18,259 research outputs found

    Optimal dividend policies with random profitability

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    We study an optimal dividend problem under a bankruptcy constraint. Firms face a trade-off between potential bankruptcy and extraction of profits. In contrast to previous works, general cash flow drifts, including Ornstein--Uhlenbeck and CIR processes, are considered. We provide rigorous proofs of continuity of the value function, whence dynamic programming, as well as comparison between the sub- and supersolutions of the Hamilton--Jacobi--Bellman equation, and we provide an efficient and convergent numerical scheme for finding the solution. The value function is given by a nonlinear PDE with a gradient constraint from below in one dimension. We find that the optimal strategy is both a barrier and a band strategy and that it includes voluntary liquidation in parts of the state space. Finally, we present and numerically study extensions of the model, including equity issuance and credit lines

    Subgame-Perfect Equilibria in Stochastic Timing Games

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    We introduce a notion of subgames for stochastic timing games and the related notion of subgame-perfect equilibrium in possibly mixed strategies. While a good notion of subgame-perfect equilibrium for continuous-time games is not available in general, we argue that our model is the appropriate version for timing games. We show that the notion coincides with the usual one for discrete-time games. Many timing games in continuous time have only equilibria in mixed strategies -- in particular preemption games, which often occur in the strategic real option literature. We provide a sound foundation for some workhorse equilibria of that literature, which has been lacking as we show. We obtain a general constructive existence result for subgame-perfect equilibria in preemption games and illustrate our findings by several explicit applications.Comment: 27 pages, 1 figur

    A class of recursive optimal stopping problems with applications to stock trading

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    In this paper we introduce and solve a class of optimal stopping problems of recursive type. In particular, the stopping payoff depends directly on the value function of the problem itself. In a multi-dimensional Markovian setting we show that the problem is well posed, in the sense that the value is indeed the unique solution to a fixed point problem in a suitable space of continuous functions, and an optimal stopping time exists. We then apply our class of problems to a model for stock trading in two different market venues and we determine the optimal stopping rule in that case.Comment: 35 pages, 2 figures. In this version, we provide a general analysis of a class of recursive optimal stopping problems with both finite-time and infinite-time horizon. We also discuss other application

    The least squares method for option pricing revisited

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    It is shown that the the popular least squares method of option pricing converges even under very general assumptions. This substantially increases the freedom of creating different implementations of the method, with varying levels of computational complexity and flexible approach to regression. It is also argued that in many practical applications even modest non-linear extensions of standard regression may produce satisfactory results. This claim is illustrated with examples

    On strong solutions for positive definite jump-diffusions

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    We show the existence of unique global strong solutions of a class of stochastic differential equations on the cone of symmetric positive definite matrices. Our result includes affine diffusion processes and therefore extends considerably the known statements concerning Wishart processes, which have recently been extensively employed in financial mathematics. Moreover, we consider stochastic differential equations where the diffusion coefficient is given by the alpha-th positive semidefinite power of the process itself with 0.5<alpha<1 and obtain existence conditions for them. In the case of a diffusion coefficient which is linear in the process we likewise get a positive definite analogue of the univariate GARCH diffusions.Comment: version to appear in Stochastic Processes and Their Applications, 201

    Controlled diffusion processes

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    This article gives an overview of the developments in controlled diffusion processes, emphasizing key results regarding existence of optimal controls and their characterization via dynamic programming for a variety of cost criteria and structural assumptions. Stochastic maximum principle and control under partial observations (equivalently, control of nonlinear filters) are also discussed. Several other related topics are briefly sketched.Comment: Published at http://dx.doi.org/10.1214/154957805100000131 in the Probability Surveys (http://www.i-journals.org/ps/) by the Institute of Mathematical Statistics (http://www.imstat.org
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