32 research outputs found

    Social Commerce In Retaling – Why You Use IT?

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    Social media has not only reshaped the way people make decisions, but also changed the norms of how people interact with others. Due to the popularity of social media, social commerce is becoming a new form of e-commerce approaches. This study attempts to investigate what motivates individuals’ use of social commerce in the context of grocery retailing service based on the theoretical framework of the Uses and Gratifications theory. The empirical data was collected from a Finnish social commerce website offering a social media environment for social commerce in grocery services. Based on both survey data and clickstream data, we found that i) individuals are motivated to use social commerce in grocery retailing service mainly due to their utilitarian gratification in using it as social commerce platform can meet their functional needs; ii) social gratification plays weak role in determining social commerce in grocery retailing service as individuals has less social needs compared to their functional needs in social commerce; and iii) hedonic gratification might be a potential reason as the hedonic needs seems to be very weak. The functions (searching for products and recipes, compiling shopping lists and online shopping, etc.) offered by the social commerce services meet individuals’ functional needs, and motivate them to use social commerce. Finally the limitations of the current research are discussed, and the directions for further research are also suggested

    Values shaping consumer interactions on social commerce sites within game retail

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    The game industry has continued to grow for decades and the social interaction trend has been growing for years in gaming. In retail, the e-commerce companies have been extending the social interaction trend to the e-commerce platforms and turning the e-commerce into social commerce. Even though the social commerce and gaming have aroused the interest of the researchers earlier, social commerce interactions have not been studied from the value perspective and how the consumer interactions are shaped by the consumer values. In addition, game purchases have not been studied from a value co-creation perspective even though the gaming has been discussed from a value co-creation perspective. This study approaches the console game retail by exploring how the game retailers support value proposition in the social commerce, how do the consumers reflect on the use of social interaction possibilities on these sites and how do the values shape these interactions. Ethnographic study was conducted in spring 2017, where 5 game retail sites were analyzed, 12 Xbox and PlayStation console gamers were interviewed in Finland and in Sweden and one gaming group’s chat was analyzed as part of the data collection. Content analysis revealed the game retailers offering several possibilities for the gamers to interact on their site from user reviews to participation in the streaming services. The discovered themes, why consumers used interactions, were the aspect of discovery, the aspect of offering the helping hand and the aspect of enjoyment. The study revealed how gamers, who had the possibility to interact privately on social commerce sites seemed to experience utilitarian, hedonic, social and altruistic values and these values shaped their interaction culture. The consumers, who only participated in the public social commerce interactions, only referred to utilitarian and hedonic values as part of their interactions

    Učinci prilagodljivosti i interaktivnosti na percipiranu vrijednost i zadovoljstvo elektroničkim trgovanjem (dokazi iz Indonezije)

