7,053 research outputs found

    Generalized binary arrays from quasi-orthogonal cocycles

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    Generalized perfect binary arrays (GPBAs) were used by Jedwab to construct perfect binary arrays. A non-trivial GPBA can exist only if its energy is 2 or a multiple of 4. This paper introduces generalized optimal binary arrays (GOBAs) with even energy not divisible by 4, as analogs of GPBAs. We give a procedure to construct GOBAs based on a characterization of the arrays in terms of 2-cocycles. As a further application, we determine negaperiodic Golay pairs arising from generalized optimal binary sequences of small length.Junta de Andalucía FQM-01

    A Generalized Construction of OFDM M-QAM Sequences With Low Peak-to-Average Power Ratio

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    A construction of 22n2^{2n}-QAM sequences is given and an upper bound of the peak-to-mean envelope power ratio (PMEPR) is determined. Some former works can be viewed as special cases of this construction.Comment: published by Advances in Mathematics of Communication

    Convolutional compressed sensing using deterministic sequences

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    This is the author's accepted manuscript (with working title "Semi-universal convolutional compressed sensing using (nearly) perfect sequences"). The final published article is available from the link below. Copyright @ 2012 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other users, including reprinting/ republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted components of this work in other works.In this paper, a new class of orthogonal circulant matrices built from deterministic sequences is proposed for convolution-based compressed sensing (CS). In contrast to random convolution, the coefficients of the underlying filter are given by the discrete Fourier transform of a deterministic sequence with good autocorrelation. Both uniform recovery and non-uniform recovery of sparse signals are investigated, based on the coherence parameter of the proposed sensing matrices. Many examples of the sequences are investigated, particularly the Frank-Zadoff-Chu (FZC) sequence, the m-sequence and the Golay sequence. A salient feature of the proposed sensing matrices is that they can not only handle sparse signals in the time domain, but also those in the frequency and/or or discrete-cosine transform (DCT) domain

    Coordinating Complementary Waveforms for Sidelobe Suppression

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    We present a general method for constructing radar transmit pulse trains and receive filters for which the radar point-spread function in delay and Doppler, given by the cross-ambiguity function of the transmit pulse train and the pulse train used in the receive filter, is essentially free of range sidelobes inside a Doppler interval around the zero-Doppler axis. The transmit pulse train is constructed by coordinating the transmission of a pair of Golay complementary waveforms across time according to zeros and ones in a binary sequence P. The pulse train used to filter the received signal is constructed in a similar way, in terms of sequencing the Golay waveforms, but each waveform in the pulse train is weighted by an element from another sequence Q. We show that a spectrum jointly determined by P and Q sequences controls the size of the range sidelobes of the cross-ambiguity function and by properly choosing P and Q we can clear out the range sidelobes inside a Doppler interval around the zero- Doppler axis. The joint design of P and Q enables a tradeoff between the order of the spectral null for range sidelobe suppression and the signal-to-noise ratio at the receiver output. We establish this trade-off and derive a necessary and sufficient condition for the construction of P and Q sequences that produce a null of a desired order