227,339 research outputs found

    Virtual laboratories for education in science, technology, and engineering: A review

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    Within education, concepts such as distance learning, and open universities, are now becoming more widely used for teaching and learning. However, due to the nature of the subject domain, the teaching of Science, Technology, and Engineering are still relatively behind when using new technological approaches (particularly for online distance learning). The reason for this discrepancy lies in the fact that these fields often require laboratory exercises to provide effective skill acquisition and hands-on experience. Often it is difficult to make these laboratories accessible for online access. Either the real lab needs to be enabled for remote access or it needs to be replicated as a fully software-based virtual lab. We argue for the latter concept since it offers some advantages over remotely controlled real labs, which will be elaborated further in this paper. We are now seeing new emerging technologies that can overcome some of the potential difficulties in this area. These include: computer graphics, augmented reality, computational dynamics, and virtual worlds. This paper summarizes the state of the art in virtual laboratories and virtual worlds in the fields of science, technology, and engineering. The main research activity in these fields is discussed but special emphasis is put on the field of robotics due to the maturity of this area within the virtual-education community. This is not a coincidence; starting from its widely multidisciplinary character, robotics is a perfect example where all the other fields of engineering and physics can contribute. Thus, the use of virtual labs for other scientific and non-robotic engineering uses can be seen to share many of the same learning processes. This can include supporting the introduction of new concepts as part of learning about science and technology, and introducing more general engineering knowledge, through to supporting more constructive (and collaborative) education and training activities in a more complex engineering topic such as robotics. The objective of this paper is to outline this problem space in more detail and to create a valuable source of information that can help to define the starting position for future research

    Diseño de didácticas digitales para la asignatura de sistemas operativos

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    In this paper the first stage of implementation of digital content is presented through a website, that includes OS issues. Currently students at the Technological University of the Valle of Toluca (UTVT) represents a high degree of learning difficulty in this area. Then academic staff develops this project, in collaboration with the Technological University of the Suroeste of Guanajuato (UTSOE), which aims to improve the teaching-learning and make teaching practices incorporating TIC provide students with a tool to promote their interest. Through the interactivity offered by the web, the student to achieve strengthening further their knowledge and actively participate, which has easy access to information, where distance and time is not a constraint, in addition to have an effective view of the concepts needed to acquire the skills and the ability to self-regulate their learning. For the development of project is used methodologies of the software engineering and technologies web for design


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    Vocational education is an educational program that aims to prepare personnel who can establish expertise and skills in their field. For example, students majoring in civil engineering are expected to master skills in drawing designs and measuring distances and directions. In basic courses, student will take physics and mathematics courses, where one of the concepts studied is measuring the size of angles and the resultant of several vectors. The purpose of this study is to describe the application of the PACE learning model to improve the drawing skills of students majoring in civil engineering. The type of research used is descriptive research. The research subject first semester students of the Civil Engineering Department for the 2021/2022 academic year, totaling 62 people. Data analysis using SPSS software with descriptive test. After students have learned, most of the 45 students (75%) can use arcs well, and put the initial position of a vector’s distance, and continue with the second, third, anda resultant vectors with the correct direction and angle positions. The application of the PACE learning model has a significant effect on students’ drawing skills in vector material. Students not only acquire cognitive knowledge, but have affective and spicomotor skills in terms of drawing and using rules and arcs

    Providing equivalent learning activities with software-based remote access laboratories

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    Laboratory-based learning activities are important components of engineering and surveying education and it is difficult to offering practical activities to distance education students. Remote Access Laboratory (RAL) systems are widely discussed as learning tools to offer students remote access to rigs or hardware. In some disciplines laboratory activities are purely software based and RAL systems can be used to provide access to software. As part of a larger study into the transferability of the remote laboratory concept to non-engineering disciplines this project evaluates the effectiveness of RAL based software activities in supporting student learning is investigated. In the discipline of Surveying and Spatial Science, RAL technology is used to provide Geographic Information System software access to distance students. The key research question discussed in this paper is whether RALbased software activities can address the same learning outcomes as face-to-face practical classes for software activities. Data was collected from students' discussion forums, teaching staff diaries and teaching staff interviews. The project demonstrates that students undertaking learning activities remotely achieve similar learning outcomes than student in practice classes using the same software. Ease of system access and usability are critical and the learning activity needs to be supported by comprehensive learning materials. This research provides a clear case in which the use of RAL technology has provided inclusive educational opportunities more efficiently and these general results are also applicable to experiments that involve physical hardware

    Continued Efforts in TI ARM M4 Microcontroller Curricula Developments and Assessments Between Three Different Institutions and Programs

