1,092 research outputs found

    Linear elliptic system with nonlinear boundary conditions without Landesman-Lazer conditions

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    The boundary value problem is examined for the system of elliptic equations of from −Δu+A(x)u=0inΩ,-\Delta u + A(x)u = 0 \quad\text{in} \Omega, where A(x)A(x) is positive semidefinite matrix on Rk×k,\mathbb{R}^{{k}\times{k}}, and ∂u∂ν+g(u)=h(x)on∂Ω\frac{\partial u}{\partial \nu}+g(u)=h(x) \quad\text{on} \partial\Omega It is assumed that g∈C(Rk,Rk)g\in C(\mathbb{R}^{k},\mathbb{R}^{k}) is a bounded function which may vanish at infinity. The proofs are based on Leray-Schauder degree methods

    Interaction of modulated pulses in the nonlinear Schroedinger equation with periodic potential

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    We consider a cubic nonlinear Schroedinger equation with periodic potential. In a semiclassical scaling the nonlinear interaction of modulated pulses concentrated in one or several Bloch bands is studied. The notion of closed mode systems is introduced which allows for the rigorous derivation of a finite system of amplitude equations describing the macroscopic dynamics of these pulses

    Resonances and superlattice pattern stabilization in two-frequency forced Faraday waves

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    We investigate the role weakly damped modes play in the selection of Faraday wave patterns forced with rationally-related frequency components m*omega and n*omega. We use symmetry considerations to argue for the special importance of the weakly damped modes oscillating with twice the frequency of the critical mode, and those oscillating primarily with the "difference frequency" |n-m|*omega and the "sum frequency" (n+m)*omega. We then perform a weakly nonlinear analysis using equations of Zhang and Vinals (1997, J. Fluid Mech. 336) which apply to small-amplitude waves on weakly inviscid, semi-infinite fluid layers. For weak damping and forcing and one-dimensional waves, we perform a perturbation expansion through fourth order which yields analytical expressions for onset parameters and the cubic bifurcation coefficient that determines wave amplitude as a function of forcing near onset. For stronger damping and forcing we numerically compute these same parameters, as well as the cubic cross-coupling coefficient for competing waves travelling at an angle theta relative to each other. The resonance effects predicted by symmetry are borne out in the perturbation results for one spatial dimension, and are supported by the numerical results in two dimensions. The difference frequency resonance plays a key role in stabilizing superlattice patterns of the SL-I type observed by Kudrolli, Pier and Gollub (1998, Physica D 123).Comment: 41 pages, 13 figures; corrected figure 1b and minor typos in tex

    Two and three-dimensional oscillons in nonlinear Faraday resonance

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    We study 2D and 3D localised oscillating patterns in a simple model system exhibiting nonlinear Faraday resonance. The corresponding amplitude equation is shown to have exact soliton solutions which are found to be always unstable in 3D. On the contrary, the 2D solitons are shown to be stable in a certain parameter range; hence the damping and parametric driving are capable of suppressing the nonlinear blowup and dispersive decay of solitons in two dimensions. The negative feedback loop occurs via the enslaving of the soliton's phase, coupled to the driver, to its amplitude and width.Comment: 4 pages; 1 figur

    On the tilting of protostellar disks by resonant tidal effects

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    We consider the dynamics of a protostellar disk surrounding a star in a circular-orbit binary system. Our aim is to determine whether, if the disk is initially tilted with respect to the plane of the binary orbit, the inclination of the system will increase or decrease with time. The problem is formulated in the binary frame in which the tidal potential of the companion star is static. We consider a steady, flat disk that is aligned with the binary plane and investigate its linear stability with respect to tilting or warping perturbations. The dynamics is controlled by the competing effects of the m=0 and m=2 azimuthal Fourier components of the tidal potential. In the presence of dissipation, the m=0 component causes alignment of the system, while the m=2 component has the opposite tendency. We find that disks that are sufficiently large, in particular those that extend to their tidal truncation radii, are generally stable and will therefore tend to alignment with the binary plane on a time-scale comparable to that found in previous studies. However, the effect of the m=2 component is enhanced in the vicinity of resonances where the outer radius of the disk is such that the natural frequency of a global bending mode of the disk is equal to twice the binary orbital frequency. Under such circumstances, the disk can be unstable to tilting and acquire a warped shape, even in the absence of dissipation. The outer radius corresponding to the primary resonance is always smaller than the tidal truncation radius. For disks smaller than the primary resonance, the m=2 component may be able to cause a very slow growth of inclination through the effect of a near resonance that occurs close to the disk center. We discuss these results in the light of recent observations of protostellar disks in binary systems.Comment: 21 pages, 7 figures, to be published in the Astrophysical Journa

    Fractional-Period Excitations in Continuum Periodic Systems

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    We investigate the generation of fractional-period states in continuum periodic systems. As an example, we consider a Bose-Einstein condensate confined in an optical-lattice potential. We show that when the potential is turned on non-adiabatically, the system explores a number of transient states whose periodicity is a fraction of that of the lattice. We illustrate the origin of fractional-period states analytically by treating them as resonant states of a parametrically forced Duffing oscillator and discuss their transient nature and potential observability.Comment: 10 pages, 6 figures (some with multiple parts); revised version: minor clarifications of a couple points, to appear in Physical Review

    Bright and Gap Solitons in Membrane-Type Acoustic Metamaterials

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    We study analytically and numerically envelope solitons (bright and gap solitons) in a one-dimensional, nonlinear acoustic metamaterial, composed of an air-filled waveguide periodically loaded by clamped elastic plates. Based on the transmission line approach, we derive a nonlinear dynamical lattice model which, in the continuum approximation, leads to a nonlinear, dispersive and dissipative wave equation. Applying the multiple scales perturbation method, we derive an effective lossy nonlinear Schr\"odinger equation and obtain analytical expressions for bright and gap solitons. We also perform direct numerical simulations to study the dissipation-induced dynamics of the bright and gap solitons. Numerical and analytical results, relying on the analytical approximations and perturbation theory for solions, are found to be in good agreement
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