5,875 research outputs found

    Homm-sw Networks-of-stories to value tangible and intangible heritage in museums

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    Social inclusion, lifelong learning and the regeneration of competence networks are key processes which foster innovation. Museums may play an important role in these processes and ICT can strongly support the effectiveness of the interventions required. Among them, digital tools used to tell stories are becoming increasingly popular. Narratives in new dimensions enable the formation of personal and community identities, and the construction of meanings [1] [2 ]. Hommsw supports multimedia narratives which enhance tangible and intangible heritage in education and cultural mediation, as well as in tourism. Developed by Officina Emilia (Italy) and Crafts Museum (India), the application is online at www.homm-museums-software.org. So far, it implements the engine for creating and managing the activity ‘networks-of-stories’, to create a nonlinear and open multimedia narration. [3],[4] In the last decade, digital storytelling has spread rapidly due to the growth and possibilities offered by new ICT devices [5] [6]. Together with crowd sourcing it can enrich the understanding of tangible and intangible heritage. Digital storytelling still faces some critical challenges: creation of content on tangible and intangible heritage, classification and re-use of existing documents and clips, cooperative and coordinated production of new content. Moreover, for effective exploratory paths and a more analytical approach to browsing material, contents must be set in the overall perspective of the narrations, to ensure narration is coherent. Finally, validation and dissemination of related outcomes must respect scientific standards. Homm-sw has tools that: support educators, also in contrasting learning difficulties, in developing inclusive and collaborative educational practices; support curators; facilitate crowd sourcing; create a personal web repository of contents and connections; share contents to be published, if approved by the administrator; create a network of contents and applications, at different levels for different users and specific needs. Homm-sw extends the museum experience. Before the visit: users can have a general look at museum contents and note, in their online personal desktop, what they are interested in. During the visit: users can retrieve their notes and add what is available on the museum’s exhibits and augmented reality, hands-on activities and multimedia contents, living laboratories, demonstration programs. Homm-sw in the onsite-mode allows only notes and memos, to fully enjoy what the museum uniquely offers. After the visit: users access their online workspace to retrieve and explore their notes, and any other content, as much as they wish. Beyond those common to other ICT tools in use in museums, Homm-sw has two key innovative functions. First, recording and retrieval of users' activities: during the visit in a museum, the visitor accessing her account may browse and take notes in her personal workspace and then retrieve and explore them, and many more, as much as she likes after the visit. Second, narratives presented through a set of related clips (videos, albums, texts) are easily seen in the conceptual map proposed by the curators. Homm-sw can be shared with non-profit organizations which intend to develop new features and share the upgrade with previous users and with new users, on the same conditions. Other engines will be implemented according to the demands of users, together with multi-channel and multilingual extension. As a tool for digital storytelling, integration with other software applications is welcome

    Non-linear digital storytelling: Effect on technology utilization and writing self-efficacy

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    This study aimed to investigate the effect of non-linear digital storytelling on pre-service teachers’ use of information technologies and their writing self-efficacy. It also focused on the effects of non-linear digital storytelling in education environments. Convergent parallel design, one of the mixed methods, was used in the study. The quantitative part of the study was designed with pretest-posttest control group design while the qualitative part was designed as a case study. The study group consisted of pre-service teachers enrolled in the Multimedia Design and Development course at the Computer Education and Instructional Technologies Department. In the framework of the study, the pre-service teachers in the experimental group participated in the non-linear digital storytelling activity while the pre-service teachers in the control group participated in the linear digital storytelling activity. Self-Efficacy Scale for Using Communication and Information Technologies, Writing Self-Efficacy Scale, semi-structured interview form and student reflections were used to collect the data. Based on the results of the study, it was found that non-linear digital storytelling method did not significantly affect the use of information technologies and writing self-efficacy statistically. The analysis of qualitative data presented the advantages and various aspects of using the non-linear digital storytelling method in education. © 2021 Elsevier Lt

