102 research outputs found

    The Parametric Ordinal-Recursive Complexity of Post Embedding Problems

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    Post Embedding Problems are a family of decision problems based on the interaction of a rational relation with the subword embedding ordering, and are used in the literature to prove non multiply-recursive complexity lower bounds. We refine the construction of Chambart and Schnoebelen (LICS 2008) and prove parametric lower bounds depending on the size of the alphabet.Comment: 16 + vii page

    On some modifications and applications of the post correspondence problem

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    The Post Correspondence Problem was introduced by Emil Post in 1946. The problem considers pairs of lists of sequences of symbols, or words, where each word has its place on the list determined by its index. The Post Correspondence Problem asks does there exist a sequence of indices so that, when we write the words in the order of the sequence as single words from both lists, the two resulting words are equal. Post proved the problem to be undecidable, that is, no algorithm deciding it can exist. A variety of restrictions and modifications have been introduced to the original formulation of the problem, that have then been shown to be either decidable or undecidable. Both the original Post Correspondence Problem and its modifications have been widely used in proving other decision problems undecidable. In this thesis we consider some modifications of the Post Correspondence Problem as well as some applications of it in undecidability proofs. We consider a modification for sequences of indices that are infinite to two directions. We also consider a modification to the original Post Correspondence Problem where instead of the words being equal for a sequence of indices, we take two sequences that are conjugates of each other. Two words are conjugates if we can write one word by taking the other and moving some part of that word from the end to the beginning. Both modifications are shown to be undecidable. We also use the Post Correspondence Problem and its modification for injective morphisms in proving two problems from formal language theory to be undecidable; the first problem is on special shuffling of words and the second problem on fixed points of rational functions

    Geodesic rewriting systems and pregroups

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    In this paper we study rewriting systems for groups and monoids, focusing on situations where finite convergent systems may be difficult to find or do not exist. We consider systems which have no length increasing rules and are confluent and then systems in which the length reducing rules lead to geodesics. Combining these properties we arrive at our main object of study which we call geodesically perfect rewriting systems. We show that these are well-behaved and convenient to use, and give several examples of classes of groups for which they can be constructed from natural presentations. We describe a Knuth-Bendix completion process to construct such systems, show how they may be found with the help of Stallings' pregroups and conversely may be used to construct such pregroups.Comment: 44 pages, to appear in "Combinatorial and Geometric Group Theory, Dortmund and Carleton Conferences". Series: Trends in Mathematics. Bogopolski, O.; Bumagin, I.; Kharlampovich, O.; Ventura, E. (Eds.) 2009, Approx. 350 p., Hardcover. ISBN: 978-3-7643-9910-8 Birkhause

    On One-Rule Grid Semi-Thue Systems

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    International audienceThe family of one-rule grid semi-Thue systems, introduced by Alfons Geser, is the family of one-rule semi-Thue systems such that there exists a letter c that occurs as often in the left-hand side as the right-hand side of the rewriting rule. We prove that for any one-rule grid semi-Thue system S, the set S(w) of all words obtainable from w using repeatedly the rewriting rule of S is a constructible context-free language. We also prove the regularity of the set Loop(S) of all words that start a loop in a one-rule grid semi-Thue systems S.La famille des systèmes de semi-Thue à une seule règle "en grille", introduite par Alfons Geser, est la famille des systèmes de réécriture de mots pour lesquels il existe une lettre apparaissant autant de fois dans la partie gauche et dans la partie droite de leur unique règle. Nous prouvons que, pour tout système S de cette famille, l'ensemble S(w) des mots obtenus à partir du mot w en appliquant itérativement la règle de réécriture de S est un langage algébrique constructible. Nous prouvons également que l'ensemble Loop(S) des mots qui sont à l'origine d'une boucle de réécriture pour un systèmes de semi-Thue à une seule règle "en grille" S est un langage régulier

    The complexity of the word problems for commutative semigroups and polynomial ideals

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    AbstractAny decision procedure for the word problems for commutative semigroups and polynomial deals inherently requires computational storage space growing exponentially with the size of the problem instance to which the procedure is applied. This bound is achieved by a simple procedure for the semigroup problem

    The monoid of queue actions

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    We investigate the monoid of transformations that are induced by sequences of writing to and reading from a queue storage. We describe this monoid by means of a confluent and terminating semi-Thue system and study some of its basic algebraic properties, e.g., conjugacy. Moreover, we show that while several properties concerning its rational subsets are undecidable, their uniform membership problem is NL-complete. Furthermore, we present an algebraic characterization of this monoid's recognizable subsets. Finally, we prove that it is not Thurston-automatic

    Integer Weighted Automata on Infinite Words

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