4 research outputs found

    RadialLight: Exploring radial peripheral LEDs for directional cues in head-mounted displays

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    Current head-mounted displays (HMDs) for Virtual Reality (VR) and Augmented Reality (AR) have a limited field-of-view (FOV). This limited FOV further decreases the already restricted human visual range and amplifies the problem of objects going out of view. Therefore, we explore the utility of augmenting HMDs with RadialLight, a peripheral light display implemented as 18 radially positioned LEDs around each eye to cue direction towards out-of-view objects. We first investigated direction estimation accuracy of multi-colored cues presented on one versus two eyes. We then evaluated direction estimation accuracy and search time performance for locating out-of-view objects in two representative 360° video VR scenarios. Key findings show that participants could not distinguish between LED cues presented to one or both eyes simultaneously, participants estimated LED cue direction within a maximum 11.8° average deviation, and out-of-view objects in less distracting scenarios were selected faster. Furthermore, we provide implications for building peripheral HMDs

    Beyond Halo and Wedge: Visualizing out-of-view objects on head-mounted virtual and augmented reality devices

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    Head-mounted devices (HMDs) for Virtual and Augmented Reality (VR/AR) enable us to alter our visual perception of the world. However, current devices suffer from a limited field of view (FOV), which becomes problematic when users need to locate out of view objects (e.g., locating points-of-interest during sightseeing). To address this, we developed and evaluated in two studies HaloVR, WedgeVR, HaloAR and WedgeAR, which are inspired by usable 2D off-screen object visualization techniques (Halo, Wedge). While our techniques resulted in overall high usability, we found the choice of AR or VR impacts mean search time (VR: 2.25s, AR: 3.92s) and mean direction estimation error (VR: 21.85°, AR: 32.91°). Moreover, while adding more out-of-view objects significantly affects search time across VR and AR, direction estimation performance remains unaffected. We provide implications and discuss the challenges of designing for VR and AR HMDs

    Design of a Multimodal Mixed Reality Work Environment with Wearable Technology

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    Issues relating to health and well-being at work have risen in prominence, exerting negative effects upon both individuals and organizations. Two main contributing factors are a lack of awareness of one's bodily status and a lack of accessible and effective adjustment mechanisms. Through a comprehensive literature review in the fields of Physiology and Biosensors, Mixed Reality, and Environmental Psychology, this study examines the impacts of environmental attributes and investigates how technology can be leveraged to provide solutions for coping with changes in bodily status caused by internal or external stressors. To address the problem, this study proposes and develops a hybrid wearable and Mixed Reality system prototype that enhances awareness of bodily status and provides mediation. This prototype can adapt to the individual's real-time biometric data through a wearable glove, and provide personalized feedback in a Multimodal Mixed Reality working environment. A small-scale user testing was conducted and has yielded positive feedback. Ultimately, this study highlights that the implementation of a wearable and Mixed Reality system has the potential to contribute to a healthier and more productive workplace for individuals and organizations alike

    Notify Me : smart glasses with a peripheral vision display

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