    The Korsakow platform and nonlinear narratives as a means to enhance foreign language learning in HE

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    The Covid-19 pandemic has posed great challenges to higher education (HE) and, in particular, to foreign language (FL) teaching. If, on the one hand, the lockdown and remote learning measures have brought constraints to teaching and research activities, on the other hand, they have fostered resilience, promoted creativity, and accelerated the use of technologies and digital transformation. The use of the Korsakow platform and the creation of non-linear storytelling are the strategies underlying an innovative methodology concerning the learning process of French and English as FL, in HE in Portugal. The JASM project (Open window onto the world: foreign languages, multimodal creativity, and pedagogical innovation in higher education) involves a group of students attending the bachelor’s course in Media Studies of the School of Education in Viseu. Students develop their assignments based on data analysis, related to diverse cultural and linguistic contexts within the city of Viseu, including interviews, photographs, and narratives centred on a migrant’s tradition. Digital art and online tools ensure greater motivation in acquiring multilingual skills and developing multilingual awareness. In this way, the various dimensions of language (aesthetic, emotional, and cognitive) are reinforced, in a remote teaching scenario/context, which is creative and collaborative while also mobilizing interdisciplinary skills. Such a reflection appears to be particularly relevant at a time when one needs clearly to adapt teaching and learning to the needs of society and rely upon pedagogical innovation, with students whose HE training has specific objectives other than the ones of those enrolled in language courses. The methodology is discussed, and the results of this project-based learning are presented.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    The effects of Web 2.0 pedagogy on student engagement, collaboration, and achievement

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    This review explores various studies and articles on the effects of Web 2.0 pedagogy on student engagement, collaboration, and achievement in a K-undergraduate setting. A critical review of purposefully selected peer-reviewed journal articles highlight the relationship between Web 2.0 pedagogy and student engagement, collaboration, and achievement. This literature review provides an analysis for administrators and teachers when implementing Web 2.0 pedagogy. This review suggests that the implementation of Web 2.0 pedagogy increases student engagement, collaboration, and achievement

    Narrative and Hypertext 2011 Proceedings: a workshop at ACM Hypertext 2011, Eindhoven

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    Gibt’s was Neues in ErzĂ€hl-Apps? Überlegungen zu ErzĂ€hlmechanismen in unterschiedlichen Medien

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    This paper starts with a question of whether app storytelling is different by examining story apps alongside other platforms of storytelling. With an interdisciplinary approach, this paper constructs an original model of the storytelling mechanism. Based on the mechanism and with particular focus on the mechanical layer of storytelling in various media, this paper proposes an original typology of narrative texts. With demonstrations of four text positions in the typology, this paper shows that the narrative strategies used in story apps are evident on one or another platform of storytelling. The finding suggests that, although story apps can be approached with a focus on the touchscreen and its affordances, it is not necessary to pay attention to the touchscreen when we try to understand how story apps work. This is because those children’s narrative texts can be studied and may be taught independently of the mediumU radu se polazi od pitanja razlikuje li se u kontekstu dječje knjiĆŸevnosti pripovijedanje s pomoću aplikacija od drugih načina pripovijedanja te se pripovjedne aplikacije istraĆŸuju u usporedbi s drugim pripovjednim platformama. Interdisciplinarnim se pristupom izgrađuje originalni model pripovjednih mehanizama te se na temelju njega razmatra mehanički pripovjedni sloj u različitim medijima. PredlaĆŸe se izvorna tipologija pripovjednoga teksta koja se sastoji od 64 tekstualna poloĆŸaja. Uz pomoć četiriju odabranih tekstualnih poloĆŸaja pokazuje se da su pripovjedne strategije uočene u pripovjednim aplikacijama razvidne i u drugim pripovjednim modusima. To otkriće upućuje na zaključak da, iako pri razmatranju pripovjednih aplikacija naglasak moĆŸe biti na dodirnome ekranu i njegovim prednostima, nije nuĆŸno baviti se dodirnim ekranom ĆŸelimo li razumjeti načine funkcioniranja pripovjednih aplikacija. Razlog je tomu taj ĆĄto je ovakve dječje pripovijedi moguće istraĆŸivati i poučavati neovisno o mediju kojim se posredujuIm Beitrag wird von der Frage ausgegangen, ob sich im Bereich der Kinder- und Jugendliteratur das ErzĂ€hlen durch Apps von anderen ErzĂ€hlformen unterscheidet. Anhand einer interdisziplinĂ€ren Zugangsweise wird ein originĂ€res Modell von ErzĂ€hlmechanismen entworfen, aufgrund dessen die mechanische ErzĂ€hlschicht in unterschiedlichen Medien analysiert wird. Davon ausgehend wird eine originĂ€re Typologie von ErzĂ€hltexten vorgeschlagen, die aus 64 Textpositionen besteht. Anhand vier ausgewĂ€hlter Textpositionen wird demonstriert, dass die in den ErzĂ€hl-Apps festgestellten ErzĂ€hlstrategien auch auf anderen ErzĂ€hlplattformen enthalten sind. Daraus ist zu schließen, dass trotz der Tatsache, dass man in der Erforschung von ErzĂ€hl-Apps auch vom Tastbildschirm und seinen Vorteilen ausgehen könnte, so etwas nicht notwendig ist, um die Art und Weise, auf welche die ErzĂ€hl-Apps funktionieren, zu verstehen. Der Grund dafĂŒr liegt darin, dass man solche kinder- und jugendorientierte ErzĂ€hlformen unabhĂ€ngig vom Medium, in dem sie vermittelt werden, erforschen kann

