4 research outputs found

    Social Computing in JaCaMo

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    Abstract. Social Computing (SC) requires agents to reason seam-lessly both on their social relationships and on their goals, beliefs. We claim the need to explicitly represent the social state and social relationships as resources, available to agents. We built a framework, based on JaCaMo, where this vision is realized and SC is imple-mented through social commitments and commitment protocols. 1 PROPOSAL AND MOTIVATION Many systems, developed to support human users, require a transi-tion from an individualistic to a societal perspective. For instance, Socio-Technical Systems (STS) are large-scale, multi-party, cross-organizational systems, which help stakeholders to interact and to use shared resources [11]. Such systems perform a social computation which is the sum of the independent contributions of autonomous, and heterogeneous, parties [10]. Traditional approaches to software engineering do not fit the needs of such systems, because they d

    Leveraging commitments and goals in agent interaction

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    Abstract. Modeling and regulating interactions among agents is a crit-ical step in the development of Multiagent Systems (MASs). Some re-cent works assume a normative view, and suggest to model interaction protocols in terms of obligations. In this paper we propose to model in-teraction protocols in terms of goals and commitments, and show how such a formalization promotes a deliberative process inside the agents. In particular, we take a software engineering perspective, and balance the use of commitments against obligations inside interaction protocols. The proposal is implemented via JaCaMo+, an extension to JaCaMo, in which Jason agents can interact while preserving their deliberative capabilities by exploiting commitment-based protocols, reified by special CArtAgO artifacts. The paper shows how practical rules relating goals and commitments can be almost directly encoded as Jason plans to be used as building blocks in agent programming

    Social Relationships for Designing Agent Interaction in JADE

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    Abstract—Current agent platforms do not provide agents the means for reasoning about expected behaviours during interactions. This lack is due to the absence of design primitives to explicitly shape interaction patterns as first-class resources. This work presents 2COMM4JADE, a framework based on JADE and CArtAgO platforms that allows definition of social relationships among parties, represented by social commitments, decoupled from the agent design itself. I