130,382 research outputs found

    Potential of economy socialisation in the context of globalisation

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    Development of the world economy bears numerous negative phenomena, and require constant need to rebalance socioeconomic interests of nations, transnational subjects, and individuals. Socialisation is an important and effective tool for balancing social and individual; however, despite socialisation is evolving rapidly, its scientific and practical potential is not duly uncovered. In the article theoretical and methodological foundations of socialisation of economy is surveyed in the context of globalisation, and etymology, explanations, scope, historical phases of development, theoretical aspects and practical forms of use, consequences and prospects are analysed. The term ÂŤsocialisationÂť was determined as a multidisciplinary, used in many scientific fields, increasingly involving various areas of research and is understood as inclusion, adaptation and development of human being in society. It was determined that the economy socialisation is implemented in different fields and semantic structures, contains a large number of methodological tools, is involved at all management levels, and is primarily identified with the increasing role of social component in the life of human resources. The assumptions were made about the future transformation of this category in line with the identified predictive trends

    Framework of Socialisation, Authentic Leadership and Affective Commitment for Construction Professionals

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    This paper highlights the human resources (HR) or behaviour-related success factors in construction projects, and these are training, understanding, co-worker support, future prospects, authentic leadership, and affective commitment. There exists discrepancies in existing literature regarding the factor structure of organisational socialisation and authentic leadership. Therefore, this study aims to explore the factor structure of socialisation, authentic leadership and affective commitment. Data was gathered from 301 newly joined construction professionals and  Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) was conducted to examine the factor structure for organisational socialisation, authentic leadership and affective commitment. A measurement model was further developed using the domains of organisational socialisation, authentic leadership and affective commitment. The results of CFA revealed that there exists four zero-order factor structure for organisational socialisation, and one zero-order factor structure for authentic leadership. The study contributes to both the researcher and practitioner communities by integrating the three constructs and validating the factor structure in the new context (i.e. construction). Further, the study contributes towards improving HR processes, namely, training, reward system, and induction process. It also helps in augmenting the authenticity among the project participants

    Book review: parliamentary socialisation: learning the ropes or determining behaviour? by Michael Rush and Philip Giddings

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    How and from whom do MPs learn about their role in the Commons? In Parliamentary Socialisation, Michael Rush and Philip Giddings consider the range of sources that provide socialisation for MPs as they enter the House of Commons. Dave O’Brien finds limitations in the book’s theoretical analysis, but gives much credit to the authors for providing a readable and engaging account of how the House shapes its members.

    Instrumental calculation, cognitive role-playing, or both? Self-perceptions of Seconded National Experts in the European Commission

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    Most work studying micro-processes of integration - i.e. how agents develop identities and decision-making behaviours within a particular institution - offers explanations based on either instrumental rationality or socialisation. This article proposes a twodimensional framework that allows analysing under which conditions both logics of social action co-exist. Our empirical analysis employs a unique dataset from a 2011 survey of all 1098 currently active Seconded National Experts (SNEs) in the European Commission, and is supportive the model's theoretical predictions. We find that a) instrumental cost-benefit calculation and cognitive role-playing (as semi-reflexive socialisation) often simultaneously influence SNEs' (perceptions of their) behaviour, and b) this joint presence of both logics of social action depends on certain scope conditions (i.e., SNEs' education, length of prior embeddedness and noviceness). --Socialisation,rational action,European Commission,Seconded National Experts,survey

    Socialisation politique

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    Trois principales manières dont la dimension genrÊe de la socialisation politique a ÊtÊ travaillÊe en science politique (plus ou moins explicitement) : la socialisation politique primaire, la socialisation produite par l'engagement politique et la socialisation au mÊtier politique

    Dreaming of fecundity in rural society

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    In Albanian village society, the main characteristic of the social status of women, and their only function that meets social approval, is their aptitude for procreation and motherhood. And the Albanian child is first and foremost a son, who will succeed his father, inherit from him, guarantee the everlastingness of his lineage and honour his ancestors. If the daughter is a future wife and a potential mother, polyvalent images make the boy child the symbol of radical transformation, renewal and regeneration. The beliefs, rites, practices, the multiple symbolic forms and collective representations surrounding birth and socialisation, in addition to their magic, divinatory or propitiatory roles, are also used to confer a symbolic value of recognition on the processes of construction and socialisation of the individual who has just been born

    Becoming music teachers: preservice music teachers' early beliefs about music teaching and learning

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    A major component in the socialisation of teachers is the development of a belief system, which is closely related to their identities. A better understanding of the belief systems and identities of preservice teachers when they begin the process of secondary socialisation could influence approaches to teacher preparation. The purpose of this study was to understand preservice teachers’ initial beliefs about music education as well as their conceptualisations of their identities. Data were drawn from selected assignments completed by students who were enrolled in an introductory-level music education course at a university in the northeastern United States. Through an analysis of the data using a constant comparative approach, three broad themes emerged: A desire to share and develop passion; expressing, feeling, and emotional growth; and providing opportunities for all students. Implications for teacher educators and suggestions for further research are discussed.Accepted manuscrip

    Calculating Profit: A Historical Perspective on the Development of Capitalism

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    The paper introduces the notion of different methods of calculating and analysing profitability as signatures of capitalism at different stages of development. Interactions between the development of the productive forces and the socialisation of capital ownership jointly impact on these signatures, such that profit calculations are historically contingent. These interactions take the identification of capitalism beyond simple associations with the presence or absence of double-entry bookkeeping (DEB), the capital account or return on capital calculations. Profit calculations are implicated in the process of transition from feudalism to capitalism by enabling the private enforcement of profit levels in excess of legally regulated interest rates or through fairly remunerated labour. The modern usage of ROCE is linked to the development of the productive forces and the socialisation of capital ownership
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