2 research outputs found

    Analisis Kebutuhan untuk Membangun Media Pembelajaran Maya yang Mendukung Proyek Energi Baru dan Terbarukan: Analisis Kebutuhan Pengguna

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    Energy security has become the main issue for Indonesia Government because Indonesia is targeted to be independent in energy field.To reach the goals NRE USAge, there should be cooperations amongst all party : government, society, academicians as well as corporates. Virtual Learning Environment (VLE) is a powerful application to deliver knowledge in the digital age while contributes to educate society about New and Renewable Energy (NRE). However, user requirements are needed before developing VLE to reveal existing conditions and understand the users' behaviour. This paper purposes to understand the user requirements, who are university students, to contribute to NRE project. Research methods used are interview, observation and questionnaire. Interview was conducted with Lentera Bumi Nusantara who develops NRE technology especially wind turbine in Indonesia. Observation was done in Lentera Bumi Nusantara's office and questionnaire was distributed amongst 92 students in Universitas Pertamina, Jakarta, Indonesia. The results show that university students are human resources needed in NRE project. Then, learning materials regarding how to build blade and wind turbine have not distributed to others. Furthermore, results show that 84% of university students are ready to contribute in NRE project. However, only 37% of university students own original idea for NRE project related to their academic background. To build the VLE to support NRE projects, there should be menu for university students to discuss online so they can share ideas regarding NRE and menu for contributing to NRE project in Indonesia

    Analisis Faktor yang Memengaruhi Implementasi Pendidikan Cerdas dalam Sistem Pemerintahan Berbasis Elektronik

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    The improvement of education in an area is determined by the government's method of managing its education system. Smart education is an implementation of e-Government in a learning system that uses 21st century skills with the support of IT infrastructure and implementing the latest technological innovations. The implementation of smart education is required, especially during the pandemic and post-pandemic to improve the quality of education which has declined since the beginning of covid-19 pandemic, but not all regions in Indonesia are able and ready to implement the concept. City/district governments, especially those that have implemented smart cities, need a reference regarding the factors that considered in implementing smart education to avoid the risk of failure. Based on these problems, the purpose of this study is to create a summary of the factors that need to be considered to increase the success of smart education implementation. This study uses a systematic literature review method to identify factors that are considered in implementing smart education based on previous studies. The research produces five main aspects which are a summary of all the factors found in previous studies, which consist of technological aspects, data aspects, human resources aspects, governance aspects, and financial aspects. All factors from these five aspects can be a reference for the government and related parties to increase the success rate of implementing smart educatio