3 research outputs found

    Regularity of Pure Strategy Equilibrium Points in a Class of Bargaining Games

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    For a class of n-player (n ? 2) sequential bargaining games with probabilistic recognition and general agreement rules, we characterize pure strategy Stationary Subgame Perfect (PSSP) equilibria via a finite number of equalities and inequalities. We use this characterization and the degree theory of Shannon, 1994, to show that when utility over agreements has negative definite second (contingent) derivative, there is a finite number of PSSP equilibrium points for almost all discount factors. If in addition the space of agreements is one-dimensional, the theorem applies for all SSP equilibria. And for oligarchic voting rules (which include unanimity) with agreement spaces of arbitrary finite dimension, the number of SSP equilibria is odd and the equilibrium correspondence is lower-hemicontinuous for almost all discount factors. Finally, we provide a sufficient condition for uniqueness of SSP equilibrium in oligarchic games.Local Uniqueness of Equilibrium, Regularity, Sequential Bargaining.

    On calmness of a class of multifunctions

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    The paper deals with calmness of a class of multifunctions in finite dimensions. Its first part is devoted to various calmness criteria which are derived in terms of coderivatives and subdifferentials. The second part demonstrates the importance of calmness in several areas of nonsmoooth analysis. In particular, we focus on nonsmooth calculus and solution stability in mathematical programming and in equilibrium problems. The derived conditions find a number of applications there