10,050 research outputs found

    Efficient Resource Allocation in Cooperative Co-Evolution for Large-Scale Global Optimization

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    Cooperative co-evolution (CC) is an explicit means of problem decomposition in multipopulation evolutionary algorithms for solving large-scale optimization problems. For CC, subpopulations representing subcomponents of a large-scale optimization problem co-evolve, and are likely to have different contributions to the improvement of the best overall solution to the problem. Hence, it makes sense that more computational resources should be allocated to the subpopulations with greater contributions. In this paper, we study how to allocate computational resources in this context and subsequently propose a new CC framework named CCFR to efficiently allocate computational resources among the subpopulations according to their dynamic contributions to the improvement of the objective value of the best overall solution. Our experimental results suggest that CCFR can make efficient use of computational resources and is a highly competitive CCFR for solving large-scale optimization problems

    Cooperative co-evolution with differential grouping for large scale optimization

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    Cooperative co-evolution has been introduced into evolutionary algorithms with the aim of solving increasingly complex optimization problems through a divide-and-conquer paradigm. In theory, the idea of co-adapted subcomponents is desirable for solving large-scale optimization problems. However, in practice, without prior knowledge about the problem, it is not clear how the problem should be decomposed. In this paper, we propose an automatic decomposition strategy called differential grouping that can uncover the underlying interaction structure of the decision variables and form subcomponents such that the interdependence between them is kept to a minimum. We show mathematically how such a decomposition strategy can be derived from a definition of partial separability. The empirical studies show that such near-optimal decomposition can greatly improve the solution quality on large-scale global optimization problems. Finally, we show how such an automated decomposition allows for a better approximation of the contribution of various subcomponents, leading to a more efficient assignment of the computational budget to various subcomponents

    Contribution based multi-island competitive cooperative coevolution

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    Competition in cooperative coevolution (CC) has demonstrated success in solving global optimization problems. In a recent study, a multi-island competitive cooperative coevolution (MIC3) algorithm was introduced that featured competition and collaboration of several different problem decomposition strategies implemented as independent islands. It was shown that MIC3converges to high quality solutions without the need to find an optimal decomposition. MIC3splits the computational budget in terms of the number of function evaluations, equally amongst all the islands and evolves them in a round-robin fashion. This overlooks the difference in contributions of different islands towards improving the overall objective function value. Therefore, a considerable amount of function evaluations is wasted on the low-contributing islands as their problem decomposition strategies may not appeal to the problem at the given stage of the evolutionary process. This paper proposes contribution-based MIC3 algorithms (MIC4) that quantifies the contributions of each island and allocates the computational budget accordingly. The experimental analysis reveals that the proposed method outperforms its counterpart

    CBCC3 — A contribution-based cooperative co-evolutionary algorithm with improved exploration/exploitation balance

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    Cooperative Co-evolution (CC) is a promising framework for solving large-scale optimization problems. However, the round-robin strategy of CC is not an efficient way of allocating the available computational resources to components of imbalanced functions. The imbalance problem happens when the components of a partially separable function have non-uniform contributions to the overall objective value. Contribution-Based Cooperative Co-evolution (CBCC) is a variant of CC that allocates the available computational resources to the individual components based on their contributions. CBCC variants (CBCC1 and CBCC2) have shown better performance than the standard CC in a variety of cases. In this paper, we show that over-exploration and over-exploitation are two major sources of performance loss in the existing CBCC variants. On that basis, we propose a new contribution-based algorithm that maintains a better balance between exploration and exploitation. The empirical results show that the new algorithm is superior to its predecessors as well as the standard CC

    Decomposition for Large-scale Optimization Problems with Overlapping Components

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    In this paper we use a divide-and-conquer approach to tackle large-scale optimization problems with overlapping components. Decomposition for an overlapping problem is challenging as its components depend on one another. The existing decomposition methods typically assign all the linked decision variables into one group, thus cannot reduce the original problem size. To address this issue we modify the Recursive Differential Grouping (RDG) method to decompose overlapping problems, by breaking the linkage at variables shared by multiple components. To evaluate the efficacy of our method, we extend two existing overlapping benchmark problems considering various level of overlap. Experimental results show that our method can greatly improve the search ability of an optimization algorithm via divide-and-conquer, and outperforms RDG, random decomposition as well as other state-of-the-art methods. We further evaluate our method using the CEC'2013 benchmark problems and show that our method is very competitive when equipped with a component optimizer
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