7 research outputs found

    Freedom of Choice as a Motivational factor in Active Learning

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    Freedom to choose what, when, and how to contribute in a learning process can motivate students to actively engage and achieve more in their studies. However, freedom of choice complicates course management and may deter instructors from allowing such freedom. Our approach is to utilize existing functionality of course management systems such as Moodle to automatically facilitate and coordinate free student choices and provide much needed relief for instructors at the same time. Using Moodle we have developed novel digital study packs that blend freedom of choice with guidance and control. Our survey shows that assisted freedom of choice is ranked highest in 51% of student responses -- in contrast to unlimited choice at 28% or no choice at all at 21%. Experience reported in this paper may be beneficial for instructors who would like to expand their courses with new motivational learning techniques

    Analyzing Shakespeare鈥檚 Plays in a Network Perspective

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    Networks are popular models for representing interactions between entities in systems, such as in sociology, bioinformatics, and epidemiology. The entities in the networks are represented as vertices and their pair-wise interactions are represented as edges [1]. Many network metrics such as degree centrality (number of connections of an entity) and betweenness centrality (number of shortest paths passing through the entity) have been developed to rank the entities according to their importance [7] [10].Social networks are generally modeled on only one type of relation. Groups are open-ended, which means the number of participants and the time frame are not finite. Time frame may not cover significant events and their effect. How would the analysis change if we modeled the interactions and relationships of a closed group, over significant incidents? It is difficult to obtain real life data, because of the time commitment and privacy constraints. The next best option: Analyze fiction, which would give an indication of social relations [15].In this thesis, we study the effectiveness of these metrics in closed-form social interactions鈥攑articularly in the context of Shakespeare鈥檚 dramas [2] [18]. In plays the dialogues amongst characters are very precise to express the gist of their interactions in a short time frame. We are interested in understanding how this sort of interaction differs in a qualitative sense from the interactions seen in social media such as Facebook and Twitter. Our observations show that the popular network metrics are not always successful in correctly identifying the lead characters of the play and we propose a new method of creating two different types of networks from each play by using different criterion. Also the third type of network model, the Time Series Analysis considers the important characters of each play and filters edge lists based on them. Here the occurrence/influence of the important characters is examined from scene to scene and in turn from act to act from beginning to the end of each play we considered

    A Qualitative Study on Engaging Students in Computing Through Computational Remixing with EarSketch

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    Computer Science fields have a difficult time engaging underrepresented populations such as African Americans and women. EarSketch is an approach to engage these student through authentic STEAM learning involving computational music remixing. EarSketch has been used in several pilot studies. In this study, students from one pilot study participated in a focus group to understand the effectiveness of EarSketch in engaging underrepresented minorities. Qualitative analysis shows a variety of contributing factors in engagement such as motivation, confidence, identity, conceptualization, and creativity.Undergraduat

    Methodology for the initial teaching of macroinstructions and mathematical logic processes to fifth grade children in official institutions of primary basic education