    Digital Game-Based Heritage Education: Analyzing the Potential of Heritage-Based Video Games

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    Video games have emerged as a promising tool for enhancing engagement with cultural heritage. However, there is limited knowledge about how existing games can effectively fulfill this role. This study compiled and analyzed 100 video games based on cultural heritage by adapting an existing framework that includes 10 game attributes for a comparative statistical analysis of the games’ engagement features. These features include narrative-driven gameplay, information capsules, task-driven learning, ease of play, identity-driven content, open-world exploration, people-centered perspectives, meaningfulness, simulation, and verisimilitude. The analysis revealed that while the majority of games adhered to most of the recommended attributes, features such as task-driven learning, open-world exploration, and simulation were either uncommon or rare. These findings highlight a significant opportunity to develop games that incorporate these underrepresented features, thereby providing more immersive and engaging experiences in heritage education. Furthermore, the study offers a systematic overview of existing games that represent cultural heritage, serving as a valuable resource for developers, designers, and educators in this field.Predoctoral fellowship from the Spanish Ministry of Universities (FPU20/00281)Project “Influence of Video Game Addiction on the Adolescent Population of Andalusia in Educational and Family Contexts (PRY127/22)”, funded by the Andalusian Studies Centre Foundation (CENTRA

    Nonlinear Storytelling Approach to Developing Computational Thinking Skills

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    Current methods for developing computational thinking skills usually have a technical and programming-centric approach and are not suitable for all people. In this research, the use of nonlinear storytelling as an educational method was examined. The specific interest was to analyze its relationship with the concept of computational thinking and to investigate if nonlinear storytelling can be used as a low-threshold method for teaching fundamental computational thinking skills. This research situates itself in computer science education. It consists of four independent studies. Study I investigates how nonlinear storytelling can be integrated into an adult education course for developing basic information technology skills. Special attention was given to understanding the role of storytelling in the process. The result of this study was a method that integrates nonlinear storytelling into educational game development. Study II studied the relationship between nonlinear stories and computational thinking by examining how typical computer programs are implemented using stories. The study shows that nonlinear stories are best suited for implementing finite state machine programs and programs that include interaction. The natural character of applicability indicates that nonlinear storytelling