4 research outputs found

    The Application of the Verified Gross Mass of Intermodal Loading Units in the Conditions of the Slovak Republic

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    This paper focuses on the methods of obtaining Verified Gross Mass of packed containers or other Intermodal Loading Units in Slovakia taking into consideration requirements of section 4 to 6, Regulation 2, Part A, chapter VI SOLAS and article 10f of the EU directive 2015/719/EU. The methods which used in Slovakia are described where the comparative analysis of selected weighing methods is performed on selected examples from loading organisations. The paper also recommends the use of certain weighing methods for the selected loading organisations as appropriate procedures to obtain Verified Gross Mass of packed containers or other Intermodal Loading Units


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    Vnútrozemská vodná doprava vsadila jednoznačne na využívanie dvojpalivových systémov nafta – LNG. Širšiemu uplatneniu tohto paliva v doprave predchádza potreba vytvorenia fungujúceho trhu s čím úzko súvisí vyriešenie množstva problémov s logistikou nie len v rámci regiónu, ale aj vzhľadom na regióny produkcie ako aj na fyzikálne vlastnosti LNG súvisiace s jeho prepravou na veľké vzdialenosti. V súčasnosti platná legislatíva týkajúca sa prepravy nebezpečných tovarov (ADN) umožňuje na prepravu LNG po vnútrozemských vodných cestách využívať LNG tankery vybavené špeciálnymi zásobníkmi - nádržami na uchovávanie kryogénnych plynov. Podobné nádrže je možné využiť aj na dlhodobé skladovanie v centrálnych termináloch. Aj keď táto technológia nie je nová, s jej aplikáciou vo vnútrozemských plavidlách sú minimálne skúsenosti. Pri konštrukcii a umiestňovaní nádrží na existujúce plavidla je potrebné hľadať kompromisy zohľadňujúce jednak tvar nádrže a množstvo uskladneného plynu, ako aj izolačné a pevnostné vlastnosti.Inland water transport has clearly bent on the use of dual-fuel systems diesel - LNG. The wider use of this fuel in transport is preceded by the need to create a functioning market with the closest connection to solving many logistical problems not only within the region but also in terms of production regions as well as the physical properties of LNG related to its long-range transport. The current legislation on the transport of dangerous goods (ADN) allows the use of LNG tankers equipped with special containers - cryogenic storage tanks for the transport of LNG by inland waterways. Similar tanks can also be used for long-term storage at central terminals. Although this technology is not new, its application to inland vessels is on very low level. When constructing and placing tanks on existing vessels, it is necessary to seek compromises taking into account both the shape of the tank and the amount of stored gas, as well as the insulation and strength characteristics

    Time Availability of the Public Terminal of Intermodal Transport Žilina with a Selected European Maritime Port

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    In most cases, the availability of seaports is declared through availability isochrones based on the distance determined by the beeline, what is a very simplified manner of determining the availability of seaports and presenting their benefits to customers. Therefore, the paper aimed to determine the availability of selected seaports in Europe on the basis of the proposed methodology using a professional route planner for road freight and distance directory managed by UIC (International Union Railways) for rail freight. The intermodal transport terminal in Žilina, Slovakia and eight seaports from seven European countries were selected to verify the proposed methodology for the assessment of time availability. Time availability is one of the key factors in the choice of mode of transport by carriers and also for the use of seaports. The scientific benefits are in the design of the methodology and its application to real conditions with the evaluation of outputs for the individual transport route. The contribution also assessed the impact of other factors affecting the observance of planned transport times in rail and road freight transport

    Possible Impacts of Regulating the Weekly Rest of Road Freight Drivers on Logistics in EU Countries

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    The paper deals with the research results regarding the possible impact on the EU logistics of regulating the regular weekly rest of road freight drivers. Road freight transport is used for the large distance and the implemented changes, high fines on drivers, and carriers as well can reduce the availability of vehicles for this transport, which may have negative impact on the logistics sector, including seaports, and can cause the increased theft of shipments. The paper focuses on the major shortage of road freight drivers and the age structure of current drivers, which is a further threat to the EU logistics sector. This may have a positive impact on the increased use of the rail freight transport