1,433 research outputs found

    Dance, Music and Dramaturgy: collaboration plan and dramaturgical apparatus

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    Dance, Music and Dramaturgy: collaboration plan and dramaturgical apparatus – The unfolding of the concept of dramaturgy and the problematics of contemporary choreography are, today, a vast and diverse field of research, bearing numerous disclosures that lead to their reciprocal implication. Apart from that, dance and music share significant complementary ties allowing for the consideration of a common compositional inquiry. Reflecting on the compositional processes of dance and music, this article cross-examines the collaboration between choreographers and composers, integrating the incidence of dramaturgy in the strategies of choreographic and musical composition

    The European Union and policy coherence for development: reforms, results, resistance

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    This article discusses the trajectory of policy coherence for development (PCD) in the European Union (EU). In particular, it argues that the strong focus on institutional mechanisms, conceived as a way of overcoming different types of resistance, has had the effect that results achieved have by no means been commensurate with the expectations raised by the various reforms launched over the years. EU Member States have paid lip service to the importance of PCD without translating commitments into more coherent (national and supranational) policies. Moroever, an analysis of the Impact Assessment (IA) – one of the key mechanisms to promote PCD at EU level – prepared for the reform of the EU’s agricultural and fisheries policies in 2011–2013 shows how bureaucratic arrangements have substantially failed to clarify the real impact of EU policies on (different types of) developing countries. The conclusion is that successful promotion of PCD is more than just having the right arguments and ensuring sufficient technical support, but is first and foremost a political undertaking

    Veelkord triaadilisest kolmiksuhtest: Eesti, Venemaa ja eestivenelaste etnopoliitiliste suhete analüüs

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    Väitekirja elektrooniline versioon ei sisalda publikatsioone.Doktoriväitekiri keskendub dünaamilise kolmiksuhte – Eesti riik kui rahvustav riik, eestivenelased kui vähemus ja Venemaa kui vähemuse ajalooline kodumaa – analüüsile. Kasutades Rogers Brubakeri (1996) triaadilise kolmikneksuse analüütilist konstruktsiooni analüüsitakse Eesti entopoliitilist režiimi ja selle muutumise dünaamikaid viimasel kahel kümnendil. Väitekirjas vaadeldakse Eesti riigi ja eestivenelaste suhete arenguid, integratsioonipoliitikat ja integratsiooniprotsessi, analüüsitakse Euroopa Liidu väärtuspohise ja normatiivse tingimuste seadmise poliitika moju vähemuste oigustele Eestis ning lisaks ka Venemaa kui vähemuse ajaloolise kodumaa ja Noukogude Liidu mantlipärija rolli ja tegevusi venekeelse vähemuse suunal nii Eestis kui mujal. Väitekiri votab kokku Brubakeri mudeli edasiarendused ja empiirilised rakendused akadeemilises kirjanduses ning formuleerib ümber kolmiksuhte sees toimunud muutustest tulenevalt etnopoliitiliste suhete dünaamika. Kui Brubakeri nägemuses olid vahetult pärast Noukogude Liidu lagunemist etnopoliitiliste suhete katalüsaatoriteks uued riigid, mis kerkisid Venemaa ümber ning mis said pärandiks suure arvu venekeelset elanikkonda, siis täna on Venemaa, kes on läbimas joulist rahvusriigi ja rahvusliku eneseteadvuse kujunemise protsessi, peamine etnopoliitiliste suhete katalüsaator kolmnurgas Eesti riik, eestivenelased ja Venemaa.PhD dissertation focuses on analysing the dynamic relationship of ethnopolitical relations in triadic configuration between Estonia as nationalising state, Estonian Russians as a minority and Russia as historic homeland of the minority. By applying the conceptual framework of triadic nexus developed by Rogers Brubaker (1996) the dissertation analysis Estonia’s ethnopolitical regime and the dynamics of its change in last two decades. The dissertation analysis the relationship between Estonian state and Estonian Russians, integration policy and integration process, the impact of EU conditionality policy on minority rights regime in Estonia and the role and actions taken by Russia as the historic homeland and the successor of Soviet Union towards Russophone populations in Estonia and elsewhere in near abroad. The dissertation summarises the new interpretations and empirical applications of Brubaker’s model in academic literature and postulates new dynamics of interplay in triadic configuration based on developments in recent decade. While Brubaker argued that the main catalyst of ethnopolitical confrontation in the nexus were nationalising states around Russia that inherited large number of Russian-speaking residents, the dissertation argues that nation-building processes in Russia in last decade permit to argue that the main protagonist of rather conflictual ethnopolitical relations in the nexus is Russia

