2 research outputs found

    Solving multi-criteria scheduling flow shop problem through compromise programming and satisfaction functions

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    The multi-criteria scheduling problem is one of the main research subjects in the field of multiple objectives programming. Several procedures have been developed to deal with this type of problem where some conflicting criteria have to be optimized simultaneously. The aim of our paper is to propose an aggregation procedure that integrates three different criteria to find the best sequence in a flow shop production environment. The compromise programming model and the concept of satisfaction functions will be utilized to integrate explicitly the manager's preferences according to the deviations between the achievement and the aspiration levels of the following criteria: Makespan, total flow time and total tardiness.Flow shop Multi-criteria scheduling Compromise programming Satisfaction functions Manager's preferences

    Un algoritmo de estimaci贸n de distribuci贸n para solucionar problemas de programaci贸n en ambiente flowshop con bloqueo y con m煤ltiples objetivos

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    La programaci贸n de producci贸n tiene un impacto relevante sobre el uso eficiente de los recursos, reducci贸n de costos y cumplimiento de los objetivos como servicio al cliente, entregas oportunas y satisfacci贸n de la demanda. En un entorno cada vez m谩s competitivo, las organizaciones se ven en la necesidad de aplicar herramientas, procedimientos y estrategias que les permitan estar a la vanguardia. En ese sentido, el uso de las metaheur铆sticas para resolver problemas de programaci贸n y secuenciaci贸n de trabajos va en aumento, ya que se han demostrado sus fortalezas para la b煤squeda de soluciones eficientes, oportunas, r谩pidas y de buena calidad. Adicionalmente, las organizaciones buscan satisfacer o cumplir varios objetivos o metas de manera simult谩nea como entregar a tiempo al m铆nimo costo, entre otros. As铆, se propone y desarrolla un metaheur铆stico de estimaci贸n de distribuci贸n para un ambiente de programaci贸n tipo flowshop con restricciones de bloqueo y con m煤ltiples objetivos. A partir de la experimentaci贸n, se evidencia un adecuado rendimiento del algoritmo en cuanto a las soluciones encontradas y al rendimiento, que no se ve afectado por el n煤mero de trabajos, ni de m谩quinas a considerar en el problemaAbstract: The production scheduling has a relevant impact on the efficient use of resources, reduction of costs and fulfilment of the objectives such as customer service, timely deliveries and demand satisfaction. In an increasingly competitive environment, organizations are in the need for tools, procedures and strategies that allow them to be at the forefront. In this sense, the use of metaheuristics for solving problems of scheduling and sequencing of jobs is increasing, since their strengths aiming to pursuit fast, timely, efficient and of good quality solutions, have been shown. In addition, organizations seek to meet several objectives or goals simultaneously, such as on time and the minimum cost deliveries, among others. Thus, an estimation of distribution metaheuristic for a flowshop scheduling problem with blocking and multiple objectives is proposed and developed. As a result of the experimentation, there is evidence of an appropriate performance of the algorithm in terms of the solutions found and the performance, which is not affected by the number of jobs or machines to be considered in the problemMaestr铆