142 research outputs found

    Counterexample Guided Abstraction Refinement Algorithm for Propositional Circumscription

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    Circumscription is a representative example of a nonmonotonic reasoning inference technique. Circumscription has often been studied for first order theories, but its propositional version has also been the subject of extensive research, having been shown equivalent to extended closed world assumption (ECWA). Moreover, entailment in propositional circumscription is a well-known example of a decision problem in the second level of the polynomial hierarchy. This paper proposes a new Boolean Satisfiability (SAT)-based algorithm for entailment in propositional circumscription that explores the relationship of propositional circumscription to minimal models. The new algorithm is inspired by ideas commonly used in SAT-based model checking, namely counterexample guided abstraction refinement. In addition, the new algorithm is refined to compute the theory closure for generalized close world assumption (GCWA). Experimental results show that the new algorithm can solve problem instances that other solutions are unable to solve

    Synthesis of a simple self-stabilizing system

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    With the increasing importance of distributed systems as a computing paradigm, a systematic approach to their design is needed. Although the area of formal verification has made enormous advances towards this goal, the resulting functionalities are limited to detecting problems in a particular design. By means of a classical example, we illustrate a simple template-based approach to computer-aided design of distributed systems based on leveraging the well-known technique of bounded model checking to the synthesis setting.Comment: In Proceedings SYNT 2014, arXiv:1407.493

    Skolem Functions for Factored Formulas

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    Given a propositional formula F(x,y), a Skolem function for x is a function \Psi(y), such that substituting \Psi(y) for x in F gives a formula semantically equivalent to \exists F. Automatically generating Skolem functions is of significant interest in several applications including certified QBF solving, finding strategies of players in games, synthesising circuits and bit-vector programs from specifications, disjunctive decomposition of sequential circuits etc. In many such applications, F is given as a conjunction of factors, each of which depends on a small subset of variables. Existing algorithms for Skolem function generation ignore any such factored form and treat F as a monolithic function. This presents scalability hurdles in medium to large problem instances. In this paper, we argue that exploiting the factored form of F can give significant performance improvements in practice when computing Skolem functions. We present a new CEGAR style algorithm for generating Skolem functions from factored propositional formulas. In contrast to earlier work, our algorithm neither requires a proof of QBF satisfiability nor uses composition of monolithic conjunctions of factors. We show experimentally that our algorithm generates smaller Skolem functions and outperforms state-of-the-art approaches on several large benchmarks.Comment: Full version of FMCAD 2015 conference publicatio

    Evaluating QBF Solvers: Quantifier Alternations Matter

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    We present an experimental study of the effects of quantifier alternations on the evaluation of quantified Boolean formula (QBF) solvers. The number of quantifier alternations in a QBF in prenex conjunctive normal form (PCNF) is directly related to the theoretical hardness of the respective QBF satisfiability problem in the polynomial hierarchy. We show empirically that the performance of solvers based on different solving paradigms substantially varies depending on the numbers of alternations in PCNFs. In related theoretical work, quantifier alternations have become the focus of understanding the strengths and weaknesses of various QBF proof systems implemented in solvers. Our results motivate the development of methods to evaluate orthogonal solving paradigms by taking quantifier alternations into account. This is necessary to showcase the broad range of existing QBF solving paradigms for practical QBF applications. Moreover, we highlight the potential of combining different approaches and QBF proof systems in solvers.Comment: preprint of a paper to be published at CP 2018, LNCS, Springer, including appendi

    Understanding and Extending Incremental Determinization for 2QBF

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    Incremental determinization is a recently proposed algorithm for solving quantified Boolean formulas with one quantifier alternation. In this paper, we formalize incremental determinization as a set of inference rules to help understand the design space of similar algorithms. We then present additional inference rules that extend incremental determinization in two ways. The first extension integrates the popular CEGAR principle and the second extension allows us to analyze different cases in isolation. The experimental evaluation demonstrates that the extensions significantly improve the performance

    DepQBF 6.0: A Search-Based QBF Solver Beyond Traditional QCDCL

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    We present the latest major release version 6.0 of the quantified Boolean formula (QBF) solver DepQBF, which is based on QCDCL. QCDCL is an extension of the conflict-driven clause learning (CDCL) paradigm implemented in state of the art propositional satisfiability (SAT) solvers. The Q-resolution calculus (QRES) is a QBF proof system which underlies QCDCL. QCDCL solvers can produce QRES proofs of QBFs in prenex conjunctive normal form (PCNF) as a byproduct of the solving process. In contrast to traditional QCDCL based on QRES, DepQBF 6.0 implements a variant of QCDCL which is based on a generalization of QRES. This generalization is due to a set of additional axioms and leaves the original Q-resolution rules unchanged. The generalization of QRES enables QCDCL to potentially produce exponentially shorter proofs than the traditional variant. We present an overview of the features implemented in DepQBF and report on experimental results which demonstrate the effectiveness of generalized QRES in QCDCL.Comment: 12 pages + appendix; to appear in the proceedings of CADE-26, LNCS, Springer, 201