    A Bio-Inspired Tensegrity Manipulator with Multi-DOF, Structurally Compliant Joints

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    Most traditional robotic mechanisms feature inelastic joints that are unable to robustly handle large deformations and off-axis moments. As a result, the applied loads are transferred rigidly throughout the entire structure. The disadvantage of this approach is that the exerted leverage is magnified at each subsequent joint possibly damaging the mechanism. In this paper, we present two lightweight, elastic, bio-inspired tensegrity robotics arms which mitigate this danger while improving their mechanism's functionality. Our solutions feature modular tensegrity structures that function similarly to the human elbow and the human shoulder when connected. Like their biological counterparts, the proposed robotic joints are flexible and comply with unanticipated forces. Both proposed structures have multiple passive degrees of freedom and four active degrees of freedom (two from the shoulder and two from the elbow). The structural advantages demonstrated by the joints in these manipulators illustrate a solution to the fundamental issue of elegantly handling off-axis compliance.Comment: IROS 201


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    MABE methodological framework

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    The MABE Methodological Framework aims to understand Value-Based Learning Organizations. The e-leaders (decision takers of these organizations) can only communicate using a hazy hierarchy of metaphors as the new ideas cannot be expressed using the old terminology. They and their organizations exist in a business world, in which the functioning is dominated by software; the employees are expected to be skilled searchers. We assume that the decision takers can change their attitude towards the set of expectations and their relations when facing a new solution; thus, they can achieve to get an objectionless solution. This requires a new mode of cognition, which we call the opportunistic browsing. Furthermore, they have to ensure that the decision they have taken is ethically correct, and as there is no single truth they need to adopt pluralistic ethics. The established framework is used to analyze the decisions of the e-leader, who keeps the original decisions to herself/himself and delegates the routine ones, thus achieving increased efficiency and effectiveness resulting in cost reduction and time savings

    Interdependencies of Eastern Partnership Countries with the EU and Russia: Three Case Studies

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    Asymmetric interdependencies with Russia have been identified as a key factor influencing domestic change in response to EU policies in Eastern Partnership (EaP) countries. As argued in the literature, interdependencies can either facilitate or constrain EU-demanded change, depending on whether they are associated with EaP countries’ sensitivity or vulnerability to Russia’s policies. In this paper, we provide a systematic mapping and process-tracing of interdependencies in three EaP countries (Belarus, Moldova and Ukraine) and four key sectors (trade, migration, energy and security). We further explore Russia’s use of interdependencies and attempts at issue-linkage between the above sectors. Finally, we scrutinize domestic elites’ responses to Russia’s strategies. Drawing upon the distinction between sensitivity and vulnerability, we seek in particular to identify the conditions under which Russia’s policies effectively incentivize or disincentivize the political elites in EaP countries to engage with the EU’s and Russia’s policies. We find that Russia’s attempts to link issues (even if to varying degrees across countries and sectors) effectively undermined further integration with the EU in those cases where policy alternatives were too costly for the incumbent elites. By contrast, Russia’s use of nexuses between different policy sectors have facilitated or even supported integration with the EU when the latter offered an affordable alternative to the EaP countries

    Transformative dialogues (re)privileging the informal in prison education

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    Prime Minister David Cameron noted in his speech about prison reform that education in prison should be something that it is given priority in terms of penal and rehabilitative practice. Whether or not this welcome rhetoric results in effective change in practice remains to be seen. Nevertheless, in order for education in prison to be effective there are a number of issues that need to be acknowledge and addressed. As such this paper will argue that the delivery of education in prison, beyond the basic provision of Numeracy and Literacy levels 1 and 2, is desirable, essential and necessary. However, I will also argue that in order for prison education to work efficiently and to serve the interests of the prisoners, the institution and the wider public we need to move away from the current disciplinary practices and ideologies that exist within prison education and instead re-privilege those skills that arise when learning occurs for learning’s sake