32 research outputs found

    Soft fluidic rotary actuator with improved actuation properties

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    The constantly increasing amount of machines operating in the vicinity of humans makes it necessary to rethink the design approach for such machines to ensure that they are safe when interacting with humans. Traditional mechanisms are rigid and heavy and as such considered unsuitable, even dangerous when a controlled physical contact with humans is desired. A huge improvement in terms of safe human-robot interaction has been achieved by a radically new approach to robotics - soft material robotics. These new robots are made of compliant materials that render them safe when compared to the conventional rigid-link robots. This undeniable advantage of compliance and softness is paired with a number of drawbacks. One of them is that a complex and sophisticated controller is required to move a soft robot into the desired positions or along a desired trajectory, especially with external forces being present. In this paper we propose an improved soft fluidic rotary actuator composed of silicone rubber and fiber-based reinforcement. The actuator is cheap and easily manufactured providing near linear actuation properties when compared to pneumatic actuators presented elsewhere. The paper presents the actuator design, manufacturing process and a mathematical model of the actuator behavior as well as an experimental validation of the model. Four different actuator types are compared including a square-shaped and three differently reinforced cylindrical actuators

    Static kinematics for an antagonistically actuated robot based on a beam-mechanics-based model

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    Soft robotic structures might play a major role in the 4th industrial revolution. Researchers have successfully demonstrated advantages of soft robotics over traditional robots made of rigid links and joints in several application areas including manufacturing, healthcare and surgical interventions. However, soft robots have limited ability to exert higher forces when it comes to interaction with the environment, hence, change their stiffness on demand over a wide range. One stiffness mechanism embodies tendon-driven and pneumatic air actuation in an antagonistic way achieving variable stiffness values. In this paper, we apply a beammechanics-based model to this type of soft stiffness controllable robot. This mathematical model takes into account the various stiffness levels of the soft robotic manipulator as well as interaction forces with the environment at the tip of the manipulator. The analytical model is implemented into a robotic actuation system made of motorised linear rails with load cells (obtaining applied forces to the tendons) and a pressure regulator. Here, we present and analyse the performance and limitations of our model

    Soft Robotics. Bio-inspired Antagonistic Stiffening

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    Soft robotic structures might play a major role in the 4th industrial revolution. Researchers have demonstrated advantages of soft robotics over traditional robots made of rigid links and joints in several application areas including manufacturing, healthcare, and surgical interventions. However, soft robots have limited ability to exert larger forces and change their stiffness on demand over a wide range. Stiffness can be achieved as a result of the equilibrium of an active and a passive reaction force or of two active forces antagonistically collaborating. This paper presents a novel design paradigm for a fabric-based Variable Stiffness System including potential applications

    Understanding the Interaction between Older Adults and Soft Service Robots: Insights from Robotics and the Technology Acceptance Model

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    As the world’s population increasingly ages, we need technological solutions such as robotics technology to assist older adults in their daily tasks. In this regard, we examine soft service robots’ potential to help care for the elderly. To do so, we developed and tested the degree to which they would accept a soft service robot that catered to their functional needs in the home environment. We used embodied artificial to develop an in-house teleoperated human-sized soft service robot that performed object-retrieval tasks with a soft gripper. Using an extended technology acceptance model as a theoretical lens, we conducted a study with 79 older adults to examine the degree to which they would accept a soft service robot in the home environment. We found perceived ease of use, perceived usefulness, and subjective norms as significant predictors that positively influenced older adults’ intention to adopt and use soft service robots. However, we also found that perceived anxiety and perceived likability did not significantly predict older adults’ intention to adopt and use soft service robots. We discuss the implications, limitations, and future research directions that arise from these findings

    Pneumatic Hyperelastic Robotic End-Effector for Grasping Soft Curved Organic Objects

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    Pneumatically-driven soft robotic grippers can elastically deform to grasp delicate, curved organic objects with minimal surface damage. However, common actuators have complex geometries and are fabricated with ultra-soft hyperelastic elastomers not originally intended for scientific applications. The complexity of the actuator geometry and extreme nonlinearity of their material’s stress-strain behaviour make it difficult to predict the actuator’s deformation prior to experimentation. In this work, a compact soft pneumatic gripper made with polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) is developed for grasping delicate organic objects, analyzed through computational modelling and experimentally validated. COMSOL Multiphysics is used to simulate the impact of geometrical parameters on the actuator’s behaviour, allowing for the refinement of the proposed geometry prior to fabrication. Optimal parameters are selected for fabrication, with experimental tests matching simulations within ± 1 mm. Gripper performance is evaluated for three actuator wall thicknesses in terms of contact area with target, contact force, and maximum payload before slippage. The comparative assessment between simulations and experiments demonstrate that the proposed soft actuators can be used in robotic grippers tailored for grasping delicate objects without damaging their surface. Furthermore, analysis of the actuators provides additional insight on how to design simple but effective soft systems

    Characterisation of antagonistically actuated, stiffness-controllable joint-link units for cobots

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    Towards a Modular Framework for Visco-Hyperelastic Simulations of Soft Material Manipulators with Well-Parameterised Material

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    Controller design for continuum robots maintains to be a difficult task. Testing controllers requires dedicated work in manufacturing and investment into hardware as well as software, to acquire a test bench capable of performing dynamic control tasks. Typically, proprietary software for practical controller design such as Matlab/Simulink is used but lacks specific implementations of soft material robots. This intermediate work presents the results of a toolchain to derive well-identified rod simulations. State-of-the-art methods to simulate the dynamics of continuum robots are integrated into an object-oriented implementation and wrapped into the Simulink framework. The generated S-function is capable of handling arbitrary, user-defined input such as pressure actuation or external tip forces as demonstrated in numerical examples. With application to a soft pneumatic actuator, stiffness parameters of a nonlinear hyperelastic material law are identified via finite element simulation and paired with heuristically identified damping parameters to perform dynamic simulation. To prove the general functionality of the simulation, a numerical example as well as a benchmark from literature is implemented and shown. A soft pneumatic actuator is used to generate validation data, which is in good accordance with the respective simulation output. The tool is provided as an open-source project. Code is available under https://gitlab.com/soft_material_robotics/cosserat-rod-simulink-sfunction.© 2023 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other work