10 research outputs found

    Analysis domain model for shared virtual environments

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    The field of shared virtual environments, which also encompasses online games and social 3D environments, has a system landscape consisting of multiple solutions that share great functional overlap. However, there is little system interoperability between the different solutions. A shared virtual environment has an associated problem domain that is highly complex raising difficult challenges to the development process, starting with the architectural design of the underlying system. This paper has two main contributions. The first contribution is a broad domain analysis of shared virtual environments, which enables developers to have a better understanding of the whole rather than the part(s). The second contribution is a reference domain model for discussing and describing solutions - the Analysis Domain Model

    Avoiding overload in multiuser online applications

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    One way to strengthen the bond between popular applications and their online user communities is to integrate the applications with their communities, so users are able to observe and communicate with other users. The result of this integration is a Multiuser Online Application (MOA). The problem studied in this thesis is that MOA users and systems will be overloaded with information generated by large communities and complex applications. The solution investigated was to filter the amount of information delivered to users while attempting to preserve the benefits of dwelling in a MOA environment. This strategy was evaluated according to the amount of information it was capable of reducing and the effects as seen by MOA users. It was found that filtering could be used to substantially reduce the information exchanged by users while still providing users with the benefits of integrating application and community

    Mudanças climáticas no Brasil : movimentos sociais e assentamentos rurais de reforma agrária no pontal do Paranapanema-SP

