482 research outputs found

    Introduction to the Globus toolkit

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    Experimental Study of Remote Job Submission and Execution on LRM through Grid Computing Mechanisms

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    Remote job submission and execution is fundamental requirement of distributed computing done using Cluster computing. However, Cluster computing limits usage within a single organization. Grid computing environment can allow use of resources for remote job execution that are available in other organizations. This paper discusses concepts of batch-job execution using LRM and using Grid. The paper discusses two ways of preparing test Grid computing environment that we use for experimental testing of concepts. This paper presents experimental testing of remote job submission and execution mechanisms through LRM specific way and Grid computing ways. Moreover, the paper also discusses various problems faced while working with Grid computing environment and discusses their trouble-shootings. The understanding and experimental testing presented in this paper would become very useful to researchers who are new to the field of job management in Grid.Comment: Fourth International Conference on Advanced Computing & Communication Technologies (ACCT), 201

    Advanced Message Routing for Scalable Distributed Simulations

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    The Joint Forces Command (JFCOM) Experimentation Directorate (J9)'s recent Joint Urban Operations (JUO) experiments have demonstrated the viability of Forces Modeling and Simulation in a distributed environment. The JSAF application suite, combined with the RTI-s communications system, provides the ability to run distributed simulations with sites located across the United States, from Norfolk, Virginia to Maui, Hawaii. Interest-aware routers are essential for communications in the large, distributed environments, and the current RTI-s framework provides such routers connected in a straightforward tree topology. This approach is successful for small to medium sized simulations, but faces a number of significant limitations for very large simulations over high-latency, wide area networks. In particular, traffic is forced through a single site, drastically increasing distances messages must travel to sites not near the top of the tree. Aggregate bandwidth is limited to the bandwidth of the site hosting the top router, and failures in the upper levels of the router tree can result in widespread communications losses throughout the system. To resolve these issues, this work extends the RTI-s software router infrastructure to accommodate more sophisticated, general router topologies, including both the existing tree framework and a new generalization of the fully connected mesh topologies used in the SF Express ModSAF simulations of 100K fully interacting vehicles. The new software router objects incorporate the scalable features of the SF Express design, while optionally using low-level RTI-s objects to perform actual site-to-site communications. The (substantial) limitations of the original mesh router formalism have been eliminated, allowing fully dynamic operations. The mesh topology capabilities allow aggregate bandwidth and site-to-site latencies to match actual network performance. The heavy resource load at the root node can now be distributed across routers at the participating sites

    A Multilevel Approach to Topology-Aware Collective Operations in Computational Grids

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    The efficient implementation of collective communiction operations has received much attention. Initial efforts produced "optimal" trees based on network communication models that assumed equal point-to-point latencies between any two processes. This assumption is violated in most practical settings, however, particularly in heterogeneous systems such as clusters of SMPs and wide-area "computational Grids," with the result that collective operations perform suboptimally. In response, more recent work has focused on creating topology-aware trees for collective operations that minimize communication across slower channels (e.g., a wide-area network). While these efforts have significant communication benefits, they all limit their view of the network to only two layers. We present a strategy based upon a multilayer view of the network. By creating multilevel topology-aware trees we take advantage of communication cost differences at every level in the network. We used this strategy to implement topology-aware versions of several MPI collective operations in MPICH-G2, the Globus Toolkit[tm]-enabled version of the popular MPICH implementation of the MPI standard. Using information about topology provided by MPICH-G2, we construct these multilevel topology-aware trees automatically during execution. We present results demonstrating the advantages of our multilevel approach by comparing it to the default (topology-unaware) implementation provided by MPICH and a topology-aware two-layer implementation.Comment: 16 pages, 8 figure

    Global Grids and Software Toolkits: A Study of Four Grid Middleware Technologies

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    Grid is an infrastructure that involves the integrated and collaborative use of computers, networks, databases and scientific instruments owned and managed by multiple organizations. Grid applications often involve large amounts of data and/or computing resources that require secure resource sharing across organizational boundaries. This makes Grid application management and deployment a complex undertaking. Grid middlewares provide users with seamless computing ability and uniform access to resources in the heterogeneous Grid environment. Several software toolkits and systems have been developed, most of which are results of academic research projects, all over the world. This chapter will focus on four of these middlewares--UNICORE, Globus, Legion and Gridbus. It also presents our implementation of a resource broker for UNICORE as this functionality was not supported in it. A comparison of these systems on the basis of the architecture, implementation model and several other features is included.Comment: 19 pages, 10 figure

    The GRB Library: Grid Computing with Globus in C

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    none5In this paper we describe a library layered on top of basic Globus services. The library provides high level services, can be used to develop both web-based and desktop grid applications, it is relatively small and very easy to use. We show its usefulness in the context of a web-based Grid Resource Broker developed using the library as a building block, and in the context of a metacomputing experiment demonstrated at the SuperComputing 2000 conference.Aloisio G.; Cafaro M.; Blasi E.; De Paolis L.; Epicoco I.Aloisio, Giovanni; Cafaro, Massimo; Blasi, E.; DE PAOLIS, Lucio Tommaso; Epicoco, Ital

    A Scalable Approach to Network Enabled Servers

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    Bonus Computing: An Evolution from and a Supplement to Volunteer Computing

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    Despite the huge success in various worldwide projects, volunteer computing also suffers from the possible lack of computing resources (one volunteered device can join one project at a time) and from the uncertain job interruptions (the volunteered device can crash or disconnect from the Internet at any time). To relieve the challenges faced by volunteer computing, we have proposed bonus computing that exploits the free quotas of public Cloud resources particularly to deal with problems composed of fine-grained, short-running, and compute-intensive tasks. In addition to explaining the loosely-coupled functional architecture and six architectural patterns of bonus computing in this paper, we also employ the Monte-Carlo approximation of Pi (Ď€) as a use case demonstration both to facilitate understanding and to help validate its functioning mechanism. The results exhibit not only effectiveness but also multiple advantages of bonus computing, which makes it a valuable evolution from and supplement to volunteer computing

    A reconfigurable component-based problem solving environment

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    ©2001 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. However, permission to reprint/republish this material for advertising or promotional purposes or for creating new collective works for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or to reuse any copyrighted component of this work in other works must be obtained from the IEEE.Problem solving environments are an attractive approach to the integration of calculation and management tools for various scientific and engineering applications. These applications often require high performance computing components in order to be computationally feasible. It is therefore a challenge to construct integration technology, suitable for problem solving environments, that allows both flexibility as well as the embedding of parallel and high performance computing systems. Our DISCWorld system is designed to meet these needs and provides a Java-based middleware to integrate component applications across wide-area networks. Key features of our design are the abilities to: access remotely stored data; compose complex processing requests either graphically or through a scripting language; execute components on heterogeneous and remote platforms; reconfigure task sub-graphs to run across multiple servers. Operators in task graphs can be slow (but portable) “pure Java” implementations or wrappers to fast (platform specific) supercomputer implementations.K. Hawick, H. James, P. Coddingto
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