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    Purpose – The purpose of the present study was to analyze the effect of flexibility and interactivity on perceived utilitarian value and hedonic value, ultimately determining the satisfaction level of e-commerce users. Design/Methodology/Approach – Data were analyzed by using the Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) with AMOS 18. A sample of e-commerce users were taken by using the incidental sampling technique. A total of 650 respondents participated, forming the sample and the usable size was 415 after the screening process. Findings and implications – First: flexibility (navigation, comfort, and the substitutability of personal examination) had an effect on utilitarian value, but not hedonic value; second, interactivity (controllability, synchronicity, and bi-directionality) had an effect on utilitarian value and hedonic value; third, perceived value had an effect on satisfaction. E-tailers should allocate their resources appropriately, combining the qualities of utilitarian and hedonic values on their website proportionally (powerfully and stylishly) well to improve the overall perceived value. When a company has limited resources, the trade-off of utilitarian and hedonic values should be well-considered. For example, adding more interesting and easy-to-understand features, such as a more flexible and interactive live chat, would make it easier for consumers to select products/services as if performing off -line transactions. Limitations – Despite the justification in the literature for using ethnicity- and region-based samples in Indonesia for Internet-related studies, those samples may not reflect the actual overall population of online consumers worldwide. Originality – This paper develops an interactivity model by adding the flexibility construct to increase the perceived value in e-commerce supported by the latest literature and some important recommendations for further research.Svrha – Svrha istraživanja jest analizirati učinak prilagodljivosti i interaktivnosti na percipiranu utilitarnu vrijednost i hedonističku vrijednost, a kako bi se u konačnici odredila razina zadovoljstva korisnika elektroničkog trgovanja. Metodološki pristup – Podaci su analizirani primjenom modeliranja strukturnih jednadžbi (SEM) sa softverom AMOS 18. Korisnici elektroničke trgovine u uzorak su birani slučajnim odabirom. U istraživanju je sudjelovalo ukupno 650 ispitanika, a nakon što su prošli inicijalnu provjeru, 415 upitnika iskorišteno je za analizu. Rezultati i implikacije – Prvo: prilagodljivost (navigacija, udobnost, zamjenjivost osobnog ispitivanja) imaju učinak na utilitarnu, ali ne i na hedonističku vrijednost; drugo: interaktivnost (mogućnost kontroliranja, usklađenost i dvosmjernost) imaju učinak na utilitarnu vrijednost i na hedonističku vrijednost; treće, percipirana vrijednost ima učinak na zadovoljstvo. Elektroničke bi prodavaonice trebale usmjeriti resurse na odgovarajući način kombinirajući podjednako dobro kvalitete utilitarnih i hedonističkih vrijednosti na svojim internetskim stranicama (snažno i sa stilom) kako bi poboljšale ukupnu percipiranu vrijednost. Kad poduzeće ima ograničene resurse, treba razmatrati kompromis između utilitarnih i hedonističkih vrijednosti. Primjerice, dodavanjem zanimljivijih i lako razumljivih značajki, poput prilagodljivijeg i interaktivnog chata uživo, pojednostavnilo bi potrošačima odabir proizvoda/usluga kao kod provođenja off -line transakcija. Ograničenja – Usprkos opravdanosti koju literatura navodi za korištenje uzoraka na temelju etničke pripadnosti i regije u Indoneziji, za istraživanja vezana uz internet ti uzorci ne moraju odražavati stvarnu ukupnu populaciju on-line potrošača diljem svijeta. Doprinos – Ovaj rad razvija model interaktivnosti dodavanjem konstrukta prilagodljivosti kako bi se povećala percipirana vrijednost u elektroničkom trgovanju, poduprt najnovijom literaturom i nekim važnim preporukama za buduća istraživanja


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    This study probes the contradictory position of the retail clerk (RC), which is socially constructed and legitimized through: (1) Retail settings where the actor carries dichotic roles—what Erving Goffman would call actual and virtual roles—and (2) in general society, where a contrast in social significance of the RC role arises based upon functional necessity within the U.S. economic structure. These socially constructed contradictions of the RC role result in role conflict, a “role ambiguity”, which veils the “unique” actor behind the RC role and which consequently skews epistemological understanding of what we understand the RC role to be. Utilizing Joe Kincheloe’s critical constructivist approach, the researcher presents a critical analysis of the RC role as viewed through traditional functional and symbolic interactive frameworks, which reveals major limitations regarding the RC—role ambiguity and lack of unique actor. In order address and untangle these limitations related to the RC, a phenomenological approach is used to construct a platform through the use of researcher observation and semi-structured interviews. Through data collection and analysis— reduction and bracketing—of these semi-structured interviews and observation, this study exposes the unique actor behind the RC through personal narrative. This personal narrative reveals a humanistic, social interaction element between RCs, which is constructed in order to combat the definition through which others interact with them. This humanization of the RC allows for the emergence of a new lived experience perspective, which provides us new narrative towards the epistemological understanding of the RC

    The Evaluation of Business Tools for Encouraging Social Responsibility in Older Consumers

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    CC BYBeing close to consumers, retail chains have a considerable influence on the formation of social responsibility in society. By applying various means of encouragement, these entities try to draw the attention of consumers to problems in the society and encourage them to contribute to socially responsible activities. The aim of this research was to evaluate whether the means of promoting social responsibility applied in the biggest retail chains of Lithuania selling alimentary products have an influence on a consumer and encourage them to contribute to the promotion of the idea of social responsibility. Analyses of scientific literature, qualitative approaches based on 482 in-depth interviews, analyses of data obtained during the survey, mathematical–statistical analyses and comparative analyses were applied in this research. This article represents the results of the obtained research and emphasizes the main factors promoting and limiting the social responsibility of consumers. It was identified that the social responsibility of consumers in the field of environmental protection is formed by information provided by business entities, company images and other people surrounding the consumer. Social responsibility in the field of charity and support was influenced by information provided by business entities and other people’s opinions. Furthermore, the article concludes with the development of models showing which elements business entities should orient towards in order to promote the social responsibility of consumers in the field of environmental protection or charity and support. The compiled model can be used by all business subjects acting in the retail trade and trying to encourage users to become involved in socially responsible activities

