108 research outputs found

    Smart matching

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    One of the most annoying aspects in the formalization of mathematics is the need of transforming notions to match a given, existing result. This kind of transformations, often based on a conspicuous background knowledge in the given scientific domain (mostly expressed in the form of equalities or isomorphisms), are usually implicit in the mathematical discourse, and it would be highly desirable to obtain a similar behavior in interactive provers. The paper describes the superposition-based implementation of this feature inside the Matita interactive theorem prover, focusing in particular on the so called smart application tactic, supporting smart matching between a goal and a given result.Comment: To appear in The 9th International Conference on Mathematical Knowledge Management: MKM 201

    Sustainable House Manufacturing for Smart Matching Cities

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    In bottom-up approach to the smart city, the construction of the house and its related land consumption is the fundamental cell for governing urban development and its sustainable relationship with society and the rural area. Given the situation in northern Argentina, the research outlines a construction system based on the sustainable wood supply chain, with industrialized production of wood wafer panels and the proposal of a deconstructible house whose elements can be transported by truck. Sustainability of the building system is achieved through the use of wood from rotational forests and the proposed re-purposing of river and rail transport, while building sustainability is pursued through the integrated use of photovoltaics, heat pump, rainwater and surface geothermal energy. The designed dwelling envelope results B rated, according to the IRAM 11605 Argentine standard and the “Minimum Quality Standards for Social Housing”

    Dynamic ride sharing service: are users ready to adopt it?

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    Nowadays we are experiencing a shift of paradigm from ownership of goods to sharing goods and experiences. The “sharing economy” paradigm will change the way people experience everyday life in many sectors. In this paper we are focusing on the urban transportation experience presenting a user centric design of an experimental dynamic ridesharing service for Italian users, called VirtualBus [1]. The proposed service is based on a mobile application that allows people to get arrangement in real time for sharing car rides in an urban area, both as “driver” or “passenger”. A smart matching algorithm will provide, within a short time, the best matching between the driver and the passenger learning from users’ feedbacks and improving its suggestions overtime to better fulfill users’ expectations. The service was designed, prototyped and tested involving users in every step, starting from a vision board with the target Personas. Then, a first raw prototype of the mobile application was designed and tested during specific focus group sessions. During the focus groups users highlighted both the importance of defining rewarding and payment rules and some concerns about privacy and reliability of drivers and passengers. Moreover, a large scale questionnaire, with more than 500 respondents, was distributed with the focus on two big Italian cities, Turin and Rome. The questionnaire analysis gave many interesting insights about the city commuting habits and its results were used to enrich the previously designed Personas with the aim of enhancing real users’ scenarios. Next steps will involve real users on selected cities as a test-bed of both the technical solution and the users’ acceptability of a new way of experiencing the urban commuting

    Centre for Education Policy and Equalising Opportunities: Impact Report 2022

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    Improving New Hire Turnover Through The Use Of Assessment Tools

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    This study focuses on one organization’s adoption and use of a specific job matching assessment instrument for all of their hiring decisions over a three-year period. The paper examines the effectiveness of the organization’s hiring assessment tool as a process for reducing their new hire turnover. The results of the study shows a significant improvement (reduction) in the new hire turnover, compared with the previous three-year period without utilizing the tool. These findings are consistent with years of empirical research on personality, consisting of characteristics behavior measurements that predict how an individual behavior in various situations (Greenberg, 1980)

    Zonal Energy Management and Optimization System (ZEMOS) for Smart Grid Applications

