1,117 research outputs found

    Computing FO-Rewritings in EL in Practice: from Atomic to Conjunctive Queries

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    A prominent approach to implementing ontology-mediated queries (OMQs) is to rewrite into a first-order query, which is then executed using a conventional SQL database system. We consider the case where the ontology is formulated in the description logic EL and the actual query is a conjunctive query and show that rewritings of such OMQs can be efficiently computed in practice, in a sound and complete way. Our approach combines a reduction with a decomposed backwards chaining algorithm for OMQs that are based on the simpler atomic queries, also illuminating the relationship between first-order rewritings of OMQs based on conjunctive and on atomic queries. Experiments with real-world ontologies show promising results

    A PC Chase

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    PC stands for path-conjunctive, the name of a class of queries and dependencies that we define over complex values with dictionaries. This class includes the relational conjunctive queries and embedded dependencies, as well as many interesting examples of complex value and oodb queries and integrity constraints. We show that some important classical results on containment, dependency implication, and chasing extend and generalize to this class

    The Internet of Things as a Privacy-Aware Database Machine

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    Instead of using a computer cluster with homogeneous nodes and very fast high bandwidth connections, we want to present the vision to use the Internet of Things (IoT) as a database machine. This is among others a key factor for smart (assistive) systems in apartments (AAL, ambient assisted living), offices (AAW, ambient assisted working), Smart Cities as well as factories (IIoT, Industry 4.0). It is important to massively distribute the calculation of analysis results on sensor nodes and other low-resource appliances in the environment, not only for reasons of performance, but also for reasons of privacy and protection of corporate knowledge. Thus, functions crucial for assistive systems, such as situation, activity, and intention recognition, are to be automatically transformed not only in database queries, but also in local nodes of lower performance. From a database-specific perspective, analysis operations on large quantities of distributed sensor data, currently based on classical big-data techniques and executed on large, homogeneously equipped parallel computers have to be automatically transformed to billions of processors with energy and capacity restrictions. In this visionary paper, we will focus on the database-specific perspective and the fundamental research questions in the underlying database theory

    When Can We Answer Queries Using Result-Bounded Data Interfaces?

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    We consider answering queries on data available through access methods, that provide lookup access to the tuples matching a given binding. Such interfaces are common on the Web; further, they often have bounds on how many results they can return, e.g., because of pagination or rate limits. We thus study result-bounded methods, which may return only a limited number of tuples. We study how to decide if a query is answerable using result-bounded methods, i.e., how to compute a plan that returns all answers to the query using the methods, assuming that the underlying data satisfies some integrity constraints. We first show how to reduce answerability to a query containment problem with constraints. Second, we show "schema simplification" theorems describing when and how result bounded services can be used. Finally, we use these theorems to give decidability and complexity results about answerability for common constraint classes.Comment: 65 pages; journal version of the PODS'18 paper arXiv:1706.0793

    Query reformulation with constraints

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    Let Σ1, Σ2 be two schemas, which may overlap, C be a set of constraints on the joint schema Σ1 ∪ Σ2, and q1 be a Σ1-query. An (equivalent) reformulation of q1 in the presence of C is a Σ2-query, q2, such that q2 gives the same answers as q1 on any Σ1 ∪ Σ2-database instance that satisfies C. In general, there may exist multiple such reformulations and choosing among them may require, for example, a cost model

    Structured Knowledge Representation for Image Retrieval

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    We propose a structured approach to the problem of retrieval of images by content and present a description logic that has been devised for the semantic indexing and retrieval of images containing complex objects. As other approaches do, we start from low-level features extracted with image analysis to detect and characterize regions in an image. However, in contrast with feature-based approaches, we provide a syntax to describe segmented regions as basic objects and complex objects as compositions of basic ones. Then we introduce a companion extensional semantics for defining reasoning services, such as retrieval, classification, and subsumption. These services can be used for both exact and approximate matching, using similarity measures. Using our logical approach as a formal specification, we implemented a complete client-server image retrieval system, which allows a user to pose both queries by sketch and queries by example. A set of experiments has been carried out on a testbed of images to assess the retrieval capabilities of the system in comparison with expert users ranking. Results are presented adopting a well-established measure of quality borrowed from textual information retrieval
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