2 research outputs found

    SOLO: Search Online, Learn Offline for Combinatorial Optimization Problems

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    We study combinatorial problems with real world applications such as machine scheduling, routing, and assignment. We propose a method that combines Reinforcement Learning (RL) and planning. This method can equally be applied to both the offline, as well as online, variants of the combinatorial problem, in which the problem components (e.g., jobs in scheduling problems) are not known in advance, but rather arrive during the decision-making process. Our solution is quite generic, scalable, and leverages distributional knowledge of the problem parameters. We frame the solution process as an MDP, and take a Deep Q-Learning approach wherein states are represented as graphs, thereby allowing our trained policies to deal with arbitrary changes in a principled manner. Though learned policies work well in expectation, small deviations can have substantial negative effects in combinatorial settings. We mitigate these drawbacks by employing our graph-convolutional policies as non-optimal heuristics in a compatible search algorithm, Monte Carlo Tree Search, to significantly improve overall performance. We demonstrate our method on two problems: Machine Scheduling and Capacitated Vehicle Routing. We show that our method outperforms custom-tailored mathematical solvers, state of the art learning-based algorithms, and common heuristics, both in computation time and performance

    Solution Approaches for an Automotive Paint Shop Scheduling Problem

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    In the paint shops of the automotive supply industry, a large number of synthetic material pieces need to be painted every day to provide the large variety of items required for car manufacturing. Because of the sophisticated automated production process and the tight due dates requested by car manufacturers, finding an optimized production schedule becomes a challenging task that is at the present time performed by multiple human planners.In this paper, we formulate and solve a novel real-life paint shop scheduling problem from the automotive supply industry which introduces unique constraints and objectives that do not appear in the existing literature. Additionally, we provide a new collection of benchmark instances based on real-life planning scenarios that can be used to evaluate solution techniques for the problem.An exact approach based on constraint programming is able to provide optimal solutions for smaller instances, but many larger instances could not be solved yet. Therefore, we propose a metaheuristic method based on local search that uses novel neighborhood relations and various ways to escape local optima. Our approach is able to provide feasible solutions for all instances within reasonable running time