25,984 research outputs found

    Bounds on Information Combining With Quantum Side Information

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    "Bounds on information combining" are entropic inequalities that determine how the information (entropy) of a set of random variables can change when these are combined in certain prescribed ways. Such bounds play an important role in classical information theory, particularly in coding and Shannon theory; entropy power inequalities are special instances of them. The arguably most elementary kind of information combining is the addition of two binary random variables (a CNOT gate), and the resulting quantities play an important role in Belief propagation and Polar coding. We investigate this problem in the setting where quantum side information is available, which has been recognized as a hard setting for entropy power inequalities. Our main technical result is a non-trivial, and close to optimal, lower bound on the combined entropy, which can be seen as an almost optimal "quantum Mrs. Gerber's Lemma". Our proof uses three main ingredients: (1) a new bound on the concavity of von Neumann entropy, which is tight in the regime of low pairwise state fidelities; (2) the quantitative improvement of strong subadditivity due to Fawzi-Renner, in which we manage to handle the minimization over recovery maps; (3) recent duality results on classical-quantum-channels due to Renes et al. We furthermore present conjectures on the optimal lower and upper bounds under quantum side information, supported by interesting analytical observations and strong numerical evidence. We finally apply our bounds to Polar coding for binary-input classical-quantum channels, and show the following three results: (A) Even non-stationary channels polarize under the polar transform. (B) The blocklength required to approach the symmetric capacity scales at most sub-exponentially in the gap to capacity. (C) Under the aforementioned lower bound conjecture, a blocklength polynomial in the gap suffices.Comment: 23 pages, 6 figures; v2: small correction

    A general approach to small deviation via concentration of measures

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    We provide a general approach to obtain upper bounds for small deviations P(∥y∥≤ϵ) \mathbb{P}(\Vert y \Vert \le \epsilon) in different norms, namely the supremum and β\beta- H\"older norms. The large class of processes yy under consideration takes the form yt=Xt+∫0tasdsy_t= X_t + \int_0^t a_s d s, where XX and aa are two possibly dependent stochastic processes. Our approach provides an upper bound for small deviations whenever upper bounds for the \textit{concentration of measures} of LpL^p- norm of random vectors built from increments of the process XX and \textit{large deviation} estimates for the process aa are available. Using our method, among others, we obtain the optimal rates of small deviations in supremum and β\beta- H\"older norms for fractional Brownian motion with Hurst parameter H≤ 12H\le\ \frac{1}{2}. As an application, we discuss the usefulness of our upper bounds for small deviations in pathwise stochastic integral representation of random variables motivated by the hedging problem in mathematical finance

    Von Neumann Entropy Penalization and Low Rank Matrix Estimation

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    A problem of statistical estimation of a Hermitian nonnegatively definite matrix of unit trace (for instance, a density matrix in quantum state tomography) is studied. The approach is based on penalized least squares method with a complexity penalty defined in terms of von Neumann entropy. A number of oracle inequalities have been proved showing how the error of the estimator depends on the rank and other characteristics of the oracles. The methods of proofs are based on empirical processes theory and probabilistic inequalities for random matrices, in particular, noncommutative versions of Bernstein inequality

    Rough differential equations driven by signals in Besov spaces

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    Rough differential equations are solved for signals in general Besov spaces unifying in particular the known results in H\"older and p-variation topology. To this end the paracontrolled distribution approach, which has been introduced by Gubinelli, Imkeller and Perkowski ["Paracontrolled distribution and singular PDEs", Forum of Mathematics, Pi (2015)] to analyze singular stochastic PDEs, is extended from H\"older to Besov spaces. As an application we solve stochastic differential equations driven by random functions in Besov spaces and Gaussian processes in a pathwise sense.Comment: Former title: "Rough differential equations on Besov spaces", 37 page

    Concentration for Coulomb gases and Coulomb transport inequalities

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    We study the non-asymptotic behavior of Coulomb gases in dimension two and more. Such gases are modeled by an exchangeable Boltzmann-Gibbs measure with a singular two-body interaction. We obtain concentration of measure inequalities for the empirical distribution of such gases around their equilibrium measure, with respect to bounded Lipschitz and Wasserstein distances. This implies macroscopic as well as mesoscopic convergence in such distances. In particular, we improve the concentration inequalities known for the empirical spectral distribution of Ginibre random matrices. Our approach is remarkably simple and bypasses the use of renormalized energy. It crucially relies on new inequalities between probability metrics, including Coulomb transport inequalities which can be of independent interest. Our work is inspired by the one of Ma{\"i}da and Maurel-Segala, itself inspired by large deviations techniques. Our approach allows to recover, extend, and simplify previous results by Rougerie and Serfaty.Comment: Improvement on an assumption, and minor modification
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