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    Esta tesis gener贸 un modelo inicial de trabajo en el que logr贸 ense帽ar a ni帽os pertenecientes particularmente al grado 5掳 de educaci贸n b谩sica primaria (con rangos estimados de edades entre 9 y 11 a帽os) la elaboraci贸n de macroinstrucciones a partir del entendimiento de procesos l贸gicos y matem谩ticos utilizando para ello un conjunto de herramientas software de apoyo y complement谩ndolo con la aplicaci贸n de t茅cnicas adecuadas de ense帽anza de estos temas en particular. Con ello se pretendi贸 mejorar las competencias matem谩ticas en los estudiantes de primaria, pero tambi茅n se podr铆a a futuro ayudar a generar otras competencias que se planteen en nuevos modelos de formaci贸n tecnol贸gica en el nivel b谩sico de educaci贸n utilizando la comprensi贸n y el desarrollo de sus primeros algoritmos1. PLANTEAMIENTO DEL PROBLEMA 11 1.1 INTRODUCCI脫N 11 1.2 CONTEXTO ACTUAL DEL PROBLEMA 12 1.3 ANTECEDENTES 14 1.4 PROBLEMA DE INVESTIGACI脫N 16 1.5 HIP脫TESIS DE LA INVESTIGACI脫N 19 1.6 OBJETIVOS DE LA INVESTIGACI脫N 20 1.6.1 Objetivo General 20 1.6.2 Objetivos Espec铆ficos 20 1.7 JUSTIFICACI脫N DE LA INVESTIGACI脫N 21 1.8 LIMITACIONES 22 1.9 DEFINICI脫N DE T脡RMINOS 23 2. MARCO TE脫RICO 25 2.1 ESTADO DEL ARTE 25 2.2 EXPERIENCIAS DE ENSE脩ANZA DE PROGRAMACI脫N PARA NI脩OS Y J脫VENES 26 2.2.1 Experiencias internacionales 26 2.2.2 Experiencias locales 32 2.2.3 Determinaci贸n y clasificaci贸n de t茅cnicas 32 2.3 TEM脕TICAS Y CONTEXTOS PARA LA ENSE脩ANZA DE LA PROGRAMACI脫N PARA NI脩OS 42 2.4 HERRAMIENTAS PARA LA ENSE脩ANZA DE LA PROGRAMACI脫N EN NI脩OS 46 2.5 T脡CNICAS DE APLICACI脫N DE LA ENSE脩ANZA DE LA PROGRAMACI脫N EN EL AULA 50 2.6 MODELOS DE EVALUACI脫N 53 3. MARCO METODOL脫GICO 55 3.1 DESCRIPCI脫N DEL M脡TODO 55 3.2 ESTUDIO COMPARATIVO DE T脡CNICAS PARA LA ENSE脩ANZA DE LA PROGRAMACI脫N PARA NI脩OS 56 3.2.1 Uso de videojuegos para la ense帽anza 57 3.2.2 Creaci贸n de proyectos con tem谩tica fija 59 3.2.3 Creaci贸n de entornos para generaci贸n de situaciones 60 3.2.4 Creaci贸n de videojuegos 61 3.2.5 Uso de herramientas computacionales como apoyo a la resoluci贸n de problemas 62 3.2.6 Generaci贸n de torneos o competencias 62 3.2.7 Comparativo de t茅cnicas 63 3.3 ESTUDIO COMPARATIVO DE HERRAMIENTAS PARA LA ENSE脩ANZA DE LA PROGRAMACI脫N PARA NI脩OS 66 3.3.1 Revisi贸n de Piktomir 69 3.3.2 Revisi贸n de Lightbot 69 3.3.3 Revisi贸n de Manufactoria 70 3.3.4 Revisi贸n de Blockly 70 3.3.5 Comparaci贸n de herramientas 71 3.4 GENERACI脫N DE PLAN CURRICULAR PARA EL 脕REA DE TECNOLOG脥A 73 3.4.1 Objetivos 73 3.4.2 Contenido 74 3.4.3 Actividades 75 3.4.4 Recursos a utilizar 76 3.4.5 Compilaci贸n de elementos del plan 76 3.4.6 Forma de evaluaci贸n 80 3.5 APLICACI脫N DEL CURSO Y DE LAS PRUEBAS 82 3.5.1 Dise帽o de los instrumentos de medici贸n 83 3.5.2 Aplicaci贸n de prueba inicial y recopilaci贸n de datos 87 3.5.3 Circunstancias que rodearon la aplicaci贸n del curso 87 3.5.4 Aplicaci贸n de prueba final y recopilaci贸n de datos 88 4. RESULTADOS Y AN脕LISIS DE LAS PRUEBAS DE DESEMPE脩O 91 4.1 RESULTADOS DE LAS CALIFICACIONES OBTENIDAS EN LAS PRUEBAS 91 4.2 RESULTADOS POR VARIABLE 92 4.3 AN脕LISIS ESTAD脥STICO 96 4.3.1 Fiabilidad de las variables 96 4.3.2 An谩lisis de resultado de la calificaci贸n final 96 4.3.3 An谩lisis secundario por variable 100 4.4 RESULTADO DE LA REVISI脫N DE COMPETENCIAS 105 4.4.1 Propuesta de competencias a aplicar en un curso de tecnolog铆a referente al desarrollo del pensamiento algor铆tmico 107 5. DISCUSI脫N Y CONCLUSIONES 113 5.1 HALLAZGOS EN LOS RESULTADOS OBTENIDOS 113 5.2 DISCUSIONES GENERALES 115 5.2.1 Uso de videojuegos como t茅cnica para ense帽ar programaci贸n a ni帽os 115 5.2.2 Ense帽anza de la programaci贸n como refuerzo en la habilidad de interpretaci贸n de operaciones matem谩ticas 117 5.2.3 No afectaci贸n en la habilidad de ejecuci贸n de operaciones matem谩ticas 119 5.3 CONCLUSIONES 119 5.4 LIMITANTES Y RECOMENDACIONES PARA TRABAJO FUTURO 121 6. BIBLIOGRAF脥A 123 ANEXOS 132Maestr铆aThis thesis generated an initial working model in which he managed to teach children belonging particularly to the 5th grade of primary basic education (with estimated ranges of ages between 9 and 11 years) the elaboration of macro-instructions from the understanding of logical and mathematical processes Using a set of support software tools and complementing it with the application of appropriate teaching techniques for these particular topics. This was intended to improve mathematical competencies in primary school students, but in the future it could also help to generate other competencies that arise in new models of technological training at the basic level of education using the understanding and development of their first algorithm