6 research outputs found

    H-integral normal mixed Cayley graphs

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    A mixed graph is called integral if all the eigenvalues of its Hermitian adjacency matrix are integers. A mixed Cayley graph Cay(Γ,S)Cay(\Gamma, S) is called normal if SS is the union of some conjugacy classes of a finite group Γ\Gamma. In 2014, Godsil and Spiga characterized integral normal Cayley graphs. We give similar characterization for the integrality of a normal mixed Cayley graph Cay(Γ,S)Cay(\Gamma,S) in terms of SS. Xu and Meng (2011) and Li (2013) characterized the set S⊆ZnS\subseteq \mathbb{Z}_n for which the eigenvalues ∑k∈Swnjk\sum\limits_{k\in S} w_n^{jk} of the circulant digraph Cay(Zn,S)Cay(\mathbb{Z}_n, S) are Gaussian integers for all j=1,...,hj=1,...,h. Here the adjacency matrix of Cay(Zn,S)Cay(\mathbb{Z}_n, S) is considered to be the n×nn\times n matrix [aij][a_{ij}], where aij=1a_{ij}=1 if (i,j)(i,j) is an arc of Cay(Zn,S)Cay(\mathbb{Z}_n, S), and 00 otherwise. Let {χ1,…,χh}\{\chi_1,\ldots,\chi_h\} be the set of the irreducible characters of Γ\Gamma. We prove that 1χj(1)∑s∈Sχj(s)\frac{1}{\chi_j(1)} \sum\limits_{s \in S} \chi_j(s) is a Gaussian integer for all j=1,...,hj=1,...,h if and only if the normal mixed Cayley graph Cay(Γ,S)Cay(\Gamma, S) is integral. As a corollary to this, we get an alternative and easy proof of the characterization, as obtained by Xu, Meng and Li, of the set S⊆ZnS\subseteq \mathbb{Z}_n for which the circulant digraph Cay(Zn,S)Cay(\mathbb{Z}_n, S) is Gaussian integral

    Small integral trees

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    We give a table with all integral trees on at most 50 vertices, and characterize integral trees with a single eigenvalue 0. 1 Integral trees A finite graph is called integral if the spectrum of its adjacency matrix has only integral eigenvalues. A tree is a connected undirected graph without cycles. In this note we give a table with all integral trees on at most 50 vertices, and a further table with all known integral trees on at most 100 vertices. (For an on-line version, possibly with updates, see [1].) In particular, we find the smallest integral trees of diameter 6, and the smallest known integral tree of diameter 8. The nicest result about integral trees is that by Watanabe [12] that says that an integral tree different from K2 does not have a complete matching. Here we give a generalization