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    In the context of implementing the smart grid, electric energy consumption, generation resources, should be managed and optimized in a way that saves energy, improves efficiency, enhances reliability and maintains security while meeting the increasing demand at minimum operating cost. In order to achieve these objectives, there is a need to implement an efficient Zonal Energy Management and Optimization Systems (ZEMOS) that address both existing and future challenges possibly imposed by the use of renewable energy generators that lead to bi-directional power flow instead of unidirectional as in the traditional grids while operate in a coordinated way for the benefit of the whole electric grid. The proposed ZEMOS contains custom defined built-in functions in modular form, which could easily be integrated with other existing energy monitoring systems in the zone of interest (i.e. industrial facility, commercial centers, testing facility, sub-system of the utility service area, educational institutions, power plant, etc.). The proposed ZEMOS provides functions that ensure energy saving, improved reliability, increased efficiency and enhanced utilization of distributed resources: generation energy storage and loads without compromising the tasks carried within that zone. Those module-based systems are characterized by their scalability and flexibility, since more functions can be added down the road as needed. This is necessary in order to accommodate the constant changes imposed by the smart grid and avoid the need to change the whole infrastructure. The proposed ZEMOS performance was investigated for study zones that involve single and multi-objective operations. Besides, study zones with more than single decision makers were also considered in this thesis. Accordingly, the implementation of ZEMOS satisfies the outlined objectives for specific study zone which leads to a reduction in greenhouse gas emission, the improvement of the energy generation portfolio, a reliance on the optimized renewable energy source and a reduction in the energy losses while ensuring high power quality. Furthermore, managing the energy consumption and optimizing the operation of such sizable zones (at Mega Watts scale) ensures significant economic benefits in terms of energy saving, better utilization of available resources, improving the efficiency of energy systems, and exporting novel smart grid technologies, which will lay the foundation to meet future challenges using existing infrastructure

    Exploring the interplay between urban governance and smart services codesign

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    The large spreading of e-democracy and e-participatory tools and environments showed, and is still showing, that technologies offer new direction for dealing with the challenge of scaling the deliberative democracy perspective up to the urban governance scale. The recent growth of Urban Living Labs and Human Smart City initiatives is disclosing a promising bridge between the micro-scale of decision and the mechanisms of urban governance. In coherence with these perspectives, the article reports on the interplay between urban governance and the co-design of smart services in urban transformation as it has been observed and analysed in the two European research projects Periphèria and MyNeinghbourhood. The article also discusses the value of service codesign as a strategic practice to experiment new participatory governance in smart cities

    Oblaci tačaka kao fotogrametrijske reprezentacije površina linijskih objekata - uticaj ekstrinzičkih parametara snimanja na promenu kvaliteta njihovih tekstura sa aspekta hrapavosti

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    This paper investigates the impact of various extrinsic shooting parameters regarding change of roughness-quality of surface textures of linear objects/elements when presented in the form of unstructured photogrammetrially created point-clouds. To perform this scientifically-wise, two types of specific quality-descriptors are identified: process-quality descriptors and smoothness related quality descriptors. Then, they are precisely defined, computed and mutually correlated. It can be generally concluded that for a fixed focal length, shooting directions perpendicular to the axis of targeted object/element, station-points uniformly radially distributed around it (at a circle of 360 deg.) and obtained process-quality descriptors values that belong to satisfying /recommended ranges, the performed photogrammetric digitalization is declared highly precise and satisfyingly accurate regarding roughness /smoothness and barely prone to object-to-camera distance.Rad istražuje uticaj različitih ekstrinzičnih parametara snimanja površina linijskih objekata /elemenata, na promenu kvaliteta njihovih tekstura sa aspekta hrapavosti u slučaju kada su one fotogrametrijski generisane u vidu nestrukturiranih oblaka tačaka. U cilju uvođenja naučne metodologije u predmetno eksperimentalno istraživanje, identifikovana su (kao relevantna) dva tipa specifičnih deskriptora analiziranog kvaliteta (deskriptori koji opisuju nivo kvaliteta softverskog/fotogrametrijskog procesuiranja digitalnih snimaka izabranog eksperimentalnog objekta /elementa i deskriptori kojima se definiše postignuti kvalitet hrapavosti tj. stepen očuvanosti glatkoće njegove digitalizovane površine). Ovi deskriptori su, potom, precizno definisani i softverskim putem izračunati. Doneti zaključci su bazirani na analizi ciljno-relevantnih korelacija prethodno dobijenih vrednosti tih deskriptora. Zaključeno je da je za nepromenljivu žižnu daljinu, pravce snimanja upravne na osu linijskog objekta-elementa koji se fotografiše, za pozicije foto-aparata i fotogrametrijske targete ravnomerno radijalno raspoređene oko te ose (po krugu od 360°), kao i za dobijene vrednosti parametara kvaliteta realizovanog fotogrametrijskog procesuiranja (process-quality descriptors values) koje su u prihvatljivom/preporučenom opsegu, sve digitalizovane površine su predstavljene oblacima tačkama čije generisanje karakterišu visoka preciznost (precision) i zadovoljavajući nivo tačnosti (accuracy) na koje neznatno utiče distanca sa koje se vrši snimanje