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    Tese de doutoramento (co-tutela), Alterações Climáticas e Políticas de Desenvolvimento Sustentável (Ciências do Ambiente), Universidade de Lisboa, Instituto de Ciências Sociais, Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Universidade Estadual Paulista ’Júlio de Mesquita Filho’, 2017Nos últimos quarenta anos, os debates sobre o ambiente se ampliaram distinguindo os impactos em sociedade aos regimentos sistêmicos naturais do Planeta. Neste contexto, as mudanças climáticas por ações decorridas dos aspectos produtivos ganham destaques, dispondo alargada necessidade de compromissos mundiais que assegurem menores emissões de gases com efeito estufa (GEE) à atmosfera. Neste processo, decorrem acontecimentos políticos referentes ao escopo apontado, fomentados por grandes encontros como a ECO-RIO-92, os diálogos nas Conferências das Partes (COP’s), acordos globais como em Kyoto (1997), dentre outros, regulamentando o desencadeamento de aproximações entre os países sobre as necessidades para com as mudanças climáticas. O Brasil, neste entremeio, foi participante das mobilizações mundiais que versam sobre as necessidades de efetivar dotações políticas em mitigação e adaptação correspondentes ao clima e mudanças em curto, médio e longo prazo. Neste contexto, em 2008 apresentou seu plano de atuação na questão e, em 2009, a letra legislativa que se dispõe como instrumento ratificador sobre a temática em esfera nacional. Desse modo, uma agenda política é referendada e incisivamente surgem planos setoriais para as diferentes facetas da economia nacional, dentre elas a correspondente à agropecuária. Com isto em vista, esta pesquisa teve por finalidade observar como as nuances globais sobre a questão “mudanças climáticas” se afirmam no contexto político brasileiro e como os parâmetros aplicados ao mote se arranjam para com a heterogeneidade conflituosa da conjugação rural no Brasil, visto que ocorre a existência de múltiplos e divergentes atores sociais neste ângulo analítico com, também, projetos e anseios diferenciados. Para isto, traçou-se uma abordagem investigativa considerando as inclinações políticas brasileiras sobre o foco proposto, as nuances que correspondem às reivindicações por movimentos sociais no campo e os desdobramentos gerais destes cenários em assentamentos rurais de reforma agrária, ícones no processo de lutas por melhores condições de vida no quadro geral da agricultura familiar no país. Adotou-se, para isso, a averiguação multiescalar, corroborando a interligação entre as normativas políticas internacionais e nacionais, as contestações e propostas dos movimentos sociais e os alcances locais deste processo em assentamentos rurais de reforma agrária. Especificamente, para o diálogo multiescalar empregaram-se os estudos de caso, sendo parâmetros para as verificações o Movimento dos Trabalhadores Rurais Sem-Terra (MST), o Movimento de Mulheres Camponesas (MMC), a agremiação internacional La Via Campesina e assentamentos rurais de reforma agrária no Pontal do Paranapanema – estado de São Paulo, entrecruzando perspectivas metodológicas quantitativas e qualitativas. Com isso, pôde-se aferir que a agenda climática no Brasil demarca uma opção política pelos setores pujantes das commodities, marginalizando propositivas provindas de movimentos sociais no campo. Amplamente, a condicionante setorial adotada distancia a participação ativa de agricultores familiares na esfera local, o que denota a polarização das ações e propositivas em macroagentes estatais, como Ministérios, ou nos grupos políticos ligados ao grande capital. Por isto, é preciso a revisão da estrutura organizativa neste recorte das políticas públicas nacionais, procurando redimensionar a participação social pelos territórios, alvitrando garantir a permanência dos projetos vinculados às alterações globais e o alcance de metas com reais melhorias ambientais e sociais.In the last forty years, debates over the environment have expanded distinguishing impacts on society to natural systemic regiments of the Planet. In this context, climate change by actions elapsed through the productive aspects earn highlights, providing extended need for global commitments to ensure lower emissions of greenhouse gases (GHGs) to the atmosphere. In this process, derive political events concerning the scope appointed, promoted by large gatherings such as ECO-RIO-92, the dialogues in the Conferences of the Parties (COP's), global agreements such as Kyoto (1997), among others, regulating the trigger approaches among countries on the need for climate change. The Brazil was a participant in the global mobilizations that deal with the needs of effecting political appropriations in mitigation and adaptation related to climate change and in the short, medium and long term. In this context, in 2008 it presented its action plan on the issue and in 2009, the legislative letter that has as ratifying instrument on the subject at the national level. Thus, a political agenda is endorsed and incisively come sectoral plans for the different facets of the national economy, among them corresponding to agriculture. With this in mind, this research aimed to see how the global nuances on the issue "climate change" are affirmed in the Brazilian political context and how the parameters applied to the motto are arranged towards the conflictive heterogeneity of rural conjunction in Brazil, as It is the existence of multiple and different social actors in this analytical angle also designs and different desires. For this, drew up an investigative approach considering the Brazilian political leanings on the proposed focus, the nuances that correspond to the demands by social movements in the field and the general consequences of these scenarios in rural agrarian reform settlements, icons in the process of fighting for better living conditions in the general framework of family farming in the country. Is adopted for this, multiscale investigation, confirming the link between the normative international and national policies, challenges and proposals of social movements and local scope of this process in rural agrarian reform settlements. Specifically, for multiscale dialogue employed in the case studies, and parameters for the checks the Movement of Landless Rural Workers (MST), the Movement of Peasant Women (MMC), the international college La Via Campesina and rural settlements land reform in the Pontal do Paranapanema - São Paulo state, crisscrossing quantitative and qualitative methodological perspectives. Thus, it was possible to infer that the climate agenda in Brazil marks a policy option for the booming sectors of commodities, marginalizing stemmed propositional social movements in the field. Broadly, the industry adopted conditioning distance the active participation of farmers at the local level, which shows the polarization of the actions and purposeful in state macroagents as ministries or political groups linked to big business. Therefore, the review of the organizational structure in this crop of national public policies require seeking resize social participation by territories, arbitrate ensure continuity of projects related to global change and the achievement of goals with real environmental and social improvements.Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES), processo BEX 97-19-13-

    Diáktudósok : a XXXIII. OTDK 13. szekciójának első helyezett pályamunkái

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    Social interactions in multiscale CVEs

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    A multiscale Collaborative Virtual Environment (mCVE) is a virtual world in which multiple users can independently resize themselves to work together on different sized aspects of very large and complicated structures. Interactions among users in an mCVE differ in many ways from those in traditional collaborative virtual environments. In this paper we explore collaborationrelated issues affected by multiscale, such as social presence, perception of proximity, and cross-scale information sharing. We also report results of an experiment with our mCVE prototype system, which show the impact of multiscale capabilities on social interactions