5 research outputs found

    Amount of spam in global free e mail services - simulation

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    Općenito besplatni svjetski servisi elektroničke poÅ”te su loÅ”ijih sigurnosnih karakteristika u usporedbi s adresama elektroničke poÅ”te institucije ili poslovne organizacije. Zbog toga je za očekivati kako će korisnik primati znatno viÅ”e neželjene elektroničke poÅ”te prilikom koriÅ”tenja besplatnih svjetskih servisa elektroničke poÅ”te. Kako bi primali neželjenu elektroničku poÅ”tu te usporedili količinu koju prima korisnik koristeći besplatnu odnosno institucijsku adresu, autori su simulirali dio komunikacije elektroničkom poÅ”tom koji se odnosi na registriranje na razne Internet servise. Iz rezultata simulacije čini se kako korisnici besplatnih svjetski poznatih servisa elektroničke poÅ”te u prosjeku primaju značajno viÅ”e neželjene elektroničke poÅ”te. Simulacija je također pokazala značajnu razliku između samih besplatnih svjetskih servisa elektroničke poÅ”te te očekivani porast količine neželjene elektroničke poÅ”te s vremenom. S obzirom na rezultate simulacije te prijaÅ”nja istraživanja autori preporučuju korisnicima komunikacijskog sustava elektroničke poÅ”te da za komunikaciju daju prednost institucijskim i korporativnim adresama, a pogotovo kad ih koriste za profesionalnu elektroničku komunikaciju.Usage of global free e mail services instead of institutional or companyā€™s e mail addresses can more often cause security drawbacks. Regarding their weaknesses it can be assumed that there will be more unwanted e mails when using those addresses. In order to receive unwanted e mail and compare the amount that user receives at different e mail addresses the authors simulated part of e mail usage, the one when user registers on different Internet services. Results have shown that the users of the global free e mail services on average receive significantly more unwanted e mail compared to the users that use institutional or companyā€™s e-mail address. There was also significant difference found among free global e mail services. Simulation has also shown increasing trend in amount of unwanted e mail received per month. Regarding these results and previous studies the authorsā€™ advice is to prefer institutional or companyā€™s e mail address over free global e mail services for Internet communication, especially when it is used for professional e mail communication

    Some common attacks against certified email protocols and the countermeasures

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    Abstract: Certified email is a value-added service for standard email systems, which guarantees the fairness, i.e., the intended recipient gets the mail content if and only if the mail originator re-ceives a non-repudiation receipt showing that the message has been received by the recipient. As far as security is concerned, fairness is the most important requirements, though some other properties are also desirable in practice. Recently, a number of certified email protocols have been proposed. However, most of those schemes have more or less weaknesses and/or security flaws. In the worst case, fairness cannot be achieved since one dishonest party can mount some attacks to cheat the honest party such that the latter cannot get the expected items. In this paper, we analyze two latest certified email protocols to demonstrate some common attacks, and then propose some improvements to avoid those security problems. We further give several informal but useful guidelines to counter those common attacks in the design of certified email protocols

    Keeping Fairness Alive : Design and formal verification of optimistic fair exchange protocols

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    Fokkink, W.J. [Promotor]Pol, J.C. van de [Promotor