81,825 research outputs found

    Unbounded safety verification for hardware using software analyzers

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    Demand for scalable hardware verification is ever-increasing. We propose an unbounded safety verification framework for hardware, at the heart of which is a software verifier. To this end, we synthesize Verilog at register transfer level into a software-netlist, represented as a word-level ANSI-C program. The proposed tool flow allows us to leverage the precision and scalability of state-of-the-art software verification techniques. In particular, we evaluate unbounded proof techniques, such as predicate abstraction, k-induction, interpolation, and IC3/PDR; and we compare the performance of verification tools from the hardware and software domains that use these techniques. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first attempt to perform unbounded verification of hardware using software analyzers

    Automatic analysis of DMA races using model checking and k-induction

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    Modern multicore processors, such as the Cell Broadband Engine, achieve high performance by equipping accelerator cores with small "scratch- pad" memories. The price for increased performance is higher programming complexity - the programmer must manually orchestrate data movement using direct memory access (DMA) operations. Programming using asynchronous DMA operations is error-prone, and DMA races can lead to nondeterministic bugs which are hard to reproduce and fix. We present a method for DMA race analysis in C programs. Our method works by automatically instrumenting a program with assertions modeling the semantics of a memory flow controller. The instrumented program can then be analyzed using state-of-the-art software model checkers. We show that bounded model checking is effective for detecting DMA races in buggy programs. To enable automatic verification of the correctness of instrumented programs, we present a new formulation of k-induction geared towards software, as a proof rule operating on loops. Our techniques are implemented as a tool, Scratch, which we apply to a large set of programs supplied with the IBM Cell SDK, in which we discover a previously unknown bug. Our experimental results indicate that our k-induction method performs extremely well on this problem class. To our knowledge, this marks both the first application of k-induction to software verification, and the first example of software model checking in the context of heterogeneous multicore processors. © Springer Science+Business Media, LLC 2011

    Combining k-Induction with Continuously-Refined Invariants

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    Bounded model checking (BMC) is a well-known and successful technique for finding bugs in software. k-induction is an approach to extend BMC-based approaches from falsification to verification. Automatically generated auxiliary invariants can be used to strengthen the induction hypothesis. We improve this approach and further increase effectiveness and efficiency in the following way: we start with light-weight invariants and refine these invariants continuously during the analysis. We present and evaluate an implementation of our approach in the open-source verification-framework CPAchecker. Our experiments show that combining k-induction with continuously-refined invariants significantly increases effectiveness and efficiency, and outperforms all existing implementations of k-induction-based software verification in terms of successful verification results.Comment: 12 pages, 5 figures, 2 tables, 2 algorithm

    Incremental bounded model checking for embedded software

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    Program analysis is on the brink of mainstream usage in embedded systems development. Formal verification of behavioural requirements, finding runtime errors and test case generation are some of the most common applications of automated verification tools based on bounded model checking (BMC). Existing industrial tools for embedded software use an off-the-shelf bounded model checker and apply it iteratively to verify the program with an increasing number of unwindings. This approach unnecessarily wastes time repeating work that has already been done and fails to exploit the power of incremental SAT solving. This article reports on the extension of the software model checker CBMC to support incremental BMC and its successful integration with the industrial embedded software verification tool BTC EMBEDDED TESTER. We present an extensive evaluation over large industrial embedded programs, mainly from the automotive industry. We show that incremental BMC cuts runtimes by one order of magnitude in comparison to the standard non-incremental approach, enabling the application of formal verification to large and complex embedded software. We furthermore report promising results on analysing programs with arbitrary loop structure using incremental BMC, demonstrating its applicability and potential to verify general software beyond the embedded domain