21 research outputs found

    Effect of radii of exemption on ground delay programs with operating cost based cruise speed reduction

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    When a ground delay program (GDP) is defined, a radius of exemption is typically set to exclude from having to realize ground delay aircraft departing from greater distances than the selected radius distance. A trade-off exists when defining this radius: big radii distribute the required delay among more aircraft and reduce the airborne holding delay close to the destination airport, while the probability to realize unnecessary delay increases if the program is canceled before planned. In order to overcome part of this drawback, a cost based cruise speed reduction strategy aiming at realizing airborne delay was suggested by the authors in previous publications. By flying slower, at a specific speed, aircraft that are airborne can recover part of their initially assigned delay without incurring extra cost if the GDP is canceled before planned. In this paper, the effect of the exemption radius is assessed when applying this strategy and a case study is presented by analyzing all the GDPs that took place at Chicago O'Hare International Airport during one year. Results show that by the introduction of this technique, more delay can be saved. Thus, it is possible to define larger radii of exemption, reducing partially the drawbacks associated with smaller radii.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    The truncation algorithm in the reassignment of landing slots

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    학위논문 (석사)-- 서울대학교 대학원 : 경제학부, 2014. 2. 전영섭.When an airport's preexisting landing schedule becomes inefficient mainly due to inclement weather, the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) in the United States aims to create a new queue that does not waste airport landing slots, considering airlines' incentives. Although the incentive to report delays is satisfied by the compression algorithm currently used by the FAA, it fails to give airlines the incentive to report cancellations. This paper gives an alternative mechanism, called the truncation algorithm, that satisfies the two incentive conditions above. Further, we show that the truncation algorithm satisfies desirable properties such as nonwastefulness and individual rationality.1 Introduction 2 Preliminaries 3 The truncation algorithm 4 Properties of the truncation algorithm 5 Comparison with other algorithms 6 Concluding remarksMaste

    SkyCSR: Optimal Communication Methods for Coordinating Ground Support in a Private and General Aviation Setting

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    Delays due to miscommunication of between the pilot and ground service providers are increasing. The objective of this project is to develop a new method of communication between pilots, line service technicians and customer service agents. This will be achieved first through an investigation into current methods and state of the industry, followed by a survey conducted with a group of pilots and flight schools. This culminates in a web application that will take the deficiencies identified in the survey, to make sure ground service or fuel orders are explicitly clear and minimize the probability of a mis-fueling, overlooked fueling, or anything else that could cause a delayed ground service and unhappy customer. The web application, named SkyCSR was developed in Visual Studio in an ASP.NET environment. It has an area for FBO’s to login and view inbound arrivals as well as upcoming fuelings. The application also has a place for pilots to input their ground service needs and also a separate page for fuel orders. During the two iterations, the web application received positive feedback, with most of those who reviewed it saying it would be useful to have. The down fall, is that pilots use so many apps already that it is difficult to get a stand-alone app, like this one, off the ground so to speak. The recommendation for this web application would be to try an integrate it with already existing applications and websites (i.e. ForeFlight, FltPlan.com) that are already widely used and have saturated the pilot market, but not yet developed a side for the Fixed Base Operators

    Macroscopic Model and Simulation Analysis of Air Traffic Flow in Airport Terminal Area

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    We focus on the spatiotemporal characteristics and their evolvement law of the air traffic flow in airport terminal area to provide scientific basis for optimizing flight control processes and alleviating severe air traffic conditions. Methods in this work combine mathematical derivation and simulation analysis. Based on cell transmission model the macroscopic models of arrival and departure air traffic flow in terminal area are established. Meanwhile, the interrelationship and influential factors of the three characteristic parameters as traffic flux, density, and velocity are presented. Then according to such models, the macro emergence of traffic flow evolution is emulated with the NetLogo simulation platform, and the correlativity of basic traffic flow parameters is deduced and verified by means of sensitivity analysis. The results suggest that there are remarkable relations among the three characteristic parameters of the air traffic flow in terminal area. Moreover, such relationships evolve distinctly with the flight procedures, control separations, and ATC strategies