can improve students’ readiness for learning programming skills. In study III, experiences and observations made at the end of the aforementioned adult education course are reported. The technical quality of the stories collected (N = 14) was investigated and common challenges in the storytelling process such as understanding hyperlinking and its purpose in gamification were identified. In this study, a practical classification for storytelling software and metrics for analyzing stories were developed. Finally, study IV focused on investigating whether the concept of computational thinking allows broader interpretations compared to how it is traditionally used. The concept of computational thinking was explored by using the Extended Mind thesis by Clark and Chalmers. Analysis showed that it is reasonable to expand the concept beyond the traditional computer programming-based interpretation.Nykyiset menetelmĂ€t algoritmisen ajattelun opetuksessa ovat usein teknisiĂ€ ja ohjelmointikeskeisiĂ€ eivĂ€tkĂ€ ne sovi kaikille kohderyhmille. TĂ€ssĂ€ työssĂ€ selvitettiin epĂ€lineaaristen tarinoiden kĂ€yttöÀ opetuksessa. Erityinen kiinnostuksen kohde oli se, mikĂ€ on epĂ€lineaaristen tarinoiden suhde algoritmiseen ajatteluun ja voiko epĂ€lineaarisia tarinoita kĂ€yttÀÀ matalan kynnyksen menetelmĂ€nĂ€ algoritmisen ajattelun harjoittamiseen. TĂ€mĂ€ tutkimus sijoittuu tietotekniikan opetuksen alalle. Työ koostuu neljĂ€stĂ€ osatutkimuksesta. Osatutkimuksessa I tutkittiin, miten epĂ€lineaarinen tarinankerronta voidaan ottaa osaksi tietotekniikkavalmiuksia kehittĂ€vÀÀ aikuiskoulutusta. Tutkimuksen tuloksena syntyi menetelmĂ€, joka yhdistÀÀ epĂ€lineaarisen tarinankerronnan pelinkehitykseen. Osatutkimuksessa II tutkittiin epĂ€lineaaristen tarinoiden suhdetta algoritmiseen ajatteluun selvittĂ€mĂ€llĂ€ tyypillisten tietokoneohjelmien toteutuksia. Toteutuksista kĂ€vi ilmi, ettĂ€ epĂ€lineaariset tarinat sopivat erityisesti ÀÀrellisillĂ€ automaateilla esitettĂ€vissĂ€ olevien ohjelmien sekĂ€ interaktiivisten ohjelmien toteuttamiseen. Tarinallisten toteutusten luontevuus osoitti, ettĂ€ tarinoiden avulla voidaan harjoittaa opiskelijoiden ohjelmointivalmiuksia. Osatutkimuksessa III raportoitiin edellĂ€ mainitun tietotekniikkavalmiuksia kehittĂ€vĂ€n aikuiskoulutuksen aikana tehtyjĂ€ havaintoja ja saatuja kokemuksia hankkeen loputtua. Erityisesti selvitettiin hankkeessa kerĂ€ttyjen tarinoiden (N = 14) teknistĂ€ laatua sekĂ€ yleisimpiĂ€ ongelmia hyperlinkkien toiminnan sekĂ€ pelillisen merkityksen ymmĂ€rtĂ€minen kanssa. Osatutkimuksessa IV selvitettiin, miten algoritmisen ajattelun kĂ€sitettĂ€ voidaan tulkita sen perinteistĂ€ tulkintaa laajemmin. Problematiikkaa lĂ€hestyttiin Clarkin ja Chalmersin laajennetun mielen hypoteesia kĂ€yttĂ€en. EpĂ€lineaaristen tarinoiden yhteyttĂ€ algoritmiseen ajatteluun ei ole tutkittu aiemmin, joten aihe on uusi. TĂ€mĂ€n tutkimuksen perusteella epĂ€lineaarista tarinankerrontaa voidaan soveltaa algoritmisen ajattelun harjoittamiseen. Uudenlainen lĂ€hestymistapa kuitenkin haastaa algoritmisen ajattelun kĂ€sitteen, joka on perinteisesti ymmĂ€rretty ohjelmoinnin kautta
