3 research outputs found

    CloudIoT paradigm acceptance for e-learning: analysis and future challenges

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    E-learning is the theme interrelated to the virtualized distance learning with the help of electronic communication machines, certainly with the help of Internet. CloudIoT paradigm is the combination of cloud resource and internet of thing which become prevalent now days due to the flexibility and fast access for those reason different countries used CloudIoT paradigm different purposes. E-learning is one of the best examples where virtual environment provides cost-effective alternative to physical labs as well as to run scientific applications. The world order change in education sector due to Covid-19 all activity shift in to e-learning system. In this paper we present the review about CloudIoT paradigm and it usage in e-learning system as well as we extant taxonomy of CloudIoT paradigm for e-leaning purpose. In the related work section we present the existing contribution in the field of e-learning using CloudIoT paradigm are highlighted. We also contemporaneous the most standard framework which carried out for e-leaning using CloudIoT paradigm is discuss. The contribution section of the paper present the issue being faced by in adopting CloudIoT paradigm for e-learning are discussed along with recommendation and future work

    Improving Online Education Using Big Data Technologies

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    In a world in full digital transformation, where new information and communication technologies are constantly evolving, the current challenge of Computing Environments for Human Learning (CEHL) is to search the right way to integrate and harness the power of these technologies. In fact, these environments face many challenges, especially the increased demand for learning, the huge growth in the number of learners, the heterogeneity of available resources as well as the problems related to the complexity of intensive processing and real-time analysis of data produced by e-learning systems, which goes beyond the limits of traditional infrastructures and relational database management systems. This chapter presents a number of solutions dedicated to CEHL around the two big paradigms, namely cloud computing and Big Data. The first part of this work is dedicated to the presentation of an approach to integrate both emerging technologies of the big data ecosystem and on-demand services of the cloud in the e-learning field. It aims to enrich and enhance the quality of e-learning platforms relying on the services provided by the cloud accessible via the internet. It introduces distributed storage and parallel computing of Big Data in order to provide robust solutions to the requirements of intensive processing, predictive analysis, and massive storage of learning data. To do this, a methodology is presented and applied which describes the integration process. In addition, this chapter also addresses the deployment of a distributed e-learning architecture combining several recent tools of the Big Data and based on a strategy of data decentralization and the parallelization of the treatments on a cluster of nodes. Finally, this article aims to develop a Big Data solution for online learning platforms based on LMS Moodle. A course recommendation system has been designed and implemented relying on machine learning techniques, to help the learner select the most relevant learning resources according to their interests through the analysis of learning traces. The realization of this system is done using the learning data collected from the ESTenLigne platform and Spark Framework deployed on Hadoop infrastructure

    Transforming vocational schools - digitalisation in school development

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    The increasing impact of digitalisation on everyday life and the workplace requires new digital competencies to facilitate the socio-economic participation of citizens. One major avenue to support young people in the changing world is through education. This thesis therefore examines the development of vocational schools in the context of digitalisation. Theoretical considerations about school quality and models of school development form the basis for a multi-perspective research approach, including the five main stakeholder groups in Germany’s dual system of vocational training, namely students, teachers, school leaders, parents and training companies. The thesis focuses on the development of schools as organisational units which operate in a larger educational context. In the third chapter, curricular standards are investigated as external influence factors using a text-mining approach. The chapter examines in which ways these standards correspond to national requirements and how they can provide guidance for stakeholders at the school level. The fourth chapter focuses on the situation of teachers when school leaders decide to introduce digital practices into a school’s routines. The fifth and sixth chapters combine the interpretation of quantitative and qualitative data in a mixed-method approach to emphasise the relationships between stakeholders and different areas of school development, especially during a phase of distance learning. Practical implications of digitalisation for the development of vocational schools are derived from the research work in chapter seven. These include the significance of a shared vision, clear cooperation strategies and a manageable number of educational tools. Furthermore, the need to review the established models of school development in the context of digitalisation and the characteristics of vocational schools is discussed. This thesis claims that it is insufficient to view digitalisation merely as an influencing factor on the different fields of school development. Through new modes of exchange, digitalisation fundamentally transforms the relationship between the stakeholders of development at vocational schools. The way education, organisation, personnel, cooperation and technology interact is transforming at the qualitative, quantitative, spatial and temporal level