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    This project is a continuation in efforts to upgrade the curricula in microcontroller related courses that are facing difficulties in the disappearing and lack technical supports in hardware and software of 68XXX and 80XXX microcontrollers. Through the study of a NSF supported project Transform the Innovated Design and Development of an Embedded Design Training System and Associated Support Curricula into a Commercial Available Product that interviewed 130 faculty/teachers/students across the U.S. has revealed on finding newly available microcontrollers is an urgent issue in the academic communities. Based on the supports on hardware and software and function libraries, the TI ARM M4 core is the choice for the join efforts in the new curriculum development and assessment between Old Dominion University, Farmingdale State College, Prairie View A&M University, and Ohio Northern University within the programs of CET, ECE, EET, and Tech Studies. The efforts were also a direct response to the industries suggestions and the needs of 32 bits ARM microcontroller’s skills from engineer and technology programs graduates to fill the job markets. This article presents a study and comparison that introduce a concept of collaborated efforts among different institutions and programs can work together to develop the comprehensive ARM curricula that fit the industry’s needs. These curricula development efforts are not only aim at on-campus face-to-face teaching and learning but also distance hands-on learning through delivering course modules using both synchronous and asynchronous. The assessment of this jointed efforts are part of the studies. Engineering and technology programs focus on both hands-on and mind-on design work and this article demonstrates the collaborated efforts in advanced curriculum development in the ARM microcontroller which is the key ingredient for success. Through the development efforts and online Learning Management System (LMS) designs that make the distance collaboration, delivery, and cyber-enabled learning possible. These efforts not only benefit the interested faculty/teachers in better teaching and learning, but also support the students who can learn more advanced technical concepts that are needed for emerging high-tech job skills. Highlights of the presentation will address the following: • Research and development of the virtual classrooms and open source service server. • Design and development of the supported material. • Implementation strategies and planning for the distance hands-on approach. • Assessment of the teaching and learning. • Recommendations of potential adoption of the development. • Continuous improvement of teaching and learning in academic community

    Managing evolution and change in web-based teaching and learning environments

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    The state of the art in information technology and educational technologies is evolving constantly. Courses taught are subject to constant change from organisational and subject-specific reasons. Evolution and change affect educators and developers of computer-based teaching and learning environments alike – both often being unprepared to respond effectively. A large number of educational systems are designed and developed without change and evolution in mind. We will present our approach to the design and maintenance of these systems in rapidly evolving environments and illustrate the consequences of evolution and change for these systems and for the educators and developers responsible for their implementation and deployment. We discuss various factors of change, illustrated by a Web-based virtual course, with the objective of raising an awareness of this issue of evolution and change in computer-supported teaching and learning environments. This discussion leads towards the establishment of a development and management framework for teaching and learning systems

    Collaborated Efforts in TI ARM M4/32Bits Microcontroller Curricula Developments and Assessments

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    The disappearing and lack technical supports in hardware and software of 68XXX and 80XXX microcontrollers have made the finding of the replacement an urgent issue in the academic communities. There are many new comers such as Microchip PIC, Arduino ATMEL, and Texas Instruments ARM M series to choose from, but obstacles and learning curve for the faculty to adopt the new environment with these new microcontrollers have issues to slow the process. There were efforts made with grant supports to disseminate the curricula development on PIC and Arduino microcontrollers. But, industries have suggested and expressed the needs and desire of 32 bits ARM microcontroller’s skills from engineer and technology programs graduates to fill the job markets. This article presents a preliminary study and comparison that introduce a concept of collaborated efforts among different institutions to develop the ARM curricula that aimed to fit the industry’s call for duties. These curricula development efforts are not only aim at on-campus face-to-face teaching and learning strategy but also distance hands-on learning through delivering course modules using both synchronous and asynchronous. An assessment of this jointed efforts are also part of the studies. Engineering technology focuses on both hands-on and mind-on design work and the article is to demonstrate the collaborated efforts in advanced curriculum development such as the ARM microcontroller which is the key ingredient for success. Through the development efforts and online Learning Management System (LMS) designs that make the distance delivery and cyber-enabled learning possible. These efforts not only benefit the interested faculty/teachers in better teaching and learning, but also support the students who can learn more advanced technical concepts that are needed for emerging high-tech jobs for today and in the future. Highlights of the presentation will address the following: • Research and development of the virtual classrooms and open source service server. • Design and development of the supported material. • Implementation strategies and planning for the distance hands-on approach. • Preliminary assessment of the teaching and learning. • Recommendations of potential adoption of the development. • Continuous improvement of teaching and learning in academic community