637 research outputs found

    Solving word equations modulo partial commutations

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    AbstractIt is shown that it is decidable whether an equation over a free partially commutative monoid has a solution. We give a proof of this result using normal forms. Our method is a direct reduction of a trace equation system to a word equation system with regular constraints. Hereby we use the extension of Makanin's theorem on the decidability of word equations to word equations with regular constraints, which is due to Schulz

    Solving parametric systems of polynomial equations over the reals through Hermite matrices

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    We design a new algorithm for solving parametric systems having finitely many complex solutions for generic values of the parameters. More precisely, let f=(f1,,fm)Q[y][x]f = (f_1, \ldots, f_m)\subset \mathbb{Q}[y][x] with y=(y1,,yt)y = (y_1, \ldots, y_t) and x=(x1,,xn)x = (x_1, \ldots, x_n), VCt+nV\subset \mathbb{C}^{t+n} be the algebraic set defined by ff and π\pi be the projection (y,x)y(y, x) \to y. Under the assumptions that ff admits finitely many complex roots for generic values of yy and that the ideal generated by ff is radical, we solve the following problem. On input ff, we compute semi-algebraic formulas defining semi-algebraic subsets S1,,SlS_1, \ldots, S_l of the yy-space such that i=1lSi\cup_{i=1}^l S_i is dense in Rt\mathbb{R}^t and the number of real points in Vπ1(η)V\cap \pi^{-1}(\eta) is invariant when η\eta varies over each SiS_i. This algorithm exploits properties of some well chosen monomial bases in the algebra Q(y)[x]/I\mathbb{Q}(y)[x]/I where II is the ideal generated by ff in Q(y)[x]\mathbb{Q}(y)[x] and the specialization property of the so-called Hermite matrices. This allows us to obtain compact representations of the sets SiS_i by means of semi-algebraic formulas encoding the signature of a symmetric matrix. When ff satisfies extra genericity assumptions, we derive complexity bounds on the number of arithmetic operations in Q\mathbb{Q} and the degree of the output polynomials. Let dd be the maximal degree of the fif_i's and D=n(d1)dnD = n(d-1)d^n, we prove that, on a generic f=(f1,,fn)f=(f_1,\ldots,f_n), one can compute those semi-algebraic formulas with O ((t+Dt)23tn2t+1d3nt+2(n+t)+1)O^~( \binom{t+D}{t}2^{3t}n^{2t+1} d^{3nt+2(n+t)+1}) operations in Q\mathbb{Q} and that the polynomials involved have degree bounded by DD. We report on practical experiments which illustrate the efficiency of our algorithm on generic systems and systems from applications. It allows us to solve problems which are out of reach of the state-of-the-art

    Robust isogeometric preconditioners for the Stokes system based on the Fast Diagonalization method

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    In this paper we propose a new class of preconditioners for the isogeometric discretization of the Stokes system. Their application involves the solution of a Sylvester-like equation, which can be done efficiently thanks to the Fast Diagonalization method. These preconditioners are robust with respect to both the spline degree and mesh size. By incorporating information on the geometry parametrization and equation coefficients, we maintain efficiency on non-trivial computational domains and for variable kinematic viscosity. In our numerical tests we compare to a standard approach, showing that the overall iterative solver based on our preconditioners is significantly faster.Comment: 31 pages, 4 figure

    Contextual partial commutations

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    We consider the monoid T with the presentation which is "close" to trace monoids. We prove two different types of results. First, we give a combinatorial description of the lexicographically minimum and maximum representatives of their congruence classes in the free monoid {a; b}* and solve the classical equations, such as commutation and conjugacy in T. Then we study the closure properties of the two subfamilies of the rational subsets of T whose lexicographically minimum and maximum cross-sections respectively, are rational in {a; b}*. © 2010 Discrete Mathematics and Theoretical Computer Science

    Some symmetry classifications of hyperbolic vector evolution equations

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    Motivated by recent work on integrable flows of curves and 1+1 dimensional sigma models, several O(N)-invariant classes of hyperbolic equations utx=f(u,ut,ux)u_{tx} =f(u,u_t,u_x) for an NN-component vector u(t,x)u(t,x) are considered. In each class we find all scaling-homogeneous equations admitting a higher symmetry of least possible scaling weight. Sigma model interpretations of these equations are presented.Comment: Revision of published version, incorporating errata on geometric aspects of the sigma model interpretations in the case of homogeneous space

    Towards Mixed Gr{\"o}bner Basis Algorithms: the Multihomogeneous and Sparse Case

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    One of the biggest open problems in computational algebra is the design of efficient algorithms for Gr{\"o}bner basis computations that take into account the sparsity of the input polynomials. We can perform such computations in the case of unmixed polynomial systems, that is systems with polynomials having the same support, using the approach of Faug{\`e}re, Spaenlehauer, and Svartz [ISSAC'14]. We present two algorithms for sparse Gr{\"o}bner bases computations for mixed systems. The first one computes with mixed sparse systems and exploits the supports of the polynomials. Under regularity assumptions, it performs no reductions to zero. For mixed, square, and 0-dimensional multihomogeneous polynomial systems, we present a dedicated, and potentially more efficient, algorithm that exploits different algebraic properties that performs no reduction to zero. We give an explicit bound for the maximal degree appearing in the computations

    An Explicit Construction of Casimir Operators and Eigenvalues : I

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    We give a general method to construct a complete set of linearly independent Casimir operators of a Lie algebra with rank N. For a Casimir operator of degree p, this will be provided by an explicit calculation of its symmetric coefficients gA1,A2,..Ap g^{A_1,A_2,.. A_p}. It is seen that these coefficients can be descibed by some rational polinomials of rank N. These polinomials are also multilinear in Cartan sub-algebra indices taking values from the set I0=1,2,..NI_0 = {1,2,.. N}. The crucial point here is that for each degree one needs, in general, more than one polinomials. This in fact is related with an observation that the whole set of symmetric coefficients gA1,A2,..Ap g^{A_1,A_2,.. A_p} is decomposed into sum subsets which are in one to one correspondence with these polinomials. We call these subsets clusters and introduce some indicators with which we specify different clusters. These indicators determine all the clusters whatever the numerical values of coefficients gA1,A2,..Apg^{A_1,A_2,.. A_p} are. For any degree p, the number of clusters is independent of rank N. This hence allows us to generalize our results to any value of rank N. To specify the general framework explicit constructions of 4th and 5th order Casimir operators of ANA_N Lie algebras are studied and all the polinomials which specify the numerical value of their coefficients are given explicitly.Comment: 14 pages, no figures, revised version, to appear in Jour.Math.Phy