    Digitalization strategies for retailers – a consumer research approach

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    Ihmisten kulutustottumuksia ovat jo internetiä edeltävällä aikakaudella ohjanneet useat tarpeet sekä niistä seuranneet käyttäytymismallit. Työn kirjallisuuskatsaus viittaa siihen, että nämä tarpeet voisivat olla utilitaristisia, hedonistisia ja sosiaalisia. Tietotekninen vallankumous toi mukanaan nettikaupat, virtuaalihyödykkeet, sosiaalisen median sekä musiikin ja videon digitaalisen jakelun. Työ tarkastelee digitaalisen aikakauden muutoksia kulutukseen ja saman muutoksen tuomia mahdollisuksia perinteisten vähittäiskauppiaiden näkökulmasta. Tutkimusmenetelminä ovat kirjallisuuskatsauksen lisäksi kysely ja haastattelu. Tulokset viittaavat siihen, että materiaalisten hyödykkeiden digitaalinen vähittäiskauppa voidaan käsittää samojen hyöydykkeiden fyysisen kaupan jatkeena. Tulosten perusteella esitetään suosituksia perinteisille kivijalkavähittäiskauppiaille.Already in the times before internet, the consumption habits of mankind have been influenced by several needs and certain behavioral patterns arising from the said needs. The literature review of this thesis suggests that these needs would be utilitarian, hedonic and social. The information technology revolution brought us web shops, virtual goods, social media and digital distribution of music as well as video. This thesis examines the changes presented by the digital age and what kind of opportunities the said age poses to traditional retailers. The research methodology includes a literature review, a survey and an interview. The results of the research suggest that the digital retailing of material goods can be considered as an extension of the physical retailing of the same goods. Based on the results, the thesis presents recommendations to traditional brick-and-mortar retailers

    Consumer behavıor in the age of social media : the sample of Sakarya University

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    06.03.2018 tarihli ve 30352 sayılı Resmi Gazetede yayımlanan “Yükseköğretim Kanunu İle Bazı Kanun Ve Kanun Hükmünde Kararnamelerde Değişiklik Yapılması Hakkında Kanun” ile 18.06.2018 tarihli “Lisansüstü Tezlerin Elektronik Ortamda Toplanması, Düzenlenmesi ve Erişime Açılmasına İlişkin Yönerge” gereğince tam metin erişime açılmıştır.Sosyal medya çağı olarak adlandırılan bu zaman diliminde, bireylerin yaşamını şekillendiren ve kullanıcıların karşılıklı etkileşimde bulunmalarına imkan tanıyan çevrimiçi platformlar oldukça popüler hale gelmektedir. Sosyal platformlar, haber ya da bilgi kaynağı olarak bireyler üzerinde büyük bir etkiye sahipken, bunun yanı sıra eğlence, sosyal paylaşım ve içerik oluşturma bağlamında da pazarlama stratejilerini bir dönüşüme uğratmaktadırlar. Bu bağlamda, bu çalışma, bireylerin günlük hayatlarının vazgeçilmez bir parçası haline gelen sosyal medya platformlarını ele alarak, tüketicilerin satın alma süreçlerindeki davranış değişikliklerini birçok yolla ölçmeyi amaçlamaktadır. İletişim olanakları tarafından haberleşme ve paylaşım ağına dahil olma fırsatı, sosyal medya sitelerini yeni bir pazarlama neslinin aracı haline getirmektedir. Bireyleri etkisi altına alarak zamanlarının büyük bölümünü ayırdıkları sosyal ağlar, bu yolla, şirketlerin de ilgisini çekmektedirler. Şirketler, sahip oldukları ürün ya da markalarını, müşterilerine karşı dikkat çekmek amacıyla sosyal medya platformlarını aktif bir şekilde kullanmaktadırlar. Araştırma, sosyal medya platformlarının genç tüketiciler için etkili bir araç olduğu fikrini dayanarak, üniversite öğrencilerinin algılarını keşfetmeyi planlamaktadır. Mevcut çalışma ayrıca dijital dönüşümün güçlü kaynakları olan sosyal medya platformlarının, bireyler üzerindeki etki düzeylerini ortaya çıkarmayı hedeflemektedir. Bu bağlamda, bu tez, hipotezleri yeni medya çalışmalarına odaklanan İletişim Fakültesi öğrencilerine uygulanan nicel bir strateji ile test etmektedir. Çalışma kapsamında, 11 demografik ve 27 sosyal ağdan oluşan 38 maddelik ölçek ile geliştirilen anket, 300 öğrenciyi kapsayan bir örneklem grubunu uygulanmıştır. SPSS programının katkısı ile anketten elde edilen veriler, varyans analizi, LSD Çoklu Karşılaştırma Testi ve Bağımsız Örneklem t Testi ve Pearson Moment Korelasyon Katsayısı ile incelenerek, tablolar ile yorumlanmıştır. Araştırma sonuçları, sosyal medyada farkındalığını hissettiren marka, ürün ya da hizmetlerin, tüketiciler tarafından tercih edilmesinin daha mümkün olduğunu ortaya koymaktadır. Ayrıca, bulgular, örneklem kapsamında ele alınan bireylerin, satın alma süreçlerinde sosyal medya platformlarından olabildiğince yararlanma eğiliminde olduklarını göstermektedir. Bu nedenle, araştırma, sosyal medya platformlarının günlük yaşam pratiği haline geldiği günümüzde, bireylerin davranışlarına olan tutumlarına önemli katkılar sağladığı görülmektedir.During this time period called social media age, online platforms that shape the lives of individuals and allow users to interact are becoming very popular. While social platforms have a great impact on individuals as news or information sources, they also transform marketing strategies in the context of entertainment, social sharing and content creation. In this context, this study aims to measure the behavioral changes in the purchasing processes of consumers in many ways by addressing the social media platforms that become an indispensable part of the daily lives of individuals. The opportunity to be included in the communication and sharing network by communication facilities makes social media sites the tool of a new generation of marketing. In this way, the social networks, which take the majority of their time under the influence of individuals, attract the interest of companies. Companies actively use social media platforms to attract attention to their products, brands or customers. The research plans to explore the perceptions of university students based on the idea that social media platforms are an effective tool for young consumers. The present study also aims to reveal the impact levels of social media platforms, which are the strong sources of digital transformation, on individuals. In this context, this thesis tests the hypotheses with a quantitative strategy applied to students of the Faculty of Communication who focuses on new media studies. In the scope of the study, a questionnaire was developed with 38 items consisting of 11 demographics and 27 social networks and a sample group of 300 students was applied. The data obtained from the survey with the contribution of SPSS program were analyzed by using Analysis of Variance (ANOVA), LSD Multiple Comparison Test and Independent Sample t Test and Pearson Moment Correlation Coefficient. The results of the research show that it is more possible to choose brands, products or services that are aware of the social media. In addition, the findings show that the individuals considered within the scope of the sample tend to use social media platforms as much as possible in their purchasing processes. For this reason, research shows that social media platforms have become a daily life practice and they contribute significantly to the attitudes of individuals to their behavior

