functions are associated and the relationship between their orders is studied. Even more, the possibility of locating the solutions of the equation F(f) = 0 from the location of zeros of the associated family of entire functions with F is analyzed too

    Some finiteness results in the category U

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    This note investigate some finiteness properties of the category U of unstable modules. One shows finiteness properties for the injective resolution of finitely generated unstable modules. One also shows a stabilization result under Frobenius twist for Ext-groups

    Investigation of the Role of Plasticizers in Film-forming Coats for Protecting Cooled Meat

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    As a result of theoretical studies on problems of protection and prolongation of storage terms of meat, it was revealed, that one of promising directions is to use protecting coats, based on natural biopolymers.The topicality of this study is in studying film-forming coats, based on natural polysaccharides, because they have high mechanical indices, absence of a smell, taste and are subjected to biological destruction. For regulating mechanical properties, the composition of film-creating coats is added with plasticizers of different origins.The aim of this work is in describing characteristics of food films, based on carrageenan, sodium alginate and plasticizers of different origins.There were mechanical, rheological properties of protecting coats. The comparative characteristic of these properties, depending on an added plasticizer, was realized. The type and mechanisms of interaction of components of the film-forming coat and plasticizers were completely described. The viscosity of the film-forming coat with a plasticizer has less values comparing with other solutions. Adding plasticizers resulted in increasing the film elasticity, but at the same time some increase of the firmness was observed.Film-forming coats with adding a plasticizer had a higher limit of fluidity, so they were firmer than complex film-forming coats without a plasticizer. From the other side, deformation values of film-forming coats without adding a plasticizer were higher than ones of complex film-forming coats with adding a plasticizer, because they were firmer.The study of physical properties of developed film-forming coats, based on hydrocolloids, demonstrated that coats with a plasticizer have more gas permeability.According to the results, obtained at experiments it was established, that the film-forming coat, based on sodium alginate, carrageenan and glycerin, has best mechanical, physical and rheological indices
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