4 research outputs found

    Automatic Fish Feeder and Telegram Based Aquarium Water Level Monitoring

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    An important factor in maintaining fish in an aquarium is the timeliness of feeding fish. Most fish keepers are worried about the aquarium's feeding and water conditions, which must be done every day. Therefore, an automatic fish feeding tool and telegram-based monitoring of aquarium water levels were made to make it easier for fish keepers and aquarium owners to provide and monitor fish feed automatically according to a predetermined schedule. Monitoring the remaining feed and water level in the aquarium is done via Telegram. The components used in this tool are Esp 8266 as a microcontroller, RTC as a timer for scheduling fish feed, Ultrasonic as a detector for remaining fish feed, JSN-SR04T as a water level detector, LCD to display time and date as well as notifications and a servo motor functions to open and close the fish feed. The conclusion from the results obtained from this device is that the device works well and helps the aquarium owner to monitor and feed efficiently, despite some challenges such as delay due to poor internet connection

    Computational Approaches Based On Image Processing for Automated Disease Identification On Chili Leaf Images: A Review

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    Chili, an important crop whose fruit is used as a spice, is significantly hampered by the existence of chili diseases. While these diseases pose a significant concern to farmers since they impair the supply of spices to the market, they can be managed and monitored to lessen their impact. Therefore, identifying chili diseases using a pertinent approach is of enormous importance. Over the years, the growth of computational approaches based on image processing has found its application in automated disease identification, leading to the availability of a reliable monitoring tool that produces promising findings for the chili. Numerous research papers on identifying chili diseases using the approaches have been published. Still, to the best knowledge of the author, there has not been a proper attempt to analyze these papers to describe the many steps of diagnosis, including pre-processing, segmentation, extraction of features, as well as identification techniques. Thus, a total of 50 research paper publications on the identification of chili diseases, with publication dates spanning from 2013 to 2021, are reviewed in this paper. Through the findings in this paper, it becomes feasible to comprehend the development trend for the application of computational approaches based on image processing in the identification of chili diseases, as well as the challenges and future directions that require attention from the present research community.&nbsp

    Smart approaches to Aquaponics 4.0 with focus on water quality − Comprehensive review

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    The fast growth of the world population associated with the ever-increasing need for food and the significant contribution of agriculture to anthropogenic global warming is driving the changes from conventional farming approaches to innovative and sustainable agriculture ones. One of these approaches is aquaculture which is founded on the principle of circular economy combining aquaculture and hydroponics in symbiose with aquaculture waste serving as nutrients for plant growth. Conventional Aquaponics has evolved to Aquaponics 4.0 with a fully automated and remote-controlled system for producing foods at an industrial scale. The implementation of the Internet of Things (IoT) and Artificial Intelligence (AI) could simplify farmers’ tasks with remote operations while allowing them to achieve automatic and precise control of inputs and outputs as well as to improve the overall efficiency of the system. This review focuses on the use of these smart technologies to analyze, monitor, and maintain good water quality and appropriate replenishment in Aquaponics systems. The identified research gap and future possible contributions in this area are also discussed

    The digitization of agricultural industry – a systematic literature review on agriculture 4.0

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    Agriculture is considered one of the most important sectors that play a strategic role in ensuring food security. However, with the increasing world's population, agri-food demands are growing — posing the need to switch from traditional agricultural methods to smart agriculture practices, also known as agriculture 4.0. To fully benefit from the potential of agriculture 4.0, it is significant to understand and address the problems and challenges associated with it. This study, therefore, aims to contribute to the development of agriculture 4.0 by investigating the emerging trends of digital technologies in the agricultural industry. For this purpose, a systematic literature review based on Protocol of Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses is conducted to analyse the scientific literature related to crop farming published in the last decade. After applying the protocol, 148 papers were selected and the extent of digital technologies adoption in agriculture was examined in the context of service type, technology readiness level, and farm type. The results have shown that digital technologies such as autonomous robotic systems, internet of things, and machine learning are significantly explored and open-air farms are frequently considered in research studies (69%), contrary to indoor farms (31%). Moreover, it is observed that most use cases are still in the prototypical phase. Finally, potential roadblocks to the digitization of the agriculture sector were identified and classified at technical and socio-economic levels. This comprehensive review results in providing useful information on the current status of digital technologies in agriculture along with prospective future opportunities