    Mechanisms for Trajectory Options Allocation in Collaborative Air Traffic Flow Management

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    Flight delays are primarily due to traffic imbalances caused by the demand for airspace resource exceeding its capacity. The capacity restriction might be due to inclement weather, an overloaded air traffic sector, or an airspace restriction. The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), the organization responsible for air traffic control and management in the USA, has developed several tools known as Traffic Management Initiatives (TMI) to bring the demand into compliance with the capacity constraints. Collaborative Trajectory Option Program (CTOP) is one such tool that has been developed by the FAA to mitigate the delay experienced by flights. Operating under a Collaborative Decision Making (CDM) environment, CTOP is considered as the next step into the future of air traffic management by the FAA. The advantages of CTOP over the traditional the TMIs are unequivocal. The concerns about the allocation scheme used in the CTOP and treatment of flights from the flight operators/airlines have limited its usage. This research was motivated by the high ground delays that were experienced by flights and how the rerouting decisions were made in the current allocation method used in a CTOP. We have proposed four alternative approaches in this thesis, which incorporated priority of flights by the respective flight operator, aimed at not merely reducing an individual flight operator’s delay but also the total delay incurred to the system. We developed a test case scenario to compare the performances of the four proposed allocation methods against one another and with the present allocation mechanism of CTOP


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    Population growth and economic development lead to increasing demand for travel and pose mobility challenges on capacity-limited air traffic networks. The U.S. National Airspace System (NAS) has been operated near the capacity, and air traffic congestion is expected to remain as a top concern for the related system operators, passengers and airlines. This dissertation develops a number of model reformulations and efficient solution algorithms to address resource allocation problems in air traffic flow management, while explicitly accounting for equitable objectives in order to encourage further collaborations by different stakeholders. This dissertation first develops a bi-criteria optimization model to offload excess demand from different competing airlines in the congested airspace when the predicted traffic demand is higher than available capacity. Computationally efficient network flow models with side constraints are developed and extensively tested using datasets obtained from the Enhanced Traffic Management System (ETMS) database (now known as the Traffic Flow Management System). Representative Pareto-optimal tradeoff frontiers are consequently generated to allow decision-makers to identify best-compromising solutions based on relative weights and systematical considerations of both efficiency and equity. This dissertation further models and solves an integrated flight re-routing problem on an airspace network. Given a network of airspace sectors with a set of waypoint entries and a set of flights belonging to different air carriers, the optimization model aims to minimize the total flight travel time subject to a set of flight routing equity, operational and safety requirements. A time-dependent network flow programming formulation is proposed with stochastic sector capacities and rerouting equity for each air carrier as side constraints. A Lagrangian relaxation based method is used to dualize these constraints and decompose the original complex problem into a sequence of single flight rerouting/scheduling problems. Finally, within a multi-objective utility maximization framework, the dissertation proposes several practically useful heuristic algorithms for the long-term airport slot assignment problem. Alternative models are constructed to decompose the complex model into a series of hourly assignment sub-problems. A new paired assignment heuristic algorithm is developed to adapt the round robin scheduling principle for improving fairness measures across different airlines. Computational results are presented to show the strength of each proposed modeling approach

