3 research outputs found


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    Some Formulae For Partitions Into Squares

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    . We consider the new problem of determining the number of partitions of a number into a fixed number k of squares, and find explicit formulae in the cases k = 2, 3, 4. Classification: 11P81, 05A17 Keywords: partitions, squares. 1. Introduction and statement of results We consider the problem of determining the number of partitions of a number into a fixed number of squares. This problem is distinct from, but not unrelated to, the corresponding classical problem of determining the number of representations of a number as the sum of a fixed number of squares. Whereas the classical problem has received an enormous amount of attention over the years, see Dickson [3, Vol. II, Chapters VI--IX], it appears that this (restricted) partition problem has not previously been investigated. Hardy and Ramanujan [4, p.305] and Baxter [1] have looked at the problem of partitions of a number into (an unrestricted number of) squares, which finds application in statistical mechanics. To see why one m..


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    We consider the new problem of determining the number of partitions of a number into afixednumberkofsquares, and find explicit formulae in the cases k =2, 3, 4. Classification: 11P81, 05A1