2 research outputs found

    Reliable OSPM schema for secure transaction using mobile agent in micropayment system

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    The paper introduces a novel offline payment system in mobile commerce using the case study of micro-payments. The present paper is an extension version of our prior study addressing on implication of secure micropayment system deploying process oriented structural design in mobile network. The previous system has broad utilization of SPKI and hash chaining to furnish reliable and secure offline transaction in mobile commerce. However, the current work has attempted to provide much more light weight secure offline payment system in micro-payments by designing a new schema termed as Offline Secure Payment in Mobile Commerce (OSPM). The empirical operation are carried out on three types of transaction process considering maximum scenario of real time offline cases. Therefore, the current idea introduces two new parameters i.e. mobile agent and mobile token that can ensure better security and comparatively less network overhead

    Desarrollo de un método de autenticación de emergencia basado en el cuarto factor: "Alguien a quien el usuario conoce"

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    La autenticación basada en las relaciones sociales no es para nada una nueva forma de autenticar a las personas. Desde tiempos inmemoriales los humanos establecemos continuamente protocolos de identificación, e implícitamente de autenticación, cada vez que interactuamos con las personas de nuestro entorno. Este proceso es llevado a cabo con tal naturalidad que pasa totalmente desaparecido. En el año 2006 un equipo de investigadores de RSA Laboratories proponen un nuevo factor de autenticación adicional a los tres factores clásicos: “algo que el usuario conoce”, “algo que el usuario tiene” y “algo que el usuario es”, al que denominan el cuarto factor: “Alguien a quien el usuario conoce”. Este factor basado en las relaciones sociales que los individuos establecen con las personas de su entorno es trasladado al ámbito de los sistemas informáticos como mediante el proceso de vouching. El presente proyecto toma como punto de partida el cuarto factor y el concepto de vouching para desarrollar un sistema de autenticación de emergencia para el conocido gestor de contenidos Joomla!Authentication based on social networks is not a new way of authenticating people at all. Since old ages, humans constantly establish identification and, implicitly, authentication protocols every time they interact with people around them. This process is carried out in such a natural way that goes totally unnoticed. In 2006 a team of researchers from RSA Laboratories proposed a new authentication factor, in addition to the classic three factors: "something the user knows", "something the user has" and "something the user is" which was called the fourth factor: "Somebody the user knows". This factor which is based on social relationships that individuals establish with the people around them is transferred to the realm of computer systems through the vouching process. This project takes as starting point the fourth factor and the vouching concept to develop an emergency authentication system for the widely known content management system Joomla!Ingeniería en Informátic