67,121 research outputs found

    Social Network Analysis: Applications: Event Programme

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    This seminar explores a number of current uses and applications of network analysis, including applications in social movement analysis, criminology, socio-linguistics and the study of literary networks. The aim of this is both to facilitate cross-pollination between domains of application and to offer exemplars of the method in action for those new to this approach. We hope that this seminar will prove to be an interesting introduction to network analysis for those previously unacquainted with it, which will both inspire and equip them to participate in the later seminars

    Social Network Analysis

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    {Excerpt} Power no longer resides exclusively (if at all) in states, institutions, or large corporations. It is located in the networks that structure society. Social network analysis seeks to understand networks and their participants and has two main focuses: the actors and the relationships between them in a specific social context. The information revolution has given birth to new economies structured around flows of data, information, and knowledge. In parallel, social networks have grown stronger as forms of organization of human activity. Social networks are nodes of individuals, groups, organizations, and related systems that tie in one or more types of interdependencies: these include shared values, visions, and ideas; social contacts; kinship; conflict; financial exchanges; trade; joint membership in organizations; and group participation in events, among numerous other aspects of human relationships. Indeed, it sometimes appears as though networked organizations out compete all other forms of organization—certainly, they outpace vertical, rigid, command-and-control bureaucracies. When they succeed, social networks influence larger social processes by accessing human, social, natural, physical, and financial capital, as well as the information and knowledgecontent of these. (In development work, they can impact policies, strategies, programs, and projects—including their design, implementation, and results—and the partnerships that often underpin these.) To date, however, we are still far from being able to construe their public and organizational power in ways that can harness their potential. Understanding when, why, and how they function best is important. Here, social network analysis can help

    Social Network Analysis Dalam Melihat Kecenderungan Pemberitaan Pada Akun Twitter “@Detikcom” Dan “@Metro_tv”

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    Revolusi digital yang terjadi saat ini telah mengubah perilaku orang dalam banyak hal, termasuk dalam memperoleh informasi atau berita. Twitter sebagai salah satu sosial media yang banyak digunakan, telah dimanfaatkan berbagai situs berita online sebagai sarana untuk menyampaikan beritanya termasuk oleh detik dengan akun @detikcom dan Metro tv dengan akun @Metro_TV. Makalah ini bertujuan untuk untuk mengetahui kecenderungan topik pemberitaan dan mengetahui kata yang paling sering muncul pada akun twitter berita @Detik.com dan @Metro_TV. Penelitian ini menggunakan 500 tweets terakhir yang berasal dari timeline akun twitter dari @Detik.com dan @Metro_TV. Analisis data menggunakan social network analysis berupa analisis text atau text mining dengan bantuan software R. Berdasarkan hasil analisis didapatkan bahwa kedua akun twitter tersebut mempunyai kecenderungan pemberitaan yang sama yaitu mengenai bencana, perbedaan hanya terdapat pada topik bencana yang dibahas yang dapat dilihat dari tiga terms teratas @detikcom yaitu gempa, banjir dan warga. Sedangkan untuk akun twitter @Metro_TV tiga terms teratas yaitu banjir, tewas dan akibat. Topik yang paling sering muncul pada pemberitaan @detikcom adalah gempa, sedangkan topik yang menjadi pemberitaan utama pada @Metro_TV adalah banjir. Plot network of terms memperlihatkan bahwa kata gempa pada @detikcom berhubungan erat dengan kebumen dan korban. Kata banjir pada @Metro_TV berhubungan erat dengan pantura, akibat dan ekonomi

    Social Network Analysis with sna

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    Modern social network analysis---the analysis of relational data arising from social systems---is a computationally intensive area of research. Here, we provide an overview of a software package which provides support for a range of network analytic functionality within the R statistical computing environment. General categories of currently supported functionality are described, and brief examples of package syntax and usage are shown.
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