    Decision making under uncertainties for air traffic flow management

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    A goal of air traffic flow management is to alleviate projected demand-capacity imbalances at airports and in en route airspace through formulating and applying strategic Traffic Management Initiatives (TMIs). As a new tool in the Federal Aviation Administration\u27s NextGen portfolio, the Collaborative Trajectory Options Programs (CTOP) combines many components from its predecessors and brings two important new features: first, it can manage multiple constrained regions in an integrated way with a single program; second, it allows flight operators to submit a set of desired reroute options (called a Trajectory Options Set or TOS), which provides great flexibility and efficiency. One of the major research questions in TMI optimization is how to determine the planned acceptance rates for airports or congested airspace regions (Flow Constrained Areas or FCA) to minimize system-wide costs. There are two important input characteristics that need to be considered in developing optimization models to set acceptance rates in a CTOP: first, uncertain airspace capacities, which result from imperfect weather forecast; second, uncertain demand, which results from flights being geographically redistributed after their TOS options are processed. Although there are other demand disturbances to consider, such as popup flights, flight cancellations, and flight substitutions, their effect on demand estimates at FCAs will likely be far less than that of rerouting from TOSs. Hence, to cope with capacity and demand uncertainties, a decision-making under uncertainty problem needs to be solved. In this dissertation, three families of stochastic programming models are proposed. The first family of models, which are called aggregate stochastic models and are formulated as multi-commodity flow models, can optimally plan ground and air delay for groups of flights given filed route choice of each flight. The second family of models, which are called disaggregate stochastic models and directly control each individual flight, can give the theoretical lower bounds for the very general reroute, ground-, and air-holding problem with multiple congested airspace regions and multiple route options. The third family of models, called disaggregate-aggregate models, can be solved more efficiently compared with the second class of models, and can directly control the queue size at each congested region. Since we assume route choice is given or route can be optimized along with flight delay in a centralized manner, these three families of models, although can provide informative benchmarks, are not compatible with current CTOP software implementation and have not addressed the demand uncertainty problem. The simulation-based optimization model, which can use stochastic programming models as part of its heuristic, addresses the demand uncertainty issue by simulating CTOP TOS allocation in the optimization process, and can give good suboptimal solution to the practical CTOP rate planning problem. Airline side research problems in CTOP are also briefly discussed in this dissertation. In particular, this work quantifies the route misassignment cost due to the current imperfect Relative Trajectory Cost (RTC) design. The main contribution of this dissertation is that it gives the first algorithm that optimizes the CTOP rate under demand and capacity uncertainty and is compatible with the Collaborative Decision Making (CDM) CTOP framework. This work is not only important in providing much-needed decision support capabilities for effective application of CTOP, but also valuable for the general multiple constrained airspace resources multiple reroutes optimization problem and the design of future air traffic flow management program

    Coordinated and robust aviation network resource allocation

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    In the United States, flight operators may schedule flights to most airports at whatever time best achieves their objectives. However, during some time periods, both at airports and in the airspace, these freely-developed schedules may become infeasible because weather or other factors reduce capacity. A plan must then be implemented to mitigate this congestion safely, efficiently, and equitably. Current planning processes treat each congested resource independently, applying various rules to increase interoperation times sufficiently to match the reduced capacity. However, several resources are occasionally congested simultaneously, and ignoring possible dependencies may yield infeasible allocations for flights using multiple resources. In this dissertation, this problem of developing coordinated flight-slot allocations for multiple congested resources is considered from several perspectives. First, a linear optimization model is developed. It is demonstrated that optimally minimizing flight arrival delays induces an increasing bias against flights using multiple resources. However, the resulting allocations reduce overall arrival delay, as compared to the infeasible independent allocations, and to current operational practice. The analytic properties of the model are used to develop a rule-based heuristic for allocating capacity that achieves comparable aggregate results. Alternatively, minimizing delay assigned at all resources is considered, and this objective is shown to mimic the flights' original schedule order. Recognizing that minimizing arrival delays is attractive because of its tangible impact on system performance, variations to the original optimization model are proposed that constrain the worst-case performance of any individual user. Several different constraints and cost-based approaches are considered, all of which are successful to varying degrees in limiting inequities. Finally, the model is reformulated to consider uncertainty in capacity. This adds considerable complexity to the formulation, and introduces practical difficulties in identifying joint probability distributions for the capacity outcomes at each resource. However, this new model is successful in developing more robust flight-slot allocations that enable quick responses to capacity variations. Each of the optimization models and heuristics presented here are tested on a realistic case study. The problem studied and the approaches employed represent an important middle ground in air traffic flow management research between single resource models and comprehensive ones

    Slot Trading Opportunities in Collaborative Ground Delay Programs

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