779 research outputs found

    Fixed-parameter tractable canonization and isomorphism test for graphs of bounded treewidth

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    We give a fixed-parameter tractable algorithm that, given a parameter kk and two graphs G1,G2G_1,G_2, either concludes that one of these graphs has treewidth at least kk, or determines whether G1G_1 and G2G_2 are isomorphic. The running time of the algorithm on an nn-vertex graph is 2O(k5logk)n52^{O(k^5\log k)}\cdot n^5, and this is the first fixed-parameter algorithm for Graph Isomorphism parameterized by treewidth. Our algorithm in fact solves the more general canonization problem. We namely design a procedure working in 2O(k5logk)n52^{O(k^5\log k)}\cdot n^5 time that, for a given graph GG on nn vertices, either concludes that the treewidth of GG is at least kk, or: * finds in an isomorphic-invariant way a graph c(G)\mathfrak{c}(G) that is isomorphic to GG; * finds an isomorphism-invariant construction term --- an algebraic expression that encodes GG together with a tree decomposition of GG of width O(k4)O(k^4). Hence, the isomorphism test reduces to verifying whether the computed isomorphic copies or the construction terms for G1G_1 and G2G_2 are equal.Comment: Full version of a paper presented at FOCS 201

    Minors for alternating dimaps

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    We develop a theory of minors for alternating dimaps --- orientably embedded digraphs where, at each vertex, the incident edges (taken in the order given by the embedding) are directed alternately into, and out of, the vertex. We show that they are related by the triality relation of Tutte. They do not commute in general, though do in many circumstances, and we characterise the situations where they do. The relationship with triality is reminiscent of similar relationships for binary functions, due to the author, so we characterise those alternating dimaps which correspond to binary functions. We give a characterisation of alternating dimaps of at most a given genus, using a finite set of excluded minors. We also use the minor operations to define simple Tutte invariants for alternating dimaps and characterise them. We establish a connection with the Tutte polynomial, and pose the problem of characterising universal Tutte-like invariants for alternating dimaps based on these minor operations.Comment: 51 pages, 7 figure

    Grad and Classes with Bounded Expansion II. Algorithmic Aspects

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    Classes of graphs with bounded expansion are a generalization of both proper minor closed classes and degree bounded classes. Such classes are based on a new invariant, the greatest reduced average density (grad) of G with rank r, ∇r(G). These classes are also characterized by the existence of several partition results such as the existence of low tree-width and low tree-depth colorings. These results lead to several new linear time algorithms, such as an algorithm for counting all the isomorphs of a fixed graph in an input graph or an algorithm for checking whether there exists a subset of vertices of a priori bounded size such that the subgraph induced by this subset satisfies some arbirtrary but fixed first order sentence. We also show that for fixed p, computing the distances between two vertices up to distance p may be performed in constant time per query after a linear time preprocessing. We also show, extending several earlier results, that a class of graphs has sublinear separators if it has sub-exponential expansion. This result result is best possible in general

    Linear kernels for outbranching problems in sparse digraphs

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    In the kk-Leaf Out-Branching and kk-Internal Out-Branching problems we are given a directed graph DD with a designated root rr and a nonnegative integer kk. The question is to determine the existence of an outbranching rooted at rr that has at least kk leaves, or at least kk internal vertices, respectively. Both these problems were intensively studied from the points of view of parameterized complexity and kernelization, and in particular for both of them kernels with O(k2)O(k^2) vertices are known on general graphs. In this work we show that kk-Leaf Out-Branching admits a kernel with O(k)O(k) vertices on H\mathcal{H}-minor-free graphs, for any fixed family of graphs H\mathcal{H}, whereas kk-Internal Out-Branching admits a kernel with O(k)O(k) vertices on any graph class of bounded expansion.Comment: Extended abstract accepted for IPEC'15, 27 page