5 research outputs found

    Context-Bounded Verification of Context-Free Specifications

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    IST Austria Technical Report

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    Recently there has been a significant effort to handle quantitative properties in formal verification and synthesis. While weighted automata over finite and infinite words provide a natural and flexible framework to express quantitative properties, perhaps surprisingly, some basic system properties such as average response time cannot be expressed using weighted automata, nor in any other know decidable formalism. In this work, we introduce nested weighted automata as a natural extension of weighted automata which makes it possible to express important quantitative properties such as average response time. In nested weighted automata, a master automaton spins off and collects results from weighted slave automata, each of which computes a quantity along a finite portion of an infinite word. Nested weighted automata can be viewed as the quantitative analogue of monitor automata, which are used in run-time verification. We establish an almost complete decidability picture for the basic decision problems about nested weighted automata, and illustrate their applicability in several domains. In particular, nested weighted automata can be used to decide average response time properties

    Aperiodicity, Star-freeness, and First-order Definability of Structured Context-Free Languages

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    A classic result in formal language theory is the equivalence among noncounting, or aperiodic, regular languages, and languages defined through star-free regular expressions, or first-order logic. Together with first-order completeness of linear temporal logic these results constitute a theoretical foundation for model-checking algorithms. Extending these results to structured subclasses of context-free languages, such as tree-languages did not work as smoothly: for instance W. Thomas showed that there are star-free tree languages that are counting. We show, instead, that investigating the same properties within the family of operator precedence languages leads to equivalences that perfectly match those on regular languages. The study of this old family of context-free languages has been recently resumed to enhance not only parsing (the original motivation of its inventor R. Floyd) but also to exploit their algebraic and logic properties. We have been able to reproduce the classic results of regular languages for this much larger class by going back to string languages rather than tree languages. Since operator precedence languages strictly include other classes of structured languages such as visibly pushdown languages, the same results given in this paper hold as trivial corollary for that family too