13,206 research outputs found

    SNMP Trace Analysis: Results of Extra Traces

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    The Simple Network Management Protocol (SMMP) was introduced in the late 1980s. Since then, several evolutionary protocol changes have taken place, resulting in the SNMP version 3 framework (SNMPv3). Extensive use of SNMP has led to significant practical experience by both network operators and researchers. Since recently, researchers are in the possession of real world SNMP traces. This allows researchers to analyze the real world application of SNMP. A publication of 2007 made a significant start with this. However, real world trace analysis demands a continual approach, due to changing circumstances (e.g., regarding the network and SNMP engine implementations). Therefore, this paper reports on a lot more traces than in the mentioned paper, which are also more recent

    Developing an SNMP agent protocol entity with object oriented Perl

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    The Damocles project at the University of Twente is developing an SNMP prototyping vehicle. The motivation for such a vehicle stems from the fact that the IETF will develop new versions of SNMP in response to evolving user needs. Whereas the transition to newer versions is attractive from a functional or performance point of view, the effort and cost involved in such a transition should not be underestimated. The Damocles project investigates how modular design and implementation methods and OO techniques facilitate modification and reduce the effort and cost of version transition. In this paper, we discuss an SNMP agent protocol entity written in OO Perl. We discuss the design and implementation of the protocol entity, and how this development effort contributes to the objectives of the Damocles project

    A trustworthy mobile agent infrastructure for network management

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    Despite several advantages inherent in mobile-agent-based approaches to network management as compared to traditional SNMP-based approaches, industry is reluctant to adopt the mobile agent paradigm as a replacement for the existing manager-agent model; the management community requires an evolutionary, rather than a revolutionary, use of mobile agents. Furthermore, security for distributed management is a major concern; agent-based management systems inherit the security risks of mobile agents. We have developed a Java-based mobile agent infrastructure for network management that enables the safe integration of mobile agents with the SNMP protocol. The security of the system has been evaluated under agent to agent-platform and agent to agent attacks and has proved trustworthy in the performance of network management tasks

    Heme Oxygenase Induction Suppresses Hepatic Hepcidin and Rescues Ferroportin and Ferritin Expression in Obese Mice

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    Hepcidin, a phase II reactant secreted by hepatocytes, regulates cellular iron levels by increasing internalization of ferroportin-a transmembrane protein facilitating egress of cellular iron. Chronic low-grade inflammatory states, such as obesity, have been shown to increase oxidative stress and enhance hepcidin secretion from hepatocytes and macrophages. Heme-heme oxygenase (HO) is a stress response system which reduces oxidative stress. We investigated the effects of HO-1 induction on hepatic hepcidin levels and on iron homeostasis in hepatic tissues from lean and obese mice. Obese mice exhibited hyperglycemia (p < 0.05); increased levels of proinflammatory cytokines (MCP-1, IL-6, p < 0.05); oxidative stress (p < 0.05); and increased hepatic hepcidin levels (p < 0.05). Enhancement of hepcidin was reflected in the reduced expression of ferroportin in obese mice (p < 0.05). However, this effect is accompanied by a significant decline in ferritin expression. Additionally, there are reduced insulin receptor phosphorylation and attenuation of metabolic regulators pAMPK, pAKT, and pLKB1. Cobalt protoporphyrin- (CoPP-) induced HO-1 upregulation in obese mice reversed these alterations (p < 0.05), while attenuating hepatic hepcidin levels. These effects of CoPP were prevented in obese mice concurrently exposed to an inhibitor of HO (SnMP) (p < 0.05). Our results highlight a modulatory effect of HO on iron homeostasis mediated through the suppression of hepatic hepcidin

    Power Systems Monitoring and Control using Telecom Network Management Standards

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    Historically, different solutions have been developed for power systems control and telecommunications network management environments. The former was characterized by proprietary solutions, while the latter has been involved for years in a strong standardization process guided by criteria of openness. Today, power systems control standardization is in progress, but it is at an early stage compared to the telecommunications management area, especially in terms of information modeling. Today, control equipment tends to exhibit more computational power, and communication lines have increased their performance. These trends hint at some conceptual convergence between power systems and telecommunications networks from a management perspective. This convergence leads us to suggest the application of well-established telecommunications management standards for power systems control. This paper shows that this is a real medium-to-long term possibility
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