76 research outputs found

    Robotic Unicycle Intelligent Robust Control Pt I: Soft Computational Intelligence Toolkit

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    The concept of an intelligent control system for a complex nonlinear biomechanical system of an extension cableless robotic unicycle discussed. A thermodynamic approach to study optimal control processes in complex nonlinear dynamic systems applied. The results of stochastic simulation of a fuzzy intelligent control system for various types of external / internal excitations for a dynamic, globally unstable control object - extension cableless robotic unicycle based on Soft Computing (Computational Intelligence Toolkit - SCOptKBTM) technology presented. A new approach to design an intelligent control system based on the principle of the minimum entropy production (minimum of useful resource losses) determination in the movement of the control object and the control system is developed. This determination as a fitness function in the genetic algorithm is used to achieve robust control of a robotic unicycle. An algorithm for entropy production computing and representation of their relationship with the Lyapunov function (a measure of stochastic robust stability) described

    Human Being Emotion in Cognitive Intelligent Robotic Control Pt I: Quantum / Soft Computing Approach

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    Abstract. The article consists of two parts. Part I shows the possibility of quantum / soft computing optimizers of knowledge bases (QSCOptKB™) as the toolkit of quantum deep machine learning technology implementation in the solution’s search of intelligent cognitive control tasks applied the cognitive helmet as neurointerface. In particular, case, the aim of this part is to demonstrate the possibility of classifying the mental states of a human being operator in on line with knowledge extraction from electroencephalograms based on SCOptKB™ and QCOptKB™ sophisticated toolkit. Application of soft computing technologies to identify objective indicators of the psychophysiological state of an examined person described. The role and necessity of applying intelligent information technologies development based on computational intelligence toolkits in the task of objective estimation of a general psychophysical state of a human being operator shown. Developed information technology examined with special (difficult in diagnostic practice) examples emotion state estimation of autism children (ASD) and dementia and background of the knowledge bases design for intelligent robot of service use is it. Application of cognitive intelligent control in navigation of autonomous robot for avoidance of obstacles demonstrated.

    Intelligent Self-Organized Robust Control Design based on Quantum/Soft Computing Technologies and Kansei Engineering

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    System of systems engineering technology describes the possibility of ill-defined (autonomous or hierarchically connected) dynamic control system design that includes human decision making in unpredicted (unforeseen) control situations. Kansei/Affective Engineering technology and its toolkit include qualitative description of human being emotion, instinct and intuition that are used effectively in design processes of smart/wise robotics and intelligent mechatronics. In presented report the way how these technologies can be married using new types of unconventional computational intelligence is described. System analysis of interrelations between these two important technologies is discussed. The solution of an important problem as robust intelligent control system design based on quantum knowledge base self-organization in unpredicted control situations and information risk is proposed. The background of applied unconventional computational intelligence is soft and quantum computing technologies. Applications of the developed approach in robust integrated fuzzy intelligent control systems are considered using concrete Benchmarks

    Intelligent control of mobile robot with redundant manipulator & stereovision: quantum / soft computing toolkit

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    The task of an intelligent control system design applying soft and quantum computational intelligence technologies discussed. An example of a control object as a mobile robot with redundant robotic manipulator and stereovision introduced. Design of robust knowledge bases is performed using a developed computational intelligence – quantum / soft computing toolkit (QC/SCOptKBTM). The knowledge base self-organization process of fuzzy homogeneous regulators through the application of end-to-end IT of quantum computing described. The coordination control between the mobile robot and redundant manipulator with stereovision based on soft computing described. The general design methodology of a generalizing control unit based on the physical laws of quantum computing (quantum information-thermodynamic trade-off of control quality distribution and knowledge base self-organization goal) is considered. The modernization of the pattern recognition system based on stereo vision technology presented. The effectiveness of the proposed methodology is demonstrated in comparison with the structures of control systems based on soft computing for unforeseen control situations with sensor system

    Self-Organized Intelligent Robust Control Based on Quantum Fuzzy Inference

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    Formation Control of Stochastic Multivehicle Systems

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    Robotic control of deformable continua and objects therein

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