    Virtual store atmosphere in internet retailing: Measuring virtual retail store layout effects on consumer buying behaviour

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    This thesis was submitted for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy and awarded by Brunel University.The research presented in this dissertation is concerned with the effects of the "virtual store atmosphere" on consumer buying behaviour within the context of Internet retailing. More specifically, the focus of this research is to investigate whether the virtual store layout, as a major virtual store atmosphere determinant, affects consumer buying behaviour during shopping activity within a virtual grocery store over the Web. The present research is of a multidisciplinary nature and belongs to the field of Internet Retailing, in which there is not to date an exhaustive established theory available as the case is for conventional retailing. Therefore, the relevant literature covers the established theories in the areas of Marketing, Retailing and Consumer Behaviour along with current research in Internet retailing. Moreover, Human Computer Interaction (HCI) served as an important theoretical tool as far as Web site design principles and guidelines are concerned. The research hypotheses were mainly generated based on the conventional retail store layout literature review. They were tested through a laboratory experiment employing a causal research approach. To that end, a virtual retail laboratory store employing the three most common conventional retailing layouts (i.e., grid, freeform, and racetrack) was developed in three versions (i.e., one version per layout), following the concept and rules applied in each specific layout type. Therefore, the layout was the only manipulated variable (treatment), since all other potential influencing factors remained the same. The findings of the present study indicate that conventional retailing store layout theory is not applicable on its present form in the context of Internet retailing. Furthermore, the layout was found to affect consumer buying behaviour regarding "perceived usefulness towards searching for and buying shopping list products," "perceived ease of using the store," "perceived entertainment during shopping activity" and "time spent for shopping." However, it was found that the layout does not significantly affect "promotion effectiveness" and "impulse purchases." Based on the research findings, the "freegrid" layout (i.e., a new layout type) was introduced as an emerging layout for Internet retailing. The suggested layout contributes toward the Internet retailing theory development, as well as toward the provision of direct managerial implications. Finally, the present research provides several future research directions dealing with the virtual store atmosphere effects on consumer buying behaviour