4 research outputs found

    Implementation of Four Real-Time Software Defined Receivers and a Space-Time Decoder using Xilinx Virtex 2 Pro Field Programmable Gate Array

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    This paper describes the concept, architecture, development and demonstration of a real time, high performance, software defined 4-receiver system and a space time decoder to be implemented on a Xilinx Virtex 2 Pro Field Programmable Gate Array. It is designed and developed for research into receiver diversity and multiple input and multiple output (MIMO)wireless systems. Each receiver has a Freescale DSP56321 digital signal processor (DSP) to run synchronization, channel state estimation and equalization algorithms. The system is software defined to allow for flexibility in the choice of receiver demodulation formats, output data rates and space-time decoding schemes. Hardware, firmware and software aspects of the receiver and space time decoder system to meet design requirements are discussed

    FPGA Implementation of a Real Time Maximum Likelihood Space-Time Decoder on a MIMO Software Radio Test Platform

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    This paper describes the concept, architecture, development and demonstration of a real time, maximum likelihood Alamouti decoder for a wireless 4-transmit 4-receiver multiple input and multiple output (MIMO) Smart Antenna Software Radio Test System (SASRATS) platform. It is implemented on a Xilinx Virtex 2 Pro Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA). Hardware, firmware, use of the Xilinx Core Generator Intellectual Property modules and experimental verification of the decoder are discussed

    A Real Time Cognitive Radio Test Platform for Public Safety Physical Layer Experiments

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    This paper describes the concept, architecture and development of a real time, cognitive radio testbed for physical layer, interoperability and spectrum sensing experiments. It is based on a reconfigured wireless 4-transmit 4-receiver multiple input and multiple output (MIMO) Smart Antenna Software Radio Test System (SASRATS) platform using the the Xilinx University Program (XUP) Virtex-II Pro development boards as the heart of the system. We discuss various cognitive experiments in the context of public safety applications and show that cyclostationarity can be used for spectrum sensing and recognition applications

    Space-time processing : an experimental test platform and algorithms.

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    This Thesis describes the concept, architecture, development and demonstration of a Smart Antenna Software Radio Test System (SASRATS). SASRATS was designed and developed as a functional and flexible system to facilitate the field testing of space-time processing architectures and algorithms. It is designed to facilitate the correlation of theoretical, simulated and measured performance. The SASRATS architecture has the capability of batch, pseudo-real and real time implementation of signal processing algorithms. It is used here to verify the work done by the author and others in the field of signal enumeration and blind beamforming. The Thesis develops a robust method to enumerate the incident signals impinging on a uniform but variable size linear array independent of the extent of their correlation in a Rayleigh flat fading channel environment. The method self-optimizes the array size by minimizing the number of antennas with respect to the number of signals and adapts continuously to maintain optimum performance in a mobile environment where users (signals) come and go. An algorithm is formulated with simulation and field results presented. A robust channel order estimation algorithm using multiple antennas is also presented. We show that the approach has better performance than the conventional information theoretic based channel order estimation algorithms. It operates over a wide range of signal-to-noise ratios and is tolerant to correlation between channels. Algorithm performance